Chapter seventeen: Arguments

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1 Day later

There was not much talking since yesterday just here and there an argument. And at the end of the second day I could not help but defend myself even though I was not capable of doing so physically, but still verbal. I was sitting on the ground and ropes were bound tight around my hands and knotted around the tree I leaned against.

" I will not break nor bow to you" I said proud.

"You have got quite a big mouth for someone how is tied up" he answered teasing

"Ropes can rip and chains can break" I hold against.

"Well if you have the stupidity to try to flee, don't think I will have mercy because you're a woman". And there it was again, he thought himself higher than others.

"I would not have pitty because you are men either. I said ensuring.

"Maybe I don't have to kill you at all and you'll die of your wounds" I said and shrugged my shoulder.

"You hope this will be the case? Well I have to disappoint you then, because I got medications for them"

"Where did you find it?" I asked suspicious.

"Find it? No I brought them along with me, from civilization"

"Than it won't be any use. Your civilized medicine might help you at home, but not here. It maybe cures your wounds when they were clean but now you slept on the gorund and crumbs of dirt got into it. You touched leafs you better should not have touched and their liquids got through your skin into your body. Your medicine won't be able to cure you." I ended smiling at him because even he had to admit I might right. "But I could help you. After all I am a local and know the plants around here. " I said offering

"And why on earth should you help me? Not a few minutes ago you said you would scratch my eyes out!"

I thought for a moment. He was right, I actually wanted to get but rid of him but I also had to plan ahead. It would take at least a few weeks until we reached any villages and I wouldn't come far alone and I was afraid I could run into some of the Klarasclan or even worse: my brother and Liam. The clan won't be pleased when they hear about Lamara. Some protection would be wise. Also he can't kill me. With out me he will get lost and die.

"I need a traveling companion" I sight and of course he answered overly surprised: "Oh dear Lord. The great woman warrior needs help! What a great day"

"You have quite a big mouth for someone who is poisoned" I repeated his words. "I don't believe you, not a word. If you think I'll cut you lose, you are deadly wrong." he said contemptuous. "Than wait until it becomes dangerous and we'll see who saves your sorry life."

"Show me where you are going and I'll see if it's my direction" He suddenly changed the subject and bent down, careful not to come too close. He held a map in front of me. It was a little old but for I could not read the writing. I pointed west by yerking my head in the direction of it. "There will be a village where I can take shelter and it is close to the end of the jungle so both of us will have a benefit of it."

It was not entirely true because I needed to go a bit more north but he didn't need to know that just yet. "How do I know you won't lead me into a trapp? The next village could be a few days away and you will kill me with your savage friends"

"As I said there is no close village and you won't find out of here by yourself anyway. It's a risk you have to take" I said shrugging.

"It seems so" he murmured angry under his breath.

"Fine! I agree. We are not killing each other. This is not a permanent peace be sure of that, but a temporarily one. And you will do as I say. If I think a way is unsave we won't go there got it?"

I couldn't believe I took orders from a human. But I simply answered: "Alright. No killing. Everyone listens to the human."

Later on the same day:

We were just passed the yellow flower fields when a stinging pain went through my leg. I froze and stood still, gasping and trying to not loose balance. When I didn't continue walking he turned around, anger already on his features.

"Come on we need to go on.  "We will go no where. We both need rest! Even if you can't admit it." I said angry. "We won't stop until the next point on the map" He replied stubborn. "We won't get far with your leg! I can see you dragging it, plus you are leaving huge tracks on the ground. You need help, I got to find you some herbs or it won't end well, for both of us I tried to explain. "I won't cut you lose so you can escape or kill me"

"Do you really think you would have survived if I wanted you dead?" I asked eyebrows raised. He just stared at me than said "You see? You want me dead, And you want me to trust you!?" "Fine even if you don't want a rest, I do!"

"I could not care less" And to underline his words he yerked the rope I was bound to forward. That's it. I thought I'm going to let him die.


I should have cut her throat when I had the chance! She was annoying and dangerous. I don't belive a word she's saying. My leg is alright, of course it hurts but I would never going to say that outloud. Why is she pretending that she wants to help me?

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