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Hoseok gave Hyungwon a smile and put his arm around Hyungwon, standing behind the guy who was a bit taller. He rested his head on Hyungwon's shoulder.

"Look!" Hyungwon pointed at two little girls running around with sparklers. They were giggling and drawing in the air with the sparkling tips.

"How cute," Hoseok smiled and followed the playing kids for a while. "Look up to the sky," he then said to Hyungwon when he saw fireworks going up. Hyungwon turned his head up just in time to see the fireworks exploding in the sky one after another, loud bangs coming a bit late compared to the explosions.

They looked at the fireworks for a moment, Hoseok still hugging Hyungwon from behind. At one point Hoseok took out his phone and noticed that there were only a few minutes left until the year would change. He turned Hyungwon around so that they were facing each other and put his arms under Hyungwon's jacket behind his back.

"Hyungwon," he started and looked at his boyfriend in the eyes for a while, figuring out what he would say. "I am so grateful you let me in your life and opened up to me. The past months I have known you have been amazing, even with all our ups and downs. I don't know where I would be right now if you weren't my boyfriend. I hope we can have many more years together and..."

Hyungwon blushed at Hoseok's cheesy words but couldn't help but smile. He was keeping the eye contact he had with Hoseok.

"I... I love you," Hoseok finished with a bit of a stutter but managed to say those three words.

Hyungwon had to look down and his smile grew even wider. Hoseok didn't say his love a lot compared to Hyungwon who mentioned it daily. "I love you more," Hyungwon looked back up to meet Hoseok's eyes again.

Hoseok looked around when he heard some people wishing happy new year to each other. He realized that it was already past midnight. "Happy new year," he said to Hyungwon and leaned closer to kiss him softly.

Hyungwon pulled Hoseok closer and kissed him back, trying to make the kiss much more heated. Hoseok was usually gentle and Hyungwon liked it but he knew Hoseok could be rough and passionate too and sometimes Hyungwon wanted that for a change.

"We can continue when we get home," Hoseok stopped him after noticing which way things were about to escalate.

"Okay," Hyungwon pouted. He turned back to the direction where the fireworks, which now were even more than before, were coming from.

When ten minutes of the new year had already passed, the fireworks were starting to fade away and now there were only few single ones every now and then. People were starting to leave because the main thing was now over.

"Shall we go back?" Hoseok asked and Hyungwon only gave him a small nod as a yes. Hoseok took his hand and they started walking along the other people to the direction they had came from.

They weren't rushing home, it wasn't that cold outside and the streets looked nice so they just enjoyed the walk together. Occasional loud bangs were still audible and every now and then Hyungwon turned his head to look at the sky in the hopes of seeing fireworks.

"Can we get pizza?" he suddenly asked and stopped on his tracks when they were about to pass a pizza place.

"Really? In the middle of the night?" Hoseok questioned.

"Yeah," Hyungwon confessed awkwardly and kept looking through the glass of the pizza place's door.

"Let's get pizza then," Hoseok let out a laugh and opened the door for Hyungwon so he could walk in first.

They bought two pizzas and continued the walk home, Hoseok carrying both of the pizzas - Hyungwon had wanted to carry them first because they were so warm and smelled nice but Hoseok had insisted on doing it, saying that he was the man in this relationship and it was his job to carry the heavy stuff.

"Hey, I'm a man too!" Hyungwon had complained and Hoseok eventually gave him one of the pizzas.

They arrived to Hoseok's place and sat down on his bed. Hyungwon turned the television on just in case there would be something good at that time. Both of them ate their own pizzas - they took separate ones because Hyungwon wanted pineapple on his and Hoseok couldn't understand how could someone touch a pizza that had fruit on top of it.

Hyungwon teased Hoseok with his pizza and Hoseok pretended to be disgusted every time his eyes landed on those pineapples.

"Take it away from me!" he yelled, burying his face on the bed as Hyungwon was trying to stick the pizza on his face. Hyungwon laughed and continued eating the pizza.

"Uhm, Hyungwon, I have been thinking about something," Hoseok started after a while and Hyungwon's blood ran cold after hearing those words.

"You are not breaking up with me, are you?" he asked nervously. Hoseok stared at him for a while and then cracked a laugh.

"Silly, why would I break up with you? Don't say things like that," Hoseok messed up Hyungwon's hair. Hyungwon looked down because he was embarrassed of himself for saying that but at the same time he was glad. "The thing is that I was thinking about quitting the friend rental service."

"Why would you quit it? It's your job," Hyungwon was even more dumbfounded to hear that because he knew how important the rental service was for Hoseok's income.

"I can find other jobs. The rental service only keeps me away from you and causes problems."

"Then do it if you want. I would be happy if you were home more," Hyungwon shrugged.

Hoseok put his hand behind Hyungwon's shoulders and puller him close so their faces were only few inches away from each other.

"And besides, I only need you as my friend in this life," he said with a wide smile on his face, staring into Hyungwon's eyes and examining his face. "My best friend and boyfriend, you."

Hyungwon had had enough of Hoseok's cheesiness for one night so he decided to shut him up by stuffing the pizza in his mouth.

"Yah! Pineapples!" Hoseok pushed Hyungwon away while yelling and leaning over the edge of the bed to spit the pizza out to the box that was laying on the ground.

"Love you!" Hyungwon tried to save himself with a sudden confession.

Hoseok attacked him and pinned him down on the bed on his back. "Do you think you will get away with that?" he tried to sound threatening but Hyungwon just kept giggling.

He gave a quick kiss on Hyungwon's lips and it made the guy stop laughing.

"Now how about we continue were we left off previously," Hoseok said with a suggestive smile and Hyungwon let out a 'oh my' while blushing a bit.

He wrapped his arms around Hoseok's neck and couldn't hold back a small giggle that escaped his mouth as Hoseok slowly leaned closer to him.


*wipes sweat* im out

lol this was even worse than the normal ending but at least they didn't die

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