Chapter 12

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The sun rays piercing through my blinds fell onto my eyes and woke me up from my deep slumber. My head is throbbing from the booze I had last night and I already know it's going to be the worst hangover I'll ever have in my whole life. I groaned and stretched my body and arms until I hit something hard next to me. Or should I say, something soft and furry.

I turned to my left and saw a light brown head portruding from under my blanket. Thinking that this is all a dream, I brought my hand to the head and softly ruffled the hair when suddenly a groan came muffled from the sheets.

What the f-

The sheets slided down and revealed Taehyung with one of his eyes barely opened, staring at the ceiling for a few seconds. Why on Earth is he here?

"Taehyung ah," My groggy voice tried to wake him up as I lightly shook his body. "Taehyung ah."

"Whaaaaat," He lazily replied as he rubbed his eyes.

"What time is it?" I asked him.

"Check your phone yourself, why are you asking me?" He snatched the blanket from me and covered himself, about to continue his sleep.

I grumbled and cursed under my breath as I sat up and checked my phone on the bedside table.

10.00 am

My eyes widened as I realised how late I was for school and immediately I was fully awaken. I looked at Taehyung beside me and frantically shook his body to wake him up too.

"Taehyung Taehyung! I'm late for school! Omg how am I supposed to face the teachers," I grabbed my head in despair.

But still, he remained there in his position without budging an inch even after I shook him so badly.

"Aish Taehyung ah come on help me make breakfast-- Oh god I'm so late Taehyung wake up!" I shook him once again and cried out when I was cut off by him harshly pushing the blanket off of his face and sitting up, shouting at me.

"Pabo yah it's Saturday today who on Earth have school on a weekend?!" He looked at me annoyed for a few seconds before he threw himself back onto the bed and pulling the blanket back onto his face.

"Sa...turday?" I trailed off, confused until I checked my phone and realised that it really is a Saturday morning. Oopsie, my bad. The booze must have got me so hard. "Oh, mian." I apologised to him sheepishly but got not no reply from him.

Just then, my stomach rumbled and I looked at it as I rubbed it. Ugh, in this time my stomach had to act up. It ain't helping my throbbing head at all. I touched my head and tried to miraculously remove the pain away but there was no luck. Once you're hungover, you'll be hungover for real.

I thought for a while how am I going to get breakfast in this condition. It's already 10 am, they don't deliver breakfasts at 10 am anymore. My kitchen, well. I have the ingredients but I don't know how to cook that much. I turned my attention to Taehyung who managed to continue his sleep hearing his light snores escaping his lips.

I contemplated on waking him up again or not because I know I'll just get shouted at for disturbing his sleep but my stomach that rumbled once again didn't help me. Here goes nothing.

"Taehyung ah," I lightly patted his body.

No response.

"Taehyung ah," This time I shook his body.

Still no response.

smoker // kimtaehyung [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now