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"Just come down like you got up there", Hoseok encouraged Hyungwon to get down from the tree when it was getting so dark that they needed to leave home. "I'll catch you if you fall."

"Will I fall?" Hyungwon sounded even more scared than when he had been while climbing up.

"Of course not", Hoseok let out a laugh that calmed Hyungwon's nerves. He got his feet on the lowest branch and then jumped down, letting out a yelp as he did so. He quickly covered his mouth.

Hoseok didn't say anything because he know Hyungwon was feeling embarrassed. He walked to the tree where Hyungwon's backpack was and took it.

"Let's go", he held his hand out for Hyungwon to grab it and they started walking back, Hoseok tightly holding Hyungwon's hand.

"Sunset looks so beautiful", Hyungwon said, admiring the colorful sky. Hoseok looked at him to see the expression on his face.

"I know", Hoseok smiled. "Do you see the sunset well from where you live?"

"Just as well as from where you live", Hyungwon turned his eyes away from the sunset to look at Hoseok as they walked.

"I bet", Hoseok laughed. "I can't see anything because there are buildings everywhere."

There was a silence while Hyungwon looked at the sunset for a while again before it disappeared behind some trees. "Nature's first green is gold", Hyungwon started with a hint of a smile on his lips.

"Her hardest hue to hold", Hoseok said next and got eye connection with Hyungwon.

"Nothing gold can stay", Hyungwon said the last and in his opinion the most meaningful lines of the poem and let out a long sigh.

"I know you were going to say that poem", Hoseok laughed and poked him in the side. Hyungwon flinched a little because it tickled.

"And I knew you would continue it."

"This is a weird connection. I never thought I would meet someone who was into same books as me", Hoseok said.

"To be honest, when I met you I would have never believed that you were like me", Hyungwon revealed.

"Was I that scary?" Hoseok winked one eye to Hyungwon who looked a bit abashed because of that.


"But now you know I'm not actually scary, right?" Hoseok threw his arm around Hyungwon's shoulders and pulled the guy closer. Hyungwon was taken aback by this action.

"Y-yeah", Hyungwon laughed uncomfortably. To be honest, Hoseok was scary sometimes and not only because of his looks. Getting hurt wasn't something Hyungwon was afraid of and he knew that Hoseok would never hurt him physically. Hoseok was too soft for that. Hyungwon was more afraid of getting hurt emotionally. That was why after Kihyun and before Hoseok he never got attached to anyone or let no one get close to him.

They got back to Hyungwon's place faster than they expected. Hyungwon opened the door which for some reason wasn't locked. He got a weird feeling because he remembered locking it. Maybe Aunt Park was back and had unlocked it.

Hyungwon led them in. "Is someone home?" he asked carefully. Hoseok looked at him to see if something was wrong because he didn't notice anything weird.

"Hyungwon baby!" they heard a woman voice and then someone with heels came towards them from the living room. It wasn't Aunt Park because Aunt had much deeper voice than this person.

"Who is that?" Hoseok whispered to Hyungwon's ear but then had to pull away when the woman came.

"I'm so glad you are okay", she said with a loud voice and pulled Hyungwon into a tight hug.

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