83. Imagine Chen & Chanyeol

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ChenChan having a lil' chit chat - Written by Wout Curinckx and me

Chanyeol: Yah! Chen! How was your shopping adventure?

Chen: I didn’t go cause I heard it will be too crowded! I slept all day!

Chanyeol: What? You lazy bastard…

Chen: Huh? Lazy? I told you there were too many people.. I am afraid of crowds.. especially if they're shopping....

Chanyeol: Hm.. claustrophobia..

Chen: That’s for small spaces or rooms..

Chanyeol: That’s for crowds too.. I know cause my friend, the doctor, told me once..

Chen: It’s not..

Chanyeol: It is…

Chen: NO!!!

Chanyeol: YES!

Chen: Derp… the real word is demophobia.. or enochlophobia..

Chanyeol: Enoclo.. enolclu.. mmm… whatever…

Chen: I remember when I was little I went shopping with mum and then we saw a big big Christmas tree.. and there was music playing.. and the cute little lights.. lovely.. and.. after.. when we wanted to get back home.. we saw all those people coming from nowhere… I freaked out.. my mum literally dragged me…

Chanyeol: Oh… poor thing…

Chen: I still had the shopping bags in my hands… all the chocolates and sweets were inside..

Chanyeol: Hm.. brave enough..

Chen: True story..

Chanyeol: Look.. your song from IM2 is on tv…  yaaah… loved that one..

Chen: I can sing it all by myself..

Chanyeol: Ok.. start..

Chen: I am eating dumbo..

Chanyeol: So what.. I can sing while eating..

Chen: -_- Is that so… ok.. I dare you to..

Chanyeol: Oh no no..

Chen: I knew it.. you only talk.. never act…

Chanyeol: That was mean Jongdae! I’m goona prove it to you! I’ll sing Growl with a popsicle in my mouth! HA!

Chen: Done..

Chanyeol: With?

Chen: Waiting for it..

Chanyeol: Waiting for what?

Chen: Your popsicled growl….

Chanyeol: O.o that sounded weird.. I am got gonna sing it.. I am enjoying my popsicle!

Chen: Then you do agree with me… that you can’t sing a popsicled growl…

Chanyeol: That’s it… I’ll do it! Ok.. here it comes… Tto darmm  neukdmm bolra / Nomn wanbokha yemja/Pum gen budemrpge norul angomm… O.o Damn this is hard…

Chen: Told ya…

Chanyeol: Yah.. I always wanted to ask you this… have you ever tried to drink out of the sink?

Chen: I must be stupid right now.. cause I don’t get it why you were so excited to ask me that.. drink?? Sink?? Huh??

Chanyeol: Drinking water out of the sink.. or watercock.. or whatever…

Chen: Um… watercock is a bird.. you want me to drink the water out of a bird???

Chanyeol: That sounds weird…. Could anyone do that?

Chen: Well.. since there are vampires that drink the animals’ blood… hm.. I wonder what kind of creatures could drink the water out of a body…

Chanyeol: Creatures of the moon.. ^_^

Chen: Smart idea coming from a dumb mind.. still.. what was the sink thing??

Chanyeol: Aish!!! You know water???

Chen: Of course I do.. we were tummy buddies..

Chanyeol:  Tummy............ buddies........... water............. WHAT THE HELL R U TALKING ABOUT? I can't follow.. this popsicle froze my brain I guess…BRAINFREEZZZZZZZ

Chen: Duh.. babies met with water since they were in the tummy.. so yeah I know water.. we’re old friends..

Chanyeol: Eww gross.. CHEN!

Chen: What? -_- It happened to you too.. unless the popsicle uncle dropped you in your parents’ house…           

Chanyeol: We should talk about rainbows and unicorns.. not the water I almost drunk in when I was a foetus…

Chen: Firstly.. That’s placenta, dumb.. Secondly.. I am not interested in having a chat about Lay and Sehun..  I see them daily… now I really think you were indeed dropped by popsicle uncle..

Chanyeol: What are you talking about?

Chen: Well… since baby Wu Yifan flew to his house, years later becoming Kris, Luhan, who had to be thrown away by Mr Long Legs in the woods, ended up in a city, still having his deer eyes, it could be that you were melted down to your house by popsicle uncle's cigarette while he was on his way to deliver some packages… And you might wonder about your Bacon.. Well I guess the light hit his house…

Chanyeol: What's up with our hyungs? I don't get that…

Chen: Of course, since you’re dumb.. I was talking about how they were born.

Chanyeol: I was always told storks brought us from Heaven..

Chen: ………………..

Chanyeol: …………….

Chen: Come on… Heaven doesn’t have so many dumb minds…. It must have been popsicle uncle… he melted you down your house..

Chanyeol: No.. it was indeed a stork who dropped me…  the lover of popsicles that didn't have a gf and was lonely and stupid and was bad in everything and wanted to travel..

Chen: That stork seems like he was kind of stupid if he experienced all that.. that’s quite much happening in a postman stork’s heart… no wonder he got to deliver Dumbo.. and you..

Chanyeol: Huh?? What stork? Who loved what?

Chen: The stork.. who loved popsicles and.. oh.. wait.. are you telling me that the stork was your real dad??

Chanyeol: ………………… I was talking about me..

Chen: You said your stork loved popsicles and didn’t have gf and so on…

Chanyeol: I was describing my teenager life.. And he’s not my stork.. he’s just one of the storks that do their stork job..

Chen: I see.. I guess he missed one of his stork jobs… since you ended up here..

Chanyeol: ……………….

Chen: ………………..

Chanyeol: Yah.. I don’t see it as a bad thing… we’re the highlights of EXO.. Derp and Troll.. best dancing machines… always there for EXO… and EXO nothing without us..

Chen: True story…

Chanyeol: ……..

Chen: ……….

Chanyeol: So popsicle?

Chen: Don’t start again.


.Hope you liked it! It is kind of stupid ha ha.. Thank you for reading. Please continue to love and support EXO! God bless you all!

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