Chapter eighteen: To the rescue

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The second day after they met:

The sun was almost down and I sat sleepy against a tree, and for the first time after two days I paid attention to the features of the human. He was tall and had broad shoulders. His face was shaped slightly sharp. And his hair was light brown and surely had seen tider days, for now it was hanging loosely around his face. Where there also was a beard showing. It was strange to see a human and not fighting against him.

Suddenly the human started to grunt and was holding his wounded leg. My first intention was to get up but I was still tied up.

"What is wrong?" I said anxious. "Some bloody snake bit me! " he spit out. And really, I saw some little movement of green and black on the ground disappearing into the bushes.

"Cut me loose! It's a Nyoka,  it might not kill you now but in a few moments you will be choking for air!."

"Liar" he pressed through his gridded teeth.

"Do you rather want to die than trust someone?! Cut me loose! Now!" He grabbed at his belt but he could not get up so he kicked his short knife over, I took it and cut the ropes. I remembered that we passed a big nyekundu mti (red tree). I got up and hurried as fast as I could with my leg. Even in the evening twilight I could make out the brown leafs that hung opon the huge tree with the red bark. I grabbed them and hurried back taking no longer than a few minutes. He sat there white as the moon and coughing his lungs out. I sat down let the leaves fall and picked up the water flask. I held it with my legs while I mashed the leafs in it. The water absorbed the whity milk that came out of them. I got up and gave it to him. " Take in slow breaths!" He looked at me with red, teary eyes. While he drank the hole bunch of it I said "You are lucky that it was a Nyoka, the antidote is quite simple, if it was a negro araña (black spider) it would have taken more than a few leafs to cure the bite." He gulped one last time and put down the flask. He looked at me relived and a spark of shame in his gaze. On his forhead ran drops of sweat and he still was still shaking slightly.

"You might feel the urge to be sick, but under no circumstances are you allowed to spit out the antidote. It needs time for your body to recover fully." I explained. He looked at me than suddenly said "How did you do that?" "What do you mean? The antidote? I live here and even if our kind is immune to a lot of poisons we aren't invincible." I answered. "No that's not what I ment. Why did you save me? You could have let me die easily, why didn't you?" He sounded really curious.

"If I let you die miserable in the dirt, I would loose the chance to beat you in a fair fight. You also could have killed me so I owed you and now we are even." I ended serious. "Thank you, really!" he said and it sounded like he ment it. "Sure, told ya I would save your sorry life" I said with a smirk. "But don't think this will change anything about your current situation. You are still my guide." He said all teasing gone. "You need to rest, before you go to sleep pull some leafes out of the flask and press them on the wound, they will clean all of the poison. Tomorrow I will take care of your leg and don't get to close to the grass."

Before he could respond something I got up, without turning around and lay, my back to him on the ground. Even if he thought nothing has changed I had the feeling it was not true. I saved him and even though it ment not much to him it ment a lot in my culture... But before I could think about it too much I fell into a deep dreamless sleep.

(3rd day)

When I woke the human was already awake. He did not really look good. From the dark circles beneath his eyes it seemed he hadn't slept at all. We needed a break. I to make new arm bandages and he for rest and to take care of his leg. When I sat up I said "Did you even get any sleep?" "Yes some hours, they will suffice" he answered. "Listen, we should stay here for today and continue tomorrow" " And why should we do that?" he asked one eyebrow rised. "I need to recover, make some new bandages for my arm and leg. And I should also help you with your arrow wound, if you wish to survive this journey." "And how long does it take for you to recover?" He asked inpatient, skipping the part about him. "A day, maybe even more" His eyes widend. "Are you serious? We don't have anymore food, neither water. Plus the fact that we will be discovered!" "From whom?" I asked, amusement in my voice. "Believe me, No one will come this way." "And what if you are wrong, what if some wild ones will find us?" he trew back at me "First you don't call them: wild ones. You call them "Kutzani" Then I will either negotiate with them, or if they are from an enemy tribe we will have to deal with them. But as I said we are off the normal paths. And I am sure if some humans show up you can talk to them about not killing me."

He crunched with his teeth. "That doesn't solve the food and water question. We should not stay out in the open" he said almost sounding worried.

