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Hoseok had been sitting in the waiting room for the whole night. He couldn't sleep or even think about eating because the only thing in his mind was Hyungwon.

When he had walked home from work and seen person laying unconscious in the streets, he had just asked "Sir?"

When he had gotten closer and recognized the face that hadn't passed his thoughts even once during the whole time he had been working non-stop, he had unconsciously screamed "Hyungwon!" and dropped on his knees next to the body.

He couldn't believe what he had done. To be able to live comfortably himself, he had abandoned his friend. He had been working so much that he didn't even remember Hyungwon until he saw the guy beaten up, looking like he was almost dead already.

He was now holding Hyungwon's phone in his hand. There was no word from the doctors so there were nothing else he could do anymore than to try contact Hyungwon's parents.

He unlocked the phone and started going through contacts. Hyungwon didn't have many of them and the first thing Hoseok saw was 'Friend'.

It was his number. He had saved it under that name and apparently Hyungwon never changed it.

Hoseok's mind got filled with even more self-hate.

After getting himself together. He tried to call Hyungwon's parents. Neither of them answered. Then he called Aunt Park, whom Hyungwon had once talked about. 

Aunt said he was on a vacation but would take the next flight and be here in a day.

Then the doctor came.

Hoseok couldn't really catch anything she said except "He is okay for now."

"Thanks", he whispered, not even looking at her.

"He is still asleep but you can see him if you want", she said and left after giving the room number.

Hoseok didn't know what to do. He wanted to see Hyungwon so bad. He wanted to apologize and ask for another change but he was embarrassed.

His phone rang and he looked to see his boss from a convenience store he worked at, calling because he was late. Instead of answering, he walked to Hyungwon's room.

Hyungwon wasn't asleep anymore when Hoseok arrived to his room. He had a cast around his neck and his whole face was covered in bruises. He turned to see who came.

"What are you doing here?" Hyungwon asked. His voice was rough but careful like usual.

"I brought you here", Hoseok answered and walked closer to sit on the chair next to Hyungwon's bed.

"You did? What about Kihyun?" Hyungwon looked confused. Hoseok noticed that Hyungwon tried not to show that he was hurting.

"What about him?" Hoseok acted like he didn't notice because he knew that Hyungwon hated being the center of attention.

"He was supposed to come back."

It took a while for Hoseok to realize it and when he did, his mouth dropped open. Hyungwon had gotten back to his old friends. He quickly gathered his thoughts. "Hyungwon, they're not your friends. They will never be."

"But I paid them", Hyungwon's voice cracked.

"Why would you do that."

"You abandoned me", he looked like he was about to cry and Hoseok felt regretful. "And I couldn't be alone anymore."

Hoseok got quiet and just hugged him before he would actually start crying. Hyungwon got scared of the sudden touch and tried to push him away but then decided to just let it happen.

"I'm back now. I promise I will never leave you again", Hoseok whispered, caressing Hyungwon's back.

"Where were you", Hyungwon sobbed. 

"I got fired so I had to work for a while", Hoseok didn't want to lie so he just told the truth. "It's all good now. I'm here."

He let go of Hyungwon after a while.

"I'm sorry this happened to you. I called your Aunt and she is coming to see you", he said.

"What about my parents?"

Hoseok just shook his head.

Doctor came in. She took Hyungwon's cast off and disconnected him from the machine next to him.

"Can I talk to you for a second?" she asked from Hoseok and walked back out.

Hoseok looked at Hyungwon who just nodded as a sign that he didn't mind.

"Your friend got beaten up badly", the doctor said when they were alone. "It's a relief that he is okay but there is one thing I'm worried about."

"What is it?"

"There was no sings of self-defense on his body", she continued.

"So, what?" Hoseok wasn't sure if he understood it correctly because you can never know with doctors.

"It means that he didn't defend himself at all."

"Okay", he didn't know what to say.

"Anyways, he can go home now but someone needs to look after him for a few days because he had a minor head trauma, do you know what that is?"

Hoseok felt like he was being treated like a kid.

"There might be amnesia, nausea, concentration troubles or other symptoms like that but they should go away in a short time. Also it is absolutely prohibited to do any work or use computer or phone until the symptoms fade", she explained and then left.

Hoseok went back to Hyungwon's room. "Are you ready to go home?" he asked.


They didn't really talk at all during the way home. Hoseok, who now already knew where Hyungwon lived, led their way since Hyungwon seemed to be a bit out of it.

"You should give your Aunt a call that you are okay and she doesn't need to rush", Hoseok said as they were walking from a bus stop to Hyungwon's house. He gave the phone to Hyungwon.

"Later", Hyungwon said simply and took the phone.

Hoseok followed his every motion carefully. He couldn't understand how Hyungwon was so much himself in a situation like this. "Hyungwon", he started to gain the guy's attention.


"Nothing", he continued quickly and looked away. He didn't really know what to say because there was so many things he wanted to. He needed to have a long talk with Hyungwon but now was not the time. "We're here. Do you have key?"

Hyungwon opened the door and let Hoseok go inside first. He walked to the living room and sat on the couch.

"I'm gonna make some food for us", Hoseok said and went to the kitchen. He opened the refrigerator door and suddenly felt hungry as he saw all the food that was there. With everything he knew about cooking - that was not much - he started to make something.

At some point Hyungwon came to the kitchen and sat next to the table to watch Hoseok cooking.

"Hyungwon", Hoseok started again, making Hyungwon startled because he had thought that Hoseok hadn't noticed him. "Why you forgave me so easily."

"Because I like you more than Kihyun and the others", Hyungwon answered.

Hoseok just smiled and continued cooking.


okay i admit this is trash

sorry there is lotta shit going on rn

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