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Hoseok and Hyungwon arrived to the same McDonalds they had already been several times - and where they first met.

Hoseok sat on the same seat he usually sat and followed as Hyungwon waited in the line to buy them some chicken nuggets.

Hyungwon looked uneasy as he stood there. Hoseok always watched him carefully and noticed that Hyungwon seemed to be really nervous when he ordered something and looked like he was mentally preparing himself before it. Now in the other hand, he was playing with his wallet more than usual and Hoseok wondered if it was because of what happened before.

Hyungwon had acted like he was cool with his ex having new buddy and also calling him 'a toy' which had made Hoseok more mad than ever before. Hyungwon always acted like he was cool with all the bad things that happened to him and it made Hoseok worry.

Hoseok knew Hyungwon couldn't be totally fine but there was nothing he could do. It wasn't even his business.

Hyungwon came back with the Team Box and acted like he didn't notice Hoseok staring at him. He ate a few nuggets in peace. Hoseok didn't eat and just continued staring at Hyungwon who still seemed off.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah", Hyungwon shrugged and dipped another one.

"Hyungwon", Hoseok sighed. "Just remember that I'm your friend."

"You might be my friend but I'm not your friend", Hyungwon said quietly and dropped the nugget he was holding.


"I'm just someone who pays to you to act like my friend", if he wasn't so socially awkward, he would've been angry and raised his voice at this situation. To speak his mind was already a huge accomplishment to him.


"I thought it would get better even with another fake friendship but I was wrong", Hyungwon himself was surprised by his words.

Hoseok didn't know what to say.

"I won't contact you anymore", Hyungwon stood up and walked out, peacefully to not get too much attention.

Hoseok followed him, grabbing one nugget with him because he was hungry after all. "Hyungwon", he yelled at the guy walking fast to the bus stop.

Hyungwon didn't stop but he slowed down a little so Hoseok caught him easily and grabbed his arm to stop him.

"You can't do this to yourself", Hoseok breathed, trying to stay calm because there was few other people around them. "You know it yourself that you need a friend."

Hyungwon couldn't stay anything because he knew Hoseok was right.

"You don't have to pay me no more. It's not my job to be with you. I'm just your friend", Hoseok said with a deep voice.

"You don't have to do this", Hyungwon muttered.

"Yes I do. I want to be your friend", Hoseok just smiled cheerfully. "Let me walk you home."

"It's fine, I'll take the bus."

"I said I'll come with you", he almost demanded and took Hyungwon's hand.


The bus drive was silent and Hoseok didn't let go of Hyungwon's hand which made the guy uncomfortable but he couldn't do anything about it.

They got off in a spot that was really familiar to Hoseok. He saw the mansion he had once partied with group of girls close by.

"Is that he house you complained of", he asked pointing at that specific house even though the pieced had already gotten together and he had realized that the party Hyungwon had complained about was indeed the party Hoseok had attended.

"Yes, how did you know", Hyungwon started walking towards his own house. He had already gotten himself free from Hoseok's hold.

"It just looks like that type of house."

They walked inside of Hyungwon's house and were greeted by huge hall. Hoseok had always known Hyungwon was rich but he never knew he was this rich.

"You can go now", Hyungwon said when Hoseok was still with him.

"I just wanted to make sure you're okay", Hoseok didn't even notice that he was starting to take his shoes off.

"I'm okay. You didn't have to follow me inside of my house..."

"Oh..." he just then realized that he had probably gone too far. "I'll go now, then", he stuttered a bit and started to put his shoes back on. It just got really awkward.

"You don't have to", Hyungwon quickly said. "If you don't want to."


"You can stay here for the night", he was stuttering even more than Hoseok and probably blushing too.

Hoseok didn't want to deny the offer because he had a long way to walk back home. "Don't you have parents home?"

Hyungwon shook his head in a way that showed that he didn't want to talk about it.

"Okay then."


Hyungwon got a mattress from somewhere and made a bed for Hoseok to the floor next to his own, king-sized bed. He had once had a friend over before when he still had his old friends but it hadn't been a pleasant memory.

He sometimes thought if they were really his friends back then because they never wanted to hang out and he only saw his boyfriend in school. It had been kind of random relationship but Hyungwon hadn't realized it then because he had been so happy to have friends.

That had been the only time he had had friends so he didn't question it.

Hoseok explored Hyungwon's room that was quite empty but big. It was bigger than his own apartment.

"Bathroom is down the hall if you need it", Hyungwon said and climbed to his bed with a schoolbook in his hand.

"Okay", Hoseok decided not to walk around anymore and went to the bed in the floor that Hyungwon had made for him.

It was really comfortable and Hoseok wished that he would have something like it at home.

It came  quiet with only occasional sound of Hyungwon turning a page of his book and Hoseok just laying there quietly, staring at the ceiling.

"Don't think about them, Hyungwon", Hoseok said suddenly when Hyungwon was about to start sleeping already. He didn't see Hyungwon because he was on the floor but he could still sense what Hyungwon was doing and right now he was overthinking.

"I'm not."

"I know you are and I need you to stop it because I know it's killing you", Hoseok was calm but there was worry in his voice.

He heard Hyungwon sniffle. "I never realized that they weren't actually my friends."

Hoseok wanted to go there and hug him but knew that it could bee too much for Hyungwon who wasn't used to proximity and always flinched in simple touch.

Hyungwon buried his face in his blanket and tried his best to stop crying because he didn't want to show any weakness in front of Hoseok. He let out a muffled sound while he was trying to hold his breath to prevent himself from sobbing.

"It's okay Hyungwon, just cry it off", Hoseok said.

Hyungwon didn't cry but at some point fell asleep. Hoseok spent few hours looking at him and thinking about how hard his life must have been without no one to rely on.

If it hadn't been his business before, it was now.

There was nothing he needed to do more than to be Hyungwon's friend.

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