61. Imagine Kai

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I was really losing my patience.. That stupid taxi was stuck in the traffic for almost half an hour.. I got out, trying to get there by walking.. I kept asking myself what made him tell me that.. Why did I feel him sad? What was happening?

I just felt like running.. I needed to get to him.. I had to know what was wrong with him… His words kept coming in my mind, tourturing me: “I don’t wanna live like this anymore.. I want something else..”

Finally I was near the beach.. but he was nowhere to find.. I kept looking here and there, although it was hard to see clearly, since it was already night time.. The sea was in a bad mood, just like me..

I did notice him acting strangely for the past few days, but I thought it was only because of the work.. He was quite busy preparing for the new album.. Yet, a slightly feeling of despair caught my heart unprepared.  If there was something bothering him, he should have just told me, as he used to..

I was now walking by the sea, feeling my feet sinking slowly in the warm sand.. I wondered whether I came too early.. He never mentioned a time for the meeting..  While thinking, I’ve hurt my leg when hitting something.. I tried to figure it out what it was.. Then lights turn on… why were all those lights on the beach??

Oh my… so that’s what I’ve bumped into… a table.. what’s this? Champagne? Roses?? What the… Ok.. this is weird.. Did I just spoiled someone’s attempt to surprise a loved one???

I wanted to get away, worried that the person who did this will feel sad, but then I saw a little note which had a blue rose on it.. Since I’ve always loved roses and blue was my favourite colour, I just had this curiosity to read the note.. And I did…

“The best way to celebrate our love is to come back to where we’ve first met..”.. That was so sweet.. Actually even I met him here.. What a coincidence.. Exactly two years ago.. I guess this beach is the perfect place for love to blossom..

The person who did this was so romantic.. And look… another note near the champagne.. “Since you love bubbles so much but hate alcohol, this is perfect.”.. Ha ha.. so the girl had the same taste as me…

It was quite awkward already.. but the last thing blew me away.. I could see something shining inside the blue rose.. A cute ring, with a little diamond in the shape of a rose.. She was a lucky girl.. Wonder if there was another note to explain this gift.. Hm.. nope.. nothing else was there.. It was so beautiful.. I really had this desire to put it on my finger.. but all this was for someone else..

I just had to leave and look for him.. I turned around, bumping into someone.. I raised my eyes and saw him smiling..

Me: “Where have you been? It’s so late..”

 Him: “No.. it’s the perfect time.. almost midnight..”

Me: “Yeah.. so?”

He made me turn, hugging me after taking the ring, putting it on my finger.. I was confused and told him that this wasn’t right and what if the girl will come.. He rested his chin on my shoulder speaking softly: “The girl is already here..”.. I looked at him with questionable eyes..

Me: “What are you saying, Kai?”

Kai, looking at his watch: “Midnight.. Happy Anniversary my love..”

I kept blinking nervously.. anniversary? Girl? Ring? What was going on? Then I finally go it (slow mind… he he) … so that’s why he called me here.. huh.. I couldn’t believe this.. He took my hand, kissing it gently, before pulling me to him.. Now we were so close, he was staring at me, making me feel dizzy because of those lips touching mine slowly, softly, bearing a strong desire..

I didn’t realise I was actually crying.. He remembered.. Even more.. he wanted to give a name to our relationship… He wanted me to become his life partner, his wife, his inspiration..

Me: “I am already..”

Kai: “I want to see you in bridal dress.. by my side as we unite our souls in front of God.”

Me: “Kai.. I..”

Kai: “Will you dance?”

Me: “Dance? Is this another way of saying yes?”

Kai: “That’s the yes I want.. will you offer me this dance?”

Me: “There is no music..”

Kai: “Shh.. close your eyes and listen..”

 I could now hear a sweet tune coming  from far away on little cold waves moving rhythmically towards us, washing out the shore.. Few seagulls joined the song, giving it their unique touch.. Even the wind’s harmonies were a blessing for the soul…

Kai took me in his arms, starting moving slowly. He wrapped his arms around my waist, while I gently touched his back, hiding my head in his chest.. We danced like this for so long, that at one point I thought time stopped.. And maybe it did..

Why wouldn’t it? It was our moment.. We needed to cherish this.. So time had to admit his defeat.. We were now in our own universe, letting ourselves lose control, letting feelings and desires rule our minds, our bodies, our souls.. We were now one and forever will be..


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