Chapter eight: The wounded

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It was almost getting dark when we found her. The smell of blood was thick and wavered around her. "We have to move her before nightfall." I said to Ramon. He got to his knees next to her. "Wait let me see first, maybe she has a broken bone!" I said hastily before he could lift her up. "As you wish sister" he agreed. I sat down as well. There was a wound on her head, blood flowing through her dark, long hair. Her shoulder was in a most bizarre angle pointing to the front and she ripped of a lot of skin on her front left leg when she fell. "Ramon hold her" he placed her in an almost embrace looking like position. She didn't seem to notice since she was still unconscious. I put one hand onto her fixated shoulder and the other around her arm. In one sudden move I pulled it close to me. It made a crunching sound and her yellow eyes opened while she almost jumped up. But Ramon held her tight. "Calm down" I said a with effort to hold her still. She groaned in pain in response. "We're here to help you" Ramon said forcibly calm. She looked like she was in such a state of shock she couldn't be reasoned with. My theory proved itself when she tried to lunge away again. This time I helped Ramon to hold her. She let out a scream of pain and collapsed in our arms. "What was this?!" Ramon asked confused. " She's scared and in pain. We have to take her with us now." We tied her onto Ramos back and so we made our way home without any further interference.

We took her to Lenobias hut which for the current time belonged to me. Because I thought it best to placed her in a bed. I followed the procedure while taking care of her. We had tied her up just in case. Just when I was cleaning her leg wounds she slowly opened her eyes. "Where am I ?" She said dizzy in an accent I never heard before. "You are in the village of the Ticuna. I am Kira and the one carrying you was my brother Ramon. She looked at me still confused. But then she seemed to take the words in. "What happened to me?" "That's what I wanted to ask you as well" I said amused. "I know I wanted to go hunting and then there is just blackness. I wake up by a horrible pain and held by people I do not know." she said confused. "Do not worry, you have hit your head, maybe the memories will come back later." I said comforting. "You shouldn't try to move your arm, it needs to heal first. You should rest now. I will see to you when the sun rises." I smiled at her. The angles of her mouth lifted slightly. "Thank you" she whispered.

I watched her fall asleep from the table I was sitting on. Something about her was different. Although I could not tell what it was. Yes she had yellow eyes, but that was not an uncommon thing. Many of us differed from orange to yellow depending on age. Her accent maybe? But every tribe had a different one. I scanned across her body. She was almost as tall as me. Leaner and her skin darker, making the patterns on it almost disappear. She had one dagger on her belt which was now laying on the table next to me. It was a rather short one, but with a straight sharp blade. Her hair was not braided but contouring her face. She seemed to have soft cheeks although still a sharp jaw line. The wound on her head worried me. She couldn't remember where she was coming from. I hoped for her sake that her memory will return. I also will ask her name tomorrow, surely she must know that.

When I woke up, Ramon was standing in the middle of the room. "What are you doing here?" I asked sleepy. "I came to look for the both of you." he answered. "I brought you some food" he said while holding out a bowl of fruits and nuts. "Shukrani" ( Thanks). I took both of the bowls, placed mine on the table and walked to my bed where she was still sleeping. I softly touched her good arm "Kuamka. Chakula cha jioni ni tayari" ( Wake up, the food is ready) She inhaled  the smell of the Aguaje fruit and tried to sit up which ended in a sudden stop of movement and a gasp of pain. "I told you not to move!" I shook my head. "Here, just hold it" I said and placed the bowl in her hands. I sat on the table again and started to eat while watching her.  "I informed the council of her stay. They of course agree that she can stay as long as she wants." Ramon said eager. I nodded to him. Than I looked her and asked: "Do you know your name?" She nodded "My name is Lamara" she answered. "What tribe are you from?" "I don't remember" she said quietly, almost ashamed. "But I know I have both parents and a brother." She smiled apologetically. "What is your task at home?" "I am a warrior and my weapon is the spear" she said proud. " Well if this everything you remember it will have to suffice. I do not know what else to ask." I shrugged. " If you need anything let us know. I will take care of your wounds until you are able to do so yourself." I smiled " I will see to Katara now. I will be back in the evening." I made my way out, Ramon stayed behind.

It was easier to write this chapter than I thought. But I do need to think about some plot and story lines before I can continue here. I hope I'll solve this fast, so you can read on.
My question for you is: Which story line do you prefer? The Jungle or Kurbridge? I'm really curious on your answers :-)

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