59. Imagine Luhan

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'We met on a mild winter day'

I was walking slowly, shuffling through the fluffy snow, wrapping the scarf around my neck, while heading to the ice rink.. Today the weather was rather mild for a winter day, no wind, no snow storm, nothing to disturb the peaceful nature..

My heart kept beating joyfully, knowing the fun that I’ll have in few minutes.. Once I got there, I’ve let out a happy cheer, clapping like a kid…

While I was putting on the ice skates, I heard little noises, repeating rhythmically, as if someone somewhere had an insecure feeling of moving on…

I got up and narrowed my eyes, looking at the ice rink.. I don’t know if that chill that melted down my spine was from the air or from the sight that my eyes were indulging itselves with.. I just had the strange feeling that not only me, but the whole universe stopped breathing..

A beautiful angel like silhouette was fading in slowly, as little flakes kept flying out of the ice skates.. I could sense a little smile painting itself on my face, while watching him trying to keep his balance.. I took a few steps ahead, skating as silently as I could, so that I will not scary him and make him fall..

I got near him, raising my hand to reach for his arm.. When feeling my touch, he turned his head, stealing a deep ache out of my heart, when I saw those innocent deer like eyes.. He looked at me confused, trying to figure it out who was that one that came from nowhere to help him out..

Me: “Take my hand!”

Boy: “Oh.. I’m scared..”

Me: “Trust me!”

He hesitated for few seconds, but after looking at me again, he grabbed my hand, squeezing it, trying to control his fear.. I took his other hand too, then I started skating slowly, gently pulling him towards me..

Boy: “Oh.. I can’t do this!”

Me: “Shh.. Look into my eyes!”

The next few minutes flew slowly, as I kept skating, making him gain confidence little by little, until at one point, I felt I could just hold him only with one hand..

He was smilling softly, while trying to name that strange force that was caressing his heart, making him feel the joyfulness of those moments..

Boy: “I am skating!!!!”

Me: “Yes you are!!”

Boy: “Thank you!”

Me: “Mention not..”

I turned around, trying to calm down.. I felt like screaming out my happiness.. I really felt awkward.. What was this? What was happening to me? I kept inhaling the chilly air, feeling it cooling down my entire being, that kept aching due to an undistinguishable burning desire..

The boy let go of my hand, trying to skate by himself.. His giggling and sweet childlike blabbering woke up a strange wish inside my mind..  I just wanted to pinch those rosy cheeks of his.. He got near me, trying to spin me around.. He was so innocent..

I kept telling him to just slow down, but he was so happy, that he made me feel at ease, so I just followed him, as the stars will always follow the moon, sparkling along with it and dying at the same time with it each day, while  the dawn would bring nature back to life..

Boy: “Do you skate here often?”

Me: “Every winter I come here.. It’s my favourite place.. Which makes me realise I never seen you before..”

Boy: “I just moved here… My friends wanted to have some fun and they got here.. but.. I couldn’t skate.. and they played this stupid prank on me.. letting me here alone…”

Me: “Maybe they were trying to help you overcome your fear..”

Boy: “Nice way of helping.. I rather skate with someone like you, which will make me feel protected..”

I widen my eyes, hearing his words… I smiled, trying to not let him see how shy I felt at that moment.. He got closer, looking into my eyes…

There’s no word out there to describe how his stare took control over me, making me skip a heartbeat.. I should rather say.. He gently stole my heart..

Boy: “Can I ask you what.. OH WWOOWW!!”

He couldn’t finish his sentence, cause he lost his balance and leaned over, making me fall on the ice.. We were now so close, that I could literally feel his warm breath touching my face..

I don’t know for how long we’ve been staring at each other, but long enough to realise that there it was a strange force that gently connected our hearts..

Who was he? How did he get in my life? Why did this day come? What was there for me to welcome? I guess my questioning soul was revealing itself through my eyes, cause he smiled innocently, whispering: “I’m Luhan!”

Even his name had something angelic in the way it sounded.. I smiled back, telling him my name.. He gently ran his fingers through my hair, repeating my name with his soft voice, before getting closer, giving me a hint that in a short moment, our encounter will finally get a meaning..

He kissed me, gently.. A sweet, short yet meaningful kiss that I’ll forever keep sealed on my lips, remembering it even now, after so many years in which the winter continued to play its song, cheering our love, witnessing how our unique bond bloomed little by little..

Nothing seemed more special than the scene of two old souls walking along the ice rink, recalling every moment that kept them connected to this one place where once they first met, in a mild winter day…


Hope you liked it! Please continue to love and support EXO! Thank you for reading! God bless you all!

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