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to all of you not angst lovers, i have alternative chapter coming soon


As Hoseok was taken to the emergency room so the medics could try to save his life, Hyungwon was forced to leave behind and wait in the waiting room.

He had already stopped crying and was just quietly sniffling every now and then. It took him a while to convince himself that Hoseok would be fine and he didn't need to worry. Hoseok was brave and determined and he wouldn't die if he didn't want to.

After gathering enough strength, Hyungwon took the phone he was holding - it was Hoseok's - and looked at the lock screen for a while, figuring out what the password could be.

He didn't know Hoseok's birthday so instead of that, he tried some random number combinations that came to his mind. He even tried his own birthday but the phone stayed locked - Hoseok probably didn't know his birthday either. After trying for a while, a series of numbers finally came into Hyungwon's mind and he managed to open the phone.

"So cheesy..." he muttered with a small smile on his face because the magical number that had unlocked the phone had been the day they had became official as a couple.

He saw the picture they had taken together at the mall before Christmas as Hoseok's wallpaper but tried not to look at it, fearing that Hoseok's face would make him tear up again, and went to the contacts.

"Hello Hyangsook, this is Hyungwon. Something happened to Hoseok..." Hyungwon started his call to a contact named Little Bitch. For some reason he managed to guess it was Hoseok's sister.

After a short call with Hyangsook, Hyungwon continued sitting in the waiting room, his arms wrapped around his knees that were pressed close to his chest.

Only fifteen minutes later, Hyangsook, who had said that she was close to the hospital, arrived running. Hyungwon lifted his head from his knees when he heard her coming.

"Is Hoseok okay? What happened to him?" she bombed Hyungwon with questions before even sitting down.
She sounded really worried but was trying to hide it. Besides good looks and humor, she and Hoseok had other things in common too, such as acting tough.

"I don't know," Hyungwon managed to let out and almost started crying immediately when he even thought about what condition he might possibly be in. "He was saving one girl from getting hit by a car but ended up getting hit himself," Hyungwon explained the situation that had only dawned to him a while ago.

"Damn it, that bastard. Why does he always need to play hero," Hyangsook cursed and looked away from Hyungwon, squeezing her fist together.

Some people came out from the emergency room Hoseok had went in and Hyungwon immediately stood up when he noticed them. One of them stopped in front of him but the others kept going to the other direction. From the expressions on their faces Hyungwon should have guessed that the news he would heard wouldn't be good but he was too hopeful to notice it.

"Which one of you is his guardian?" the doctor asked. Hyungwon and Hyangsook glanced at each other and then said "I am," in sync.

"I'm his sister," Hyangsook cleared and Hyungwon didn't say anything but just looked away. "Is he going to be okay?"

"The thing is that he passed away almost as soon as he arrived here. We didn't manage to bring him back to life," the doctor explained in the nicest way he could.

"Is that your professional way of saying he is dead?" Hyangsook suddenly raised her voice. She was still trying to act tough although her tone was cracking. Hyungwon was staring into blank space in front of him and his brains were not yet able to register the doctor's words.

"If you want, you can still see his body," the doctor finished before leaving to where the others had headed to too.

"Why would I want-!" Hyangsook started shouting after the doctor but stopped when she didn't get any reaction. She let out a deep sigh. "Well I'm not going to see my older brother's dead body," she then said to Hyungwon, still trying to sound chill but when she walked away, Hyungwon could hear her break into heavy tears.

Hyungwon still hadn't moved or opened his mouth and was just staring into the void with the feeling of his body getting heavy and all the noises disappearing from around him. His feet started to lead him towards the room.

Hoseok was laying there with his upper body naked because his shirt had been cut open so they could try to resurrect him. To Hyungwon, it looked like he was sleeping.

"Hoseok, what is this. They said you are gone," Hyungwon spoke while slowly walking closer to the guy. "It's not true, is it?"

Obviously Hoseok couldn't reply but Hyungwon kept talking as if he would. It made him stay calm at least for now.

"You promised you would never leave me again," Hyungwon fell down as soon as he got to Hoseok and the tears started flowing from his eyes harder than ever. He leaned against Hoseok's arm and stained the fabric of his sleeve from tears. "You just said you love me."

Hyungwon felt betrayed and he kept crying against Hoseok's arm. After he had finally decided to trust Hoseok, his trust had been failed again like this. He cried about why Hoseok had to have such a good heart that he tried to save that girl.

"You are coming back, right? You have always came back," Hyungwon asked in between sobs. He raised his head up and locked his fingers together with Hoseok's, whose hand wasn't warm like it usually was.

Hyungwon leaned closer to kiss Hoseok's cheek. When he slowly pulled away with high hopes to see Hoseok open his eyes, he experienced a sad disappointment.

"Why you always do this to me! Why do you leave me!" he yelled and felt like hitting Hoseok but didn't dare to. He got up and turned around to run out of the hospital.

He knew Hoseok didn't intend on dying and it had just happened accidentally. Hoseok would have always tried to keep himself alive because he didn't want Hyungwon to be alone ever again. He knew that Hyungwon couldn't survive a day without Hoseok in his life.

Hyungwon walked along the streets towards his own home without paying any attention to the few other people out that late who had to give him way as he didn't evade them.

Someone had to grab him by his jacket as he wad about to walk over the street when the light was red - he wasn't trying to get hit by a car like Hoseok had, he just didn't notice it when he kept walking with a dead stare in his eyes.

It was almost four in the morning when he finally came home. He could only make it to the living room when he saw that couch he and Hoseok had once slept in and it reminded him of Hoseok so he broke to tears for the third time during that night. He fell to the ground on his knees and leaned against the armrest of the couch, loud sounds of crying coming out of his mouth.

"Hyungwon?" his mother, who had woken up to the sound of someone coming in and came to check, asked with worry in her voice. "Why are you here?"

As soon as she saw her son weeping on the floor, she rushed to him and knelt down next to him to embrace him.

"Mom..." Hyungwon cried and buried his face on his mother's shoulder.

"What happened? Did that bastard do something?" she questioned, rubbing circles on Hyungwon's back calmly.

"Yes... H-he left me," Hyungwon managed to say, tears flowing heavily down his face and his eyes burning. "He is gone, mom."

"Oh, dear," his mother whispered and the truth came to her without Hyungwon having to say it directly. She didn't let out any 'I told you so's nor did she try to deny Hoseok's death because it never worked that way. She just rested her chin on top of Hyungwon's head, not stopping to soothe his back.

"It hurts so much I feel like I'm going to die."


i mean im not angst genius but i tried my best

im omw to see block b so enjoy this while i enjoy my faves

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