49. Imagine Luhan

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Based on the idea of Glisten Clarisse Calacday (on fb)

'Dreams do come true, if you trust them'


I’ve reached for the stupid clock, trying to stop the alarm that was ruining my dream.. I was in my room, looking at him, while he was still sleeping.. I got near him and tried to kiss him good morning when.. ALRIGHT!! I am up!!! Ah.. why was it just a dream???

Well.. off to a new day at school.. Since there’s plenty of time, I’ll not hurry… Time from some music.. Hm? Of course.. EXO GROWL.. What else?? I was taking my uniform out of the closet, while singing along, when my brother got in..

Brother: “Yah… that’s too loud!”

Me: “Don’t you dare lower the volume! It’s my love’s part!”

Brother: “Are you kiddin’ me? Come to your senses, moron! There’s no way an idol will look at you! Stop loving someone you’re not compatible with!”

Me: “What do you know about love?? Get out of my way.. I gotta go to school!”

I’ve put my notebooks in my backpack, along with my diary, closed it and head to the door, grabbing my phone.. I got into the kitchen, kissed my parents good morning, and looked for some fruit to eat on the way..

I got on the street, while putting my headphones on.. Ah.. such a nice morning… All because of EXO.. I was heading to the bus station, when some girls passed me by, pushing me.. Hm.. Just because they are rich and get front row tickets at EXO concert, they think they can rule the world..

Well.. watch out girls.. I might be a sweet person and all that stuff, but don’t cross the limits.. Ah.. who am I lying to?? I will never be able to defend myself.. I get bullied daily.. Just because I love Luhan..

I know that so many girls like him.. but.. I love him.. That’s a huge difference.. I am not just fangirling.. I am praying every day and night for his health, his happiness.. If this isn’t love, then what is???


It wasn’t such a great day… But at least I was home now… Alone.. My family was out of town, so my brother took the chance and went to a friend’s house.. Oh well.. I’ll just eat my dinner and sleep.. I wanna dream of him.. He he.. blushing here..

I got up to my room and greeted my love.. He was looking at me with those tiny deer eyes, making me wanna scream my joy.. It was just a poster, but.. hey.. at least he was there with me… I was feeling quite sleepy.. so.. I layed on my bed and.. oh my.. so sleepy.. author-nim.. take it from here please..

So she fell asleep as soon as she rested her head on the pillow.. She didn’t even check up whether she closed the front door or not.. But.. let’s not wake her up for that.. We need that door opened for what is coming..

This whole time, in the other part of the city, EXO were having their first concert.. Everyone was excited about this new experience, except for one person, who kept walking here and there, trying to calm himself down..

He has been feeling unwell for the past 2 days so he had to take some medicine.. He just couldn’t go on with the concert.. The manager told him to rest in the changing room, while the other boys went on stage to perform MAMA.

He went to the door and opened it.. He need some fresh air, since he was feeling so drowsy.. He saw a company car in front of the building.. Hm.. how about a ride? He got in and head off to nowhere.. Damn that medicine had an awful effect.. He kept driving, trying to keep his focus..

He turned left and speed up.. In the next second he could hear the sound of a broken fence.. Lights went on at the house in front.. An old man got out screaming his lungs out, asking him to get out of the car..

He did as told, but damn that voice was too high pitched for a grandpa.. The old man made big eyes when seeing such a big black car.. He wondered how was to drive it.. He got in, touching the steering wheel..

The boy tried to keep his eyes open, but the medicine was too powerful.. So.. we should do something to help him.. Now.. why don’t you go to that house over there? Yes yes.. that one.. don’t worry.. the door is opened..

He got in and head to the living room, looking for the couch to lay on it.. No no no! Don’t ruin my story! Go up! I know you’re sleepy.. but trust me.. there’s a good cozy bed up.. the 2nd door on the left.. Now go!

The boy walked slowly to the first floor, looking for a bed.. He got inside the room, trying to gaze into that disturbing darkness.. He hit the bed with his leg and let himself fall on it, smiling..


It was a nice sunny morning and the alarm started ringing.. She raised her hand reaching for it.. I said.. she raised her hand reaching for it.. YAH!!! WAKE UP!!! It’s your story not mine..

Alright author-nim.. I’ll tell the next part, but.. why is the alarm ringing on Saturday?? Damn.. I am so stupid.. and I was having such a nice dream.. I turned around and opened my eyes slowly, seeing him near me still sleeping.. I got near him and placed my hand on his shoulder, speaking softly:

Me: “Good morning, baby!”

“Good morning, honey!”

Oh my.. for the first time he answered to my greeting.. This dream was the best.. and.. I just.. YAH!!!!!!! WHAT THE…. I got up and let out a scream, making him tremble.. Ok.. don’t panic.. It’s just a dream.. I’ll wake up now.. I gotta pinch my cheek and.. OUCH!! What the.. um.. author-nim??

What?? Don’t ask me.. Just get on with your story.. the boy is waking up..

Thanks for helping author-nim.. She can be such a… ah.. So.. where was I?? Oh… I looked at him as he was waking up, rubbing his eyes.. What was happening?? How did he end up in my house, in my room?? Was this some kind of magic??

Me: “Are you ok??”

“I have a bad headache.. but… where am I??”

