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tooru you said i won't update in another three weeks so here hold this L for me


"Have fun at school!" Hoseok yelled to Hyungwon who was already walking away with his backpack and school uniform. He was really bright and brave even though he had been restless and anxious the night before and Hoseok had had to cuddle him to sleep.

"Are you going to work today?" Hyungwon asked, having to raise his voice a bit because he was already far from Hoseok who was tip-toeing on the cold concrete next to the front door with only socks on.

"Yes but I will come to pick you up from school!" was the last thing Hoseok yelled before Hyungwon was so far that he couldn't reply anymore.

Hyungwon got on the bus and made it to school in peace. There were few other students too but all of them were in a different grade so they didn't really know Hyungwon. When he got to the classroom, he sat to his usual place in the middle. Few of his classmates were already there and they gave him a weird look. 

"Look who is back", Hyungwon heard and didn't even have to look to know that Jooheon just came to sit next to him. From Kihyun's group of friends, only Jooheon and Changkyun were in the same class.

Hyungwon tried not to pay any attention to him just as Hoseok had suggested but it turned out to be really hard.

"Are you still friends with that handsome dude?" Jooheon asked, coming way too close to Hyungwon. "I heard you ran back to him after getting hit."

Hyungwon didn't say anything and tried to pretend that he was doing homework.

Jooheon ended up sitting in that place for the whole day, making the girl who usually sat there having to move next to Changkyun. He picked on Hyungwon non-stop and the guy endured it, thinking about how soon he would see Hoseok and it would make him feel better.

After gym class that Hyungwon didn't participate in, Jooheon and Changkyun dragged him along to the roof of the school building. Hyungwon knew that they hung around there often but he had never been there himself.

Kihyun and Minhyuk, who were a year older than the others, were there too. Neither of them looked happy to see Hyungwon and Kihyun seemed to be even more anxious about it.

"It felt totally great to have a week in school without trash", Changkyun said to Hyungwon who was standing alone in front of the rest of them. Compared to the bright self he was with Hoseok, this Hyungwon was small and powerless. That was the way he dealt with being attacked, he hid in a shell.

Jooheon poked Hyungwon's shoulder and he flinched a little, moving one step away.

"What does Hoseok do?" Kihyun asked suddenly because truthfully he had been interested a long time. "Oh right, I heard he is a dropout", he said after Hyungwon didn't answer.

"Who is bigger, him or Minhyuk?" Jooheon asked and Hyungwon dared to look at Minhyuk to see him smiling.

Hyungwon became too uncomfortable and he just couldn't handle it anymore so he turned around and ran off the roof. No one followed him but he could hear Minhyuk laughing. He went back to classroom and hoped that he could last just two hours because then he would get home from school.


While Hyungwon was in school, Hoseok packed his stuff. He had found a really cheap and small apartment downtown and because he knew he couldn't stay in Hyungwon's house, he had to go. Now that Hyungwon was in school, it would be to suspicious of Hoseok stayed there.

He didn't want to leave but he knew he had no choice. He sneaked the two boxes of his stuff out of the house so Hyungwon's parents wouldn't notice and walked with them all the way to his new house. It wasn't far, just half an hour walk.

He set his stuff in the middle of the one room apartment and looked around a little. There was a bed that had been part of the deal, really small kitchen and a bathroom. It was ideal for him since he lived alone and had little to no money.

He took all his money out and sat on the floor to start calculating it. He had total of almost two hundred and subtracting the thirty percent he needed to give to his boss from the friend rental service money, he would have about than hundred and fifty left. There was still a week left until he would get his paycheck from the library. The apartment rental was due to that same evening or Hoseok would be homeless before even actually owning the place, that was why he was happy when his boss called, telling that he had work to do.

Hoseok didn't even unpack and left to work. He walked few blocks to a cafe, the same one he and Hyungwon had once been in.

"Hello", he greeted and introduced himself to a girl who had to be about the same age as him. Maybe a year or two younger.

"Hi", she said awkwardly and cracked a smile. Hoseok usually had that effect on girls. She slid Hoseok sixty thousand won and a smile came to Hoseok's lips too because this was exactly what he needed. And besides, three hours with a pretty girl wasn't nearly as bad as with some old dude.

They spent almost an hour at the cafe, talking about this and that. Hoseok found out that the girl was an outsider at school and he wondered why since she was so nice.

"I read books often too since I work at a library?" Hoseok told when their conversation had escalated to hobbies and she had revealed that she liked sci-fi novels.

"Oh really? I have never seen you there before", she said with confused smile on her face.

"Well if you do some day, come and say hi and I can recommend you something."

Next they walked to the bowling place close by. Hoseok had been there too many times before, once with Hyungwon too, but didn't say anything about it because he knew he was still bad at bowling.

She was really excited about bowling and had done one time before. She ended up being really good at it and won Hoseok by over a hundred points. This time Hoseok wasn't even trying to lose on purpose.

"You're amazing", Hoseok said when the game had ended and she was celebrating her victory.

"We can come here again and I will teach you my ways", she playfully winked at Hoseok who laughed.

"Do you still want to go somewhere?" Hoseok asked. "There is still twenty minutes left."

"No, it's fine", she said with a smile that had been on her face for non-stop. "Maybe I can use those twenty minutes some other day?"

"Sure", Hoseok shrugged. She seemed nice so he wouldn't mind being with her more often. "I can give you my number so it will be easier to contact me."

She lend her phone to Hoseok who quickly inserted his number and then pressed call so her number would appear to his phone too. "Thanks", she said and saved the number. "You're the kindest person I have ever met."

Hoseok almost blushed even though he heard that often. Usually the people who said it were much older so maybe that was why this was different. "I don't think I ever caught your name?"

"Oh, it's Jiyoung."

Hoseok saved the number to his phone too so he would be sure to answer when Jiyoung called. He didn't look at the other missed calls he had and turned back to the girl.

"See you soon", she waved Hoseok goodbye and walked away.

"Bye!" Hoseok yelled after her and then headed elsewhere to meet up with one last person for the day before he would have to go home and pay his rent.

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