Chapter eleven: The moon as a witness

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It was late at night when I followed them. The moon above was shining bright, perfect for their ritual. It was common that after the official ritual there was a small one just for the couple to seal their bond.

They went to the little stream where Ramon and I sat once all those years ago.

I sneaked behind a tree and hoped that they would be too distracted with each other to even notice me. I prepared the little spike I dropped in poison earlier this day. It will make him unconscious. I wanted to confront Lamara and have a fair fight. Otherwise I would be no better than her. But I could not have my love sick brother at hand who could hinder me from what I had to do. I put the spike into the blast pipe. It made a wheezing sound when the spike flew through the pipe and air. It found it's goal in his shoulder and got stuck in his flesh. I walked directly towards her.

Lamara looked at me shocked as Ramon sank to his knees. His eye lids went down and he passed out.

"What have you done?" She said, her voice high and filled with panic. "As if you would care" I almost growled at her. "What are you talking about Kira?" As I walked closer she stumbled back and held up her hands" Please don't hurt me. What have I done to you? "She looked at me with big eyes. Would I do not know better I would believe their innocent glance.

"You fell in love with my brother. You became his weakness"

"Is this about you being his sister? Are you jealous of me?" She asked a confusing look on her face. I laughed sarcastically and answered.

"Oh no, not at all. All I want is for my brother to be happy. This is about you wanting to kill me. Don't play the innocent! I know your plans."

"None of this is true. I love your brother and I would never do anything to harm you or him, I swear." she ended.

"So you are not from the Klarasclan and sent here to become part of the council by making my brother fall in love with you, bond with him and kill me, which would make you the next in line to be a part of the council. Is this not what your parents wants?" Lamara looked at me shocked and surprised.

"Do you remember the last time I healed your wounds? I had a bad feeling about you since the first time I talked with you. I could not tell what it was, so I searched your thoughts and feelings for a bad sign. It's rare that I get such a good peak but you had such a fragile spirit so it was quite easy to find out your true intensions."

I said in a velvety voice. I watched her closely and suddenly her face changed. It hardened and her eyes went cold. It was as if she had dropped a mask. When she spoke again all sweetness was gone.



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"You are more clever than I gave you credit for. I didn't think that someone would find out before it was too late." She smiled superciliously. "And what do you want to do with me, now that you know the truth? Bring me to the council?

She asked with false fear in her voice. "I doubt that they would be fooled by you but still no. I have a much easier way to get rid of you." My voice went darker while I spoke.

She started to laugh and her eyes were sparkling with mockery.

"You little healer think can beat me in a fight? You should have used those little spikes of yours while you had the chance."

Her smile vanished and she showed her teeth. Before she could make a move I smacked her yaw with my fist. I felt a stinging pain in my knuckles but I hit her a second time. She pushed me away before I could land another hit. " You little worm" she reached for her ankle. Knowing that she probably hid a knife in there I kick her while her head is down. She hauls in pain but still gets a hold of the knife. With fury in her eyes she runs towards me, too obvious about her attack I block her first try but the second one hits me in the guts. Lucky for me I was wearing armour and she isn't. While trying to lay my arm around her throat I grunt: " You thought you could take my brother away from me? That is never going to happen!" She spit out blood and tried to make me loosen my grip by clawing her nails into my arm. But I was wearing leather bracers.I ripped the kife out of her hands. Not having much use for it because I needed both of my hands to hold her. "But I already took him away from you. You will wake to find a big surprise when your brother finds out what you did to me. Also your elders won't be amused" she gagged "I will see to that" With a final try to get free she scratches her nails across my face. I cried out in pain and hauled her around with one hand in her hair. She tried to use the close space and snapped with her sharp teeth at me, missing my throat by a few inches. Driven by rage I drove the dagger in her throat. She fell on her knees and in her panic pulled the knife out. The blood was flowing down in a thick red stream and the desperate tires to soak in air ended in a gurgling sound.

I stood there my body quivering in shock, dropping the dagger, not sure what to do now. She was my first victim I personally knew, yet I knew that it was necessary. Or was it? Should I have let the elders solve this? No! They did not listen to me when I tried first, why would they now. But what about Lakota, she could have helped me, yet I did not seek her help. I stood over my unconscious brother. What did she do to him? What did she mean by her words? I suddenly wasn't so sure of my actions anymore and started to panic. I ran home and collected all important herbs and my dagger.

Not having time to get any more of my belongings since someone probably heared the fight and already found Ramon and the dead Lamara. I make my way quiet out of the village. Avoiding the guards on the upper posts.

I knew where to go, my hunting ground seemed to be the safest place.  Iran half of the night and the other bit I spent taking care of my wounds. WhenI finally fell asleep the sky started to get brighter again. 

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