"Look, I know you still do not trust me and if I were you, I would not either, but we will need our strength soon enough and can't afford to be injured any longer, so please this one time, follow my suggestion and let us rest today." "Alright agreed, that's the only favour you will get for saving my sorry life" And for the first time I saw him smile. Not a smirk or his arrogant curled lips, no a real sympathetic smile. "We need to organize, I will search the herbs and plants for our wounds. Do you know anything about the eat able plants here?" "Do you think I went here without any clue about my surroundings?" he sounded offendet "Alright than I will describe to you the food we need.

There are some Souri fruits that last quite long, they are dark violet in color and roundly shaped. You find them on middle high palms with farny leafs. Also take the flask with you and refile it" I ended. "And where should I find water? Have we crossed a stream which I missed?" He asked irony in his voice. "No, it's not that easy. It will not rain for the next few days until the next water circle starts. But there are broad white trees, you will have to search a bit until you find one I'm afraid, but I am sure you will be successful. Cut into one of them beneath the first branches and wait until a watery liquid drops down." I looked at him waiting if he had another question but he didn't and I said: "We will meet here again at the suns highest point." "What if I get into trouble? " he asked "Just don't get into trouble, and if anything threatening happens just whistle twice and I'll rescue you" I said with a smile on my lips. "Very amusing" he said rolling his eyes. When I slowly got up I was putting my weight on to my left foot and thought about how glad I was for knowing that it will be better at the end of the day.

After receiving a leather sack from James, I first went back to the red tree to collect some more leaves just in case. Than I searched for red berries. The yellow pain fruit was more difficult to find but the other herbs were quite easy to collect. When I found everything we needed, I went back to the meeting point. When I already had a new bandage around my leg and started to treat my arm. James finally arrives, his hands covered in dirt and smashed fruits. "Did everything go according to plan?" I asked amused "Yes, of course" he answered ensuring. I look at him questioningly " That is not what it looks like."  "Well it might have been a little more difficult to get some of those fruits than I thought." he confessed. "Well a life in the jungle isn't an easy one" I laugh.

He sat down next to me and while I was cleaning his first wound with the least liquid I could afford. I show him how to use a few local plants and make bandages for his leg. When I was done, all the wrinkles on his forehead were gone. Than I made a sling for his arm. We ate the fruits James brought, he was even able to get some water out of the white tree. While I was putting a grape in my mouth, he looked at me and I met his glare. For the first time I really saw his eyes, they were green and even though there were dark rings beneath them they seemed to sparkle a bit.  "I haven't catched your name" I suddenly asked. He looked as if he wasn't sure if to tell me, but then he answered: "Its Sir Lieutenant James Morgan" he said as arrogant as ever. I look at him confused than just shrug "Quite a long name, very strange, I think I'll just call you human that's easier."   "My name is James Morgan the Sir and Lieutenant are not part of it." he explained. " What do I know of your strange names" I said annoyed. His features get softer when he asks "How do they call you?"  "I am the clan daughter of the Tiquna, my name is Kira." I answered proudly.  "Kira" He said as if he needed to try how it tasted on his tongue. I rolled my eyes because he pronounced it like Kiara. "No it's: Kii-raa , short "R".

"I think I'll just call you "wild one" that's easier." He said with his stupid arrogant smile. He wasn't quite, wrong Kira meant: "Wild cat" but I saw the word "wild one" as an offence. "Alright there is no sense in telling each other our names and still use insults. Why don't we just use the names?" I said trying to sound calm."What a bright idea" he answered sarcastic. After taking care of my wounds and after 2 days of walking and being overly watchful I just wanted to sleep. I moved to the tree routes for shelter. When I already closed my eyes he suddenly said: "He! What should I do while you are taking a nap?" he snapped at me. I opened my eyes slowly and looked at him with a lazy gaze " You should shut up and sit on a three. Wake me up if something seems abnormal or if you heard something. When the sun goes down, I will keep watch"

He looked like he wanted to respond something mean, but thought about it again and sank down to the ground a few meters away from me. Leaning against a big tree. I forced myself to fall asleep instantly. I wanted my strength back and the sooner the better. So I closed my eyes again and forgot everything around me.

(End of 3rd day)

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