He didn’t  know where he was?? Then how did he got here? If I remember well, he was supposed to have a concert yesterday.. I didn’t had the money to attend it… so sad about that.. but anyway.. Maybe he was just a lookalike or something.. but.. he seemed so real.. like.. way too real.. And.. HE WAS IN MY ROOM!!!.. *spazzing time*.. Ok.. chill..

Me: “Can I give you something to drink, Luhan?”

Luhan: “Um…  some tea?”

Me: “Sure..”

I ran to the kitchen to make the tea.. He came after me, stretching his hands.. I just couldn’t believe this.. Where was that stupid brother of mine? Ha.. I just can’t stop laughing at the idea of my brother glaring at Luhan, wondering how he got here..

I took out two cups and poured the tea, while looking outside the window, hearing my neighbour yelling at some men who were fixing his fence.. I almost dropped the liquid on the floor.. Luhan came near and took the kettle, asking me to be careful.. *melting here*

Me: “So.. what happened?”

Luhan: “I don’t remember very well.. I was driving and..”

Me: “You got into my neighbour’s fence he he..”

Luhan: “Seems like.. I have to apologise to him..”

Me: “You better stay here.. there are way too many girls in the neighbourhood crazy about you.. You might get into trouble.. wait until someone picks you up..”

Luhan: “Aren’t you also crazy about me?”

I almost choked at his question.. Crazy? Um.. well.. sort of.. I loved him.. But couldn’t really tell him that.. I knew he wasn’t going to take me seriously.. I just told him that I like him as an artist (what a lame remark.. so stupid.. sounds so fake..)..

He smiled and pinched my cheek, asking me for a piece of paper.. He gave me his autograph and stood up, when hearing a car parking nearby.. His manager got out checking his phone.. He thanked me for everything and ran outside, trying to not get the attention of those passing by.. I kept looking outside the window, holding the autograph…


The school was ending this week, which meant many days of boring moments with my brother and parents were ahead. Don’t get me wrong… I loved spending time with them, except that.. I didn’t had the chance to listen to my fav music, cause they didn’t like it.. So.. it was quite difficult for me..

I was playing with my pencil, gazing at the trees outside the window.. This class was damn too long.. God.. so happy it finally ended… I ran to the exit, holding my backpack..  I was wondering why were all those people gathered in front of the highschool..

I saw a black car parked there, surrounded by girls screaming their lungs out.. They were waiting for someone to get out of it, but there was no sign of that happening.. I made my way through the crowd and headed to the bus station..

The car started moving slowly,making the crowd run after it. They couldn’t keep with its speed. I was listening to EXO, thinking about some grocery shopping, when I saw the car stopping few streets away from me, where people couldn’t see it..

Went I got near, the door opened and a man in black suit got out, greeting me.. I bowed and greeted him back.. He told me that someone was waiting for me at I don’t know which restaurant.. I made big eyes wondering what was this all about..

I didn’t really trust the guy, so I just tried to move forward when a phone rang.. The man gave me the phone smiling.. I’ve answered slowly, almost dying when hearing that voice.. I got into the car and went to the restaurant..

I wasn’t dressed properly but.. well.. whatever.. I wanted to look for a free spot.. Oh my.. There wasn’t any customer.. Now that’s strange.. I was led to a table and asked if I wanted something to drink..

I could go with some tea.. I sat on the chair, letting my backpack on the left side of the table.. I was waiting for my drink, when two hands covered my eyes.. I touched them, wondering who was it.. I chuckled at the sound of his voice..

Me: “Luhan!”

Luhan: “Hello there! Thank you for coming!”

Me: “How come you remember me?”

Luhan: “How can I forget you? I just had to thank you for taking care of me..”

Me: “I didn’t actually.. ”

He smiled at me, then started moving his lips slowly, thinking.. I was wondering what was wrong, why was he looking so worried.. He grabbed my hand and squeezed it gently, asking me: “Wanna be my friend?”


Now this was a good recipe for a nice dinner.. I was looking for the ingredients, while listening to some music.. I got on with the cooking, not paying attention at the time.. It was getting quite late..

The food was ready.. I got it on the table, looked for some juice and then I head to the living room to take my phone… There wasn’t any message or call.. Hm… I sat on the couch waiting.. I guess I fell asleep, cause when I wake up, I was in my bed, covered with a blanket..

I got up and went to kitchen.. The food was gone, the dishes washed.. Well.. What do you know?? He he.. So sweet.. I saw a little piece of paper near a cup of warm tea.. I got there and drink a little, then I read the paper..

‘Wonderful dinner as always.. I didn’t want to wake you up, cause you seemed so tired.. I know you might be hungry right now.. There’s a nice fruit salad waiting for you in the fridge.. And this tasty green tea to go with it.. Do tell me how was it, ok? Love you!’

I smiled when reading the last words, then I head to the fridge, took out the salad and sat at the table.. It was indeed good, since he made it..

I was about to finish, when someone wrapped his hands around my neck, kissing my head.. I stood up and hugged him.. He asked me what did I think about the salad.. “Tasty, my heaven’s deer!”

I was so happy.. I had him by my side.. I was now living my dream.. I loved him and he loved me.. I now know that hope it’s always rewarding those that keep it in their hearts, no matter what.. My life was now meaningful, because he was with me.. Yah… how was that author-nim?

Good.. I like it.. I might hire you to write stories for me.. but for now.. get back to your husband and let me do my thing, ok?

Sure.. Oh.. Author-nim? I love you!


Hope you guys like it! Please continue to love and support EXO! Thank you for reading! God bless you all!

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