Chapter nineteen: Hiding out

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After a while( 7-10 Days): It has been sometime now that I've been with James and after the snake bite but his soft tone did not last long and it has been back to mocking and fighting. I was a lot better, my wounds almost healed. His leg was better too, but his arm took its time.

I found a cave for shelter and hiding, for I was afraid to being followed and found by the Klarasclan because we were quite close to their territory. But James did not quite agree with my methods. ....

"We have to go!" he said in a harsh tone.

"Watch your tongue, I'm not one of your stupid soldiers." We both weren't in a good mood, to be stuck in this cave wasn't really funny. "No you aren't but have been here for days because you are not good at strategies."  "We have to stay here for a while" I said trying to sound calm. "It has been a while. Why are you such a coward?! " He didn't hide his anger. That's it.

I jumped up kicked the saber out of his hand and pinned him at the rock wall behind him. While holding him I took my dagger out and pressed it against his neck.

"I'm not a coward, this is a good strategy, and just because you can't wait to get rid of me I'm not risking my life," I hissed. He tried to push me away put even he was stronger than the rest of his kind as he'd like to remind me, he couldn't beat me, especially not when his arm was still wounded and mine healed. I grinned at him, and as he saw my teeth from that close, I could see fear in his eyes, because he knew that I was stronger in this moment. But it was gone before I could really see it. "Now that you're paying attention, listen carefully, we have to stay here for a while, we have to be sure that no one is following us. We cannot risk an open fight, we are too close to an enemy clan. We would be out numbered! You understand? !" He just stared at me defiant. I had an idea. I came closer to him and whispered: "You know, just a little scratch with these, my grin got wider" and you are going to stay in here forever."

That finally got him, good to know, survival was more important than his arrogance, he knew that I would never have killed him, but still he said. "Ok fine we're staying" he said teeth grinding. "And? " A bit more pressure with the knife. "And you're not a coward!" "Good boy" I knew he would attack me before I let go of him. I let myself fall to the ground, rolled over and got to my feet again. In a low position just in case and snarled at him. "Do never try that again!" There was surprise in his face, he looked so stunned that I started to laugh. "And now, if you excuse me." And with that, I turned around. "Wait! Where are you going? I thought that we have to stay here? he called after me. "And what do you want to eat while we wait? I'm going to hunt"  "Why you?" he protested. "Because I'm a lot quieter than you, I also know the forest a lot better than you and you can only kill with the gun and you don't have any bullets left. Even if you had any, if really someone would follow us they would hear the shot. I did not wait for his answer I just walked away.

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