Chapter 27

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"What flavour do you want?" I asked him once the bell at the door jingled, signaling a customer has entered. Right now, we're in the ice cream parlour near my apartment. You can already guess who won the staring competition.

"I want..." He rubbed his chin for awhile as he stared at the display of flavours. "Caramel & pralines." He tugged at my sleeve like a little boy and gave me a sheepish smile.

I let out a small laugh at his behaviour and ordered our ice creams while he waited outside. Once I got them and stepped outside, I silently cursed him for making me buy ice creams because it's the middle of winter and it's not an approriate weather for an ice cream.

Thank god I got my windbomber jacket on and some warm socks to keep the cold away from my feet.

"Here you go," I handed him his ice cream cone, his so called 'competition prize'.

"Thanks," He smiled at me and grabbed it. "Wanna walk to the park?"

"In this weather? Nuh uh, not my thing," I shook my head as I took a bite out of my ice cream and immediately cringed at the mixture of coldness and the winter breeze blowing into my face.

He shook his head and did the same to his ice cream. "Come on, it's just a short walk."

"It's really cold," I insisted.

"We can't just eat this in my car. Plus, I didn't plan to come out just to buy ice cream and go back into your room doing nothing later," He acted like a kid and started stomping his foot onto the ground.

"Taehyung, people are watching," I warned him to stop acting up.

"I don't care, I want to go to the park," He whined like a little kid again.

"Shh, shh, Taehyung. Shut up, people are watching I swear to god if you don't shut up I'm going to kick your ass—"

"I want to go the park!" He shouted and that's when I had enough of it.

"Okay, fine. We'll go to the park—" I gave up and as soon as I said that his face lit up.

"YAY!" He went to me and abruptly wrapped his arms around my shoulders, careful not to smudge any ice cream onto me.

"Okay, you can let go now," I tried to hide the annoyed tone in me.

"Let's go," He linked his arm with mine. What a cheerful guy.

After 5 minutes of walking to the park, we finally reached it. We settled down on a bench in the quiet part of the park where not a lot of people pass by.

"What a nice weather," He breathed a sigh of relief as he licked his ice cream.

"Nice weather? Bullshit," I whispered to myself. How can he think eating ice cream in the middle of winter is a nice idea? I'm going to get a sore throat soon.

"Taehyung," I suddenly decided to tease him.

"What?" He answered, uninterested in what I had to say. Oh, just you wait.

"Wanna play with dogs?" A smile grew onto my face and it grew bigger when I sensed him looking at me.

"Are you trying to make fun of me because of what happened the other day?" He raised his eyebrow, clearly unamused at this.

"No, I clearly wasn't. I was just asking," I said innocently, defending myself.

"Huh, sure you were," He sneered at me and returned his attention to his ice cream.

I watched him as he kept quiet throughout his whole 'adventure' of eating ice cream. He looked at the ice cream as if it was

"I never could be this serious," I blurted out what went through my mind. His head snapped up and he looked at me as if his name had been called by the principal.

"I'm...serious?" He pointed to himself, finding it hard to believe it.

"Yes, you are. You paid attention to the ice cream like it was your everything."

"Ice cream is my everything," He shrugged his shoulders as-a-matter-of-factly and returned his attention to the ice cream.

"Aigoo, this kid," I quietly muttered to myself as I watched him. Just then, I don't know how the hell did I get that devilish idea but I just did.

When he was gracefully enjoying his ice cream, I quickly pushed it onto his face, causing some of it to be smudged onto the sides of his lips. His eyes widened in astonishment and looked at me in disbelief as I laughed.

"I was enjoying my everything," He pouted, ice cream still everywhere around his mouth.

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry," I stifled a laugh and looked for a tissue to wipe his mouth when I realised that I don't have any.

"Do you have any tissues?" I asked him and the moment he looked at me with an annoyed look I knew he didn't have one.

"Uh oh...sorry," I softly spoke as I brought my hand to pat his arm. Thanks to me, he's having a white mustache on him now.

"For what? You can still clean my face for me," He raised his eyebrow and pointed to his white mustache.

"But I don't have a tissue and you don't have a tissue, what? You want me to walk back to the ice cream place and grab a tissue from there?" I whined.

"Who says you need to use a tissue?"

I raised my eyebrow in confusion until he forcefully smacked his lips onto my forehead. Well, more to smudge the ice cream stain all over it, transferring the stain to me.

"Kim Taehyung," I gasped in shock when I felt the cold cream on my forehead and saw that there's none left on his mouth.

He laughed and enjoyed the scene as he saw me brought my hand up to my forehead to feel the stain. I looked at the white cream on the tip of my fingers and looked back at him.

"TAEHYUNG!" I shouted to him as I closed my eyes, earning more laughter from him.

"What? You did the same to me," He snickered at me. "Alright alright, I'll clean it for you." He stood up for a while to get some tissues and then paused before he leaned in unexpectedly, "Should I lick it off of your face instead?"

"KIM TAEHYUNG!" I shouted again, this time right into his face, causing him to flinch.

"Arasseo, Arasseo," He sneered and started walking into the direction of the ice cream place.

"That guy, seriously," I muttered to myself as I finished the remaining of my ice cream.

It was about 10 minutes later when I heard footsteps behind me and I impatiently turned around to get my tissues from him because it was embarassing to have a white forehead in front of everyone.

"Taehyung, what took you so long—" I immediately froze when I realised that it wasn't Taehyung there. I sat still when he walked closer to me from where he was standing, eventhough my brain told me to go.

"Jimin," I let my breath out when I saw him.


Here it is guysss, I'm so sorry for updating so late :(

I guess i will be updating in time intervals like this from now on then because my college has officially started and the lessons will be tough

And i don't want to not focus on my studies in my first few days of college bc


I don't want to fail my AS exams later on

Hope you guys can understand, bye!

- 티니

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