Chapter 31

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"Wakey wakey, sleepyhead," Someone said to me as he shone the torchlight onto my face.

"Not again," I groaned when I opened my eyes and saw Taehyung in front of me.

"Yes, again," He gave me his sheepish smile.

"No, not again," I pulled the sheets and buried my face underneath it.

"Oh, come on! Our last adventure was like, a few months ago. I'm bored, can't we have another one?" He frowned and rested his head on my bed.

"No," I softly mumbled with my eyes closed. Actually, half of me is in dreamland and half is talking to Taehyung right now. I don't even know how's that possible.

When I didn't say anything else and let the silence take over, Taehyung got bored and started poking my sides. I groaned and pulled down the sheets off of me and held onto his fingers that were poking me to stop him, making him burst into giggles all of a sudden.

"What?" I squinted one of my eyes opened, confused as to why was he giggling all of a sudden.

"Nothing. You looked funny just now, with your eyes closed and trying to stop me from poking you," He bit the palm of his hand to stop himself from laughing.

I grabbed the pillow nearest to me and bumped his head with it. "Shut up."

"Aish, why'd you do that?! This gijibae, seriously. Always respond with violence," He whined and rubbed his head. He took the pillow from me and did the same to me.

"I'm sleeping!" I shouted to him and turned to the other side angrily while pulling the rest of the sheets over me, enveloping my whole body with it. This way Taehyung can't see me, at least that's what I'm positive about.

I was about to doze back to sleep when I thought Taehyung gave up in waking me up when suddenly I felt the covers slowly lift off of me and someone slid into the space next to me.

And then, I felt his warmth. Sneakily, he snaked an arm around my waist and pulled me closer to his chest with my back facing him.

"What are you doing?" I sleepily asked him in my raspy voice, too sleepy to get my shit all over the place this time.

"Hugging you to sleep," His voice was so vibrant and close, I could feel his warm breath on my neck as he snuggled his face into it.

"So, you gave up in waking me up?" I secretly smiled.

"Yeah, they said that if you can't beat them, join them. And now, here I am in bed with you in the middle of 2 am."

I turned to him and decided to tease him. I climbed on top of his body and lied down on him face flat on his chest. Basically I was kind of straddling him, but not really since I was lying down.

He chuckled and his vibrations rang through my body. "Yah, what are you doing?"

"What, can't you see? I'm lying down on top of you," I said noncholantly.

"Oh, so you're turning me into your bed now, heh?"

I nodded and mumbled. "Yeah, a very nice bed."

"Okay," He brought his hands hugging my body and his legs enveloping me, suddenly turning to his side, making me go back to my previous position.

"Ah, waeyo? I was enjoying my bed just now. Why'd you make me go back to where I was before?" I whined.

"Because I'm turning you into my bolster. Be nice to me, okay bolster?" He patted my head like I was a little girl.

"Geez," I muttered before my mind went blank again.

"Go to sleep," Taehyung said as he tightened his arms around me.

"Arasseo," I answered in an annoyed tone, earning a chuckle from him.

5 minutes later, the sound of the clock ticking on the wall was all I could hear.

And then the realisation just hit me. It all came to me right at that moment. My heart was beating so fast this time with me clearly knowing that I have feelings for him and being this close to him, and yet not knowing if he feels the same way as me or not.

I like him. But I don't know if he likes me or not. I'm pretty sure he doesn't, but it's good to clarify the fact before assuming, isn't it?

Is this the right time to ask? In the middle of 2 am? When our bodies are attached and our hearts under the same sky, should I ask him?

I know very well he's not asleep yet, knowing him, snores would escape his mouth if he's deep in slumberland.

I opened my eyes and I was right. He was already staring at me before I even knew it.

"You're not sleepy?" He asked me, this time his tone was subtle and very soft, as if he didn't wanna disturb the peace of the night.

"No," I said, staring straight into his eyes.

"Was it because of me?"

"Partly, you woke me up and I can never go back to sleep."

"Sorry," He chuckled and ran a hand through his hair.

God, can I have him all to myself?

"What about you?" I asked him.

"No, I wasn't even sleeping before this," He shrugged his shoulders.

"Quite a nighter, aren't you?"

"I am, I'm nocturnal, you see," He smirked.

"Oh, I can tell by your midnight adventures," I rolled my eyes.

He laughed before the atmosphere turned silent once again. And then slowly, as if prompted, he came closer and leaned in, delicately attaching his lips on mine. It was just a quick, soft peck and then he pulled away.

"Taehyung, I have something to tell—"

"I am in love with you," He quickly vomitted those words out.


Surprise surprise bitchessss Taehyung just confessed to her (and no this is not the chapter that will turn you upside down like I said before, the chapter will come way later than this)

But i have a question tho y'all, should I reduce the amount of times these guys kissed, or is it okay?

Cause i think they kissed each other quite a lot of times i'm scared if y'all might think it's too unrealistic or something :///

Anyway comment down below if i should reduce or maintain.

Thanks for 12K+, y'all the bomb!

- 티니

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