Reload, and Heroin.

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Josh's P.O.V

We arrived back to my place after we decide to eat pizza.
I learned so much about Alex, it was unbelievable.
This time we walked back to her apartment this time. She sat on her couch, laughing.
"You were a stupid kid, Josh" she said in between laughs.
"Oh hush!" I said back to her, also laughing.
She calmed down a bit and turned on her tv. 'The Wheel Of Fortune' was playing.
"Really?" I laughed.
"I love this show!" She said, smiling.
I took a seat beside her, maybe a little too close to her.
She looked at me and smiled, so I was safe.
I wrapped my arm around her, and watch the horrible show.
As soon as someone guessed a word, she'd get really happy and exited.
She made me smile.
I loved seeing her happy.
I love seeing her smile.
I love seeing her.
I love being with her.
I love holding her hand.
I love talking with her.
I was lost in my thoughts when she poked my cheek lightly.
"Whatcha thinking about?" She asked.
"Hm? Oh um" my cheeks turned red.
"What are you thinking about, Josh? You seem concentrated" she said back to me, turning over slightly to look at me.
I love her eyes.
I love her smile.
I love the way her face lightly up when she smiles.
"Joooooosh" she said, giggling.
"Yeah, sorry" I said scratching the back of my neck.
"I'm just thinking about this girl..." I said carefully, not wanting her to know just yet.
"Oh! You like a girl? I though you still loved Amanda?" She asked.
"I'm over her... I found someone better, nicer, more beautiful... She's the package deal" I said, smiling.
"Tell me what she's like" she smiled.
"Well, she is clumsy, but she makes me laugh. She's gorgeous, and definitely the most beautiful girl I've ever met. She's kind, and sweet, and she's perfect." I told her, she smiled, but there was something wrong with her smile.
"Oh.. I hope you get her.." She said. I heard that she was hurt.
She turned around to watch tv, and moved away slightly from me.
"Alex..." I said.
I have to tell her I like her. I have to. Maybe she'll like me back? Maybe she'll want to go out with me?
Maybe she won't like me back. Maybe she just wants a friend. Maybe all she needs is a friend. I did turn her down once before, maybe she moved on.
"Hm?" She looked at me. With those picture perfect eyes of hers, full of emotion.
"I like you..." I said quietly, somehow hoping she wouldn't hear me.
"You what? You like me?" She said a little shocked.
"Yeah... A lot.." I said
"You told me you needed a friend, Josh" she sounded a little mad, but I'd understand.
"I..I.." I didn't know what to say to her.
She walked over to the door and opened it.
"Can you go? I need time for myself." She said. She was angry.
"Alex... " I said pleading for her to let me stay.
"Come back when you know what you want. When you'll stop playing with my heart." She said. She looked at me straight in the eyes. No emotion. Empty.
I got up and left.
I knew what I needed.
It's been a while, my old friend.

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