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When Hoseok got off from work, he hurried to Hyungwon's school to meet him there. He sat in the bus stop in front of the school gates and looked through the glass to see when people would start to flow out from there. It was the first time he had managed to leave from work in time so he wouldn't be late.

After five minutes, students started coming out. He didn't recognize almost any of them but when he saw Jooheon and Changkyun, he knew Hyungwon would come soon too. He stood up and walked closer to the gates so Hyungwon would see him.

"Oh look it's the manwhore," Hoseok heard Changkyun say while they walked past him with a mischievous smirks on their faces.

"W-what?" Hoseok stuttered and looked after them. He wasn't sure if what he just heard was right and whether it was actually directed at him.

He turned back to the gates and saw Hyungwon walking alone with his head hanging pretty low like usual.

"Hyungwon!" Hoseok yelled at him, trying to brush away the thought of Changkyun and Jooheon. Hyungwon raised his head to look at Hoseok who waved at him cheerfully. Hyungwon's look brightened immediately and he took a few running steps to Hoseok.

"What are you doing here again?" he asked with a small smile on his face.

"You ask that every time. I came to get you of course," Hoseok said and grabbed Hyungwon's hand from his pocket to hold it. They started walking towards Hoseok's apartment together. "Did you miss me at school?"

"Yeah..." Hyungwon shyly admitted and carefully looked towards Hoseok with a blush. Hoseok let out a small laugh at Hyungwon's awkwardness.

"I missed you too," he smugly said and his eyes met Hyungwon's. Hyungwon looked away and Hoseok noticed that he shivered. "Are you cold?"

Hyungwon nodded. Hoseok made them stop walking and turned Hyungwon to face him. He looked down, examining Hyungwon's body. Hyungwon was wearing a sweater on top of his uniform and he also had a big, long winter jacket.

"At least close your jacket, you dummy," Hoseok sighed and pulled Hyungwon's zipper all the way up. He took Hyungwon's hood with a fur on it and put it in his head. It was so big that it almost covered Hyungwon's eyes. "Cute," Hoseok let out. He grabbed Hyungwon's hand again and they continued walking.

Hyungwon was looking at Hoseok non-stop from under the big hood while they walked. Hoseok just smiled a little and pretended that he didn't notice it so Hyungwon wouldn't feel embarrassed and stop. When they reached the apartment and Hyungwon was followed by Hoseok to the bed so they could lay down together, he realized something wasn't right. Hoseok seemed unusually quiet and introverted. Hyungwon didn't want to sound too curious but he still felt need to ask about it.

"Is everything alright?" he carefully looked up to Hoseok who was laying behind him.

"Why?" Hoseok answered with another question as if to avoid the subject. He rested his head on his palm and was playing with Hyungwon's fingers with his free hand.

"You seem like something is bothering you," Hyungwon looked away after Hoseok didn't answer his gaze.

"It's just something I heard today. It's nothing, you don't need to worry," Hoseok's voice didn't sound all that convincing.

Hyungwon turned to lay on his other side so he was face-to-face with Hoseok. "Tell me about it. I want to know what's up with you for change."

"Uhm... Well today while I waited for you, Jooheon and Changkyun walked past me and they..." Hoseok was quite unsure with his words and he was stuttering a bit. "I heard them call me a manwhore that's all," he finally confessed.

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