Chapter ten: Investigations

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Moons came and shrinked away and I couldn't find an answer. I had tried to be friends with Lamara and she seemed to be nice, open minded and funny. Yet sometimes I had the feeling that her smile would stay a little to long in her face and when I looked away I could swear that it would disappear in an instant. It was clear to me now that Ramon liked her more than just as a friend. He loved her and this hit me hard. Not that I didn't not want him to be happy, of course not! But I wanted him to be save above all. They spent a lot of time together, went hunting and she even was at the clanfires. I did not complain, I would not act before I wouldn't have evidence. One evening I wanted to clear it all up so I asked her if she would allow me to look at her wounds a last time, just to make sure everything was healed. She agreed and luckily Ramon was hunting so he could not interfere. I examined her whole body and absolutely nothing could show to what clan she belonged. She had no tattoos or special weapons nor any jewellery that could tell. Her legs looked good, but they had already a few moons ago. She could move her shoulder freely again, everything seemed to be attached in the right places and her head wound was closed. "I would like to check your insides, because even though your fever was a while ago I am still worried I missed something. I don't want anything happen to you because I was not careful enough." I explained sounding worried. She smiled knowingly "Of course I understand your trouble and although I don't think that I am wounded you should make sure, after all you were the one who took care of me so well." I hesitated, if she had something to hide why would she allow me. Well she did not know that I would try to search her mind. "Thank you that is very kind" I said quietly. I put my hands on her back. Only a string of clothes was across it holding the front part together. I closed my eyes and forced mine and her spirit open, this technique was rarely used, it was only for emergency situations, for example when someone got poisoned and doesn't know how or is unconscious. If I did it right she won't notice a thing. Images started to project before my inner eye. Of Lamara and what seemed her parents. The picture changed and they were in a big hut where the council met and I saw the sign of the Klarasclan on their skin, two crossed arrows. The words: "You have to succeed" echoed in my head. "Born for the task... Their council" mixed together. I opened my eyes breathing fast. " Is everything alright?" Lamara asked concerned. I pulled myself together. "Yes, I didn't mean to scare you, using my powers is sometimes a bit tiring. But it seems that you are alright. I am glad" she smiled "I am too, thank you for watching over me" "Nothing to thank me for, you belong with my brother now, it is my duty and my pleasure. I should return to my home now, there are herbs which need my attention and can only be mixed this night" I said apologetically. "Of course" she seemed to not have noticed anything. I made my way back but not to my home but to my fathers. I could not speak with Ramon, he could mot be reasoned with, his emotions clouded his judgement. I reached his house and I hoped he would be home, to my luck he was. "Father may I speak with you for a moment?" I asked now noticing that three others stood in the room. It was Liam and Sensei along with his wife Aschari. The fire made their tall shadows dance on the walls. I was startled " Merry meet" I bowed with my right hand over my heart. They returned the gesture. I could not help but to stare at Liam, he didn't change since I last saw him at Floras final journey all those years ago, only that the circles beneath his eyes seemed even darker. He was looking at me as well, staring up and down as if he was looking for something. "Yes of course, my guests were just leaving." All three of them walked passed me without a further word. Strange what were they doing here? But my father spoke on and I had no time to think about it any further. "What do you wish to discuss Kira?"he asked kindly. " I am here because of Lamara" I said and explained my concerns and everything is saw and heard since she arrived. He looked at me and did not interrupt until I ended, then he said: "We are not at war with the Klarasclan, and even if she comes from there why should she be our enemy?" "I know it seems strange but why doesn't she remembered her origin? Why doesn't she want us to know? If there is nothing to hide, she could have told us! And what of her words? At what must she succeed? And what about our council?" my voice full of concern "It could have been a regular conversation and you are interpreting it wrong. Ramon is close to her, wouldn't he have noticed if she had ill intentions?" he asked calm. Not if he is a love sick fool, I thought angry. "All I am saying is that I am worried, we should have a trial with the council just to be sure." I suggested. But my father looked serious. "We do not interrogate people on the knowledge of visions." I couldn't believe it, I was once again denied by my father. I knew that I couldn't change his mind so I said: "As you wish" and bowed and went out. Fine if he wouldn't listen I will talk to Lakota. She was a friend of my mother and a great warrior. She would listen and judge wisely. When she let me in, she was just cleaning her weapons. I started all over again and told her what my father said. She then answered:" You are right to be suspicious, my daughter. Yet we can not interrogate her, but you should keep an eye on her. We are peacefully with her Klan for now, but I am wondering as well if she really does not know her past or if she is lying. You  better don't tell your brother for he will tell her. We want her unknowing, if you find out anything, please come to me." I looked at her, glad that at least someone believed me. "I will Lakota"

Nothing suspicious happened for many rain circles until the day I heard the news of their plans to bond with each other. It was quite fast in my opinion. They didn't not know each other for a whole year yet they wanted to be together for a lifetime. I had almost given up on my theories, when one day I collected their clothes for cleaning; a special deed so they had more time to plan the rituals, I found something in her pocket, a little phial with one Rune carved on it, the Rune for death. I opened it carefully and I smelled the sweet sent of the green mauti fruit. It was poisonous, the tiniest bite would end with a quick death. Every child knew the smell of the deadly plants and had to memorize it. There was no way of being wrong. I put it back quickly, taking the cloths with me, I went down to the stream and the little pools surrounding the village. While washing, I was deep in thought and all the pieces seemed to fit together now. Lamara came here, pretending to know nothing of her past. She made Ramon fall in love with her and uses him to stay in our clan. Thinking about the vision once more she or her people want her to be in our council, which she could only achieve by getting rid of me, for I would be the next in line. The poison was for me to swallow. ... I had to make a plan.

I hope that you like the new chapters and that it was worth the waiting. From now on it should go more fluently :-)

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