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Alex's p.o.v

That's when I knew it was over. He ruined everything. I started crying and stormed out of the room. That's when they stopped kissing and Josh looked at me.
"Shit" I heard him say. I heard footsteps behind me.
"Don't look back, just keep walking" I mumbled to myself. I walked and walked until I was out the door. I then realized I was outside and didn't know where to go. I decided to go back in the house to go get the car keys to go home, but as soon as I turned around, josh was standing right behind me, his hand on my shoulder. "Josh, leave me alone! all you ever do is ruin everything! This night was supposed to be fun!" at that point, I had giant tears rolling down my face and I haven't noticed. "You never seem to keep it in your pants! if I say no, it doesn't mean you can go around sleeping with other people!" I had officially broken down. tears rolled down my cheek and now I was all red and yucky.

"Listen. I'm sorry, ok.." honestly, it hurt me more to see that that was all Josh needed to say for this mistake. "You're what, sorry?! you fucking stir up all my emotions and tell me bullshit lies like 'you love me' and now you're with Amanda?! you told me you 'liked me now, not her' but like everything else, its a lie just so you can release your hormones." I ran passed him in the house and grabbed his keys out of my purse. "How am I gonna get home if you leave? let me drive us home, we can talk about this..." Josh said, in his soothing voice, the one I grew so accustomed with. I wanted so badly to let myself say 'yes, I want to fix things with you because I love you' but I couldn't. What Josh did was wrong, and I am hurting right now. "No. Find another way home." was all I was able to spit out before walks quite quickly to the car.

I got in and started the car, to see the one and only, Josh Ramsay banging on my window. I opened it. "Okay, Alex, I did do something wrong. I was with Amanda. I'm sorry. that's only because I was confused. You completely push me away so many times that I didn't know what to do-but I'm not saying this is your fault! its 100 percent my fault, I know that but I can't let you drive away because I really do love you, alright? I'm so so sorry... I am. But I need you to know that because I can't lose you as soon as I feel a very important, unique and lovely connection with someone." Josh said, with much passion and emotion in his voice. I just wanted to kiss him and tell him everything is alright, just 'cause that's how he can twist your feelings with his so manipulative ways of talking. "Alright, alright fine, fine..." I couldn't believe that i just let him off the hook for practically cheating on me. Maybe because I wasn't ready to deal with him or yet, or maybe just simply it was the alcohol.

Josh smirked and got in the car. the drive home was mostly Josh either trying to somewhat justify his actions or him making excuses and apologizing over and over again. i wasnt ready to deal with my boyfriend-boyfriend? At that moment all my thoughts drowned out Josh's words with the one question that still stands;

What were Josh and I?

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