42. Imagine Luhan

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Imagine having fun in the snow with Luhan and throwing snowballs at each other (cr to exotic-imagines on tumblr for the idea)


Although didn’t feel like sleeping anymore, I just loved the warmth of his arms, his low breathing in my hair, his soft skin gently touching mine, making me shiver.. so why would I wanna get up?

I kept my eyes closed, while imaging myself forever with him in that land that keeps every soul sighing for its beauty and calmness: our own Neverland.

I could see him running to me, calling out my name.. I would answer loudly, so that every part of the universe would acknowledge my love for him.

He would lift me up to touch the fluflly milky clouds, while pinkish and white petals would fly slowly, following the tune of the breeze.

I’ll then hug him tightly, whispering in his ear: “I love you, my heaven’s deer!”

Suddenly a soft voice brought me back to reality.. I turned and saw him smiling with sleepy eyes.. Did he hear me? Or he was there with me as well? Making that dream a reality? As if he could read my mind..

“Again in Neverland?”

Me: “Mm.. ”

He pinched my cheek and got up, raising his arms.. He went slowly to the window to open it.. I’ve pulled the blanket to feel the warmth of his body.. God.. that feeling.. I kept hugging the blanket, when I heard his amazed voice.. I raised my head to see what happened..

Me: “What’s the matter, Luhan?”

Luhan: “Get up and dress! Pali pali!”

Me: “What?? All of a sudden!”

Luhan: “Come on!!!!”

I got up and went to look for some clothes.. Since it was winter time, I needed something cozy and comfortable.. He kept looking at the window, while dressing.. I wonder what was that rushing for.. I looked for my mittens and my hat, when I felt his hand grabbing me.. He pulled me, running to the front door..

Me: “YAH!! Why are you running like that! Are you..”

When he opened the door, I just couldn’t continue.. So beautiful.. White sparkling snow everywhere.. We went in the backyard, holding hands.. No matter how cold the weather was, his innocent smile would warm me in a second.. He was such a child.. I felt like pinching those sweet cheek.. and..

Me: “HEY!!!!”

Did I just got hit by a…?... Oh… so this is it.. Well, my heaven’s deer.. you wanna fight? Let’s fight.. I kept chasing him, while throwing snowballs to each other. It was quite difficult to keep up with his excitement.. I just felt like loosing my breath.. Ok.. slow down a bit.. ha ha.. my love.. so childish..

We thought about a snow man.. Why not?? Hm.. there..  in front of the plum tree, facing the window to the living room, so that we could see it everyday.. We got to work.. I just loved the way he was carefully rolling the ball along the snowy patch.

We were now decorating the snowman’s face.. so to say.. I end it up with a sweet smile, took out my scarf and wrapped it around its neck.. I looked at Luhan to see his reaction… He kept walking around the snowman, thinking.. Then he ran in the house and came out with..

Me: “What are you doing with that??”

Luhan: “It’s for him..”

Me: “A smoking pipe.. for the snowman..???”

Luhan: “Yes.. in case he gets bored..”

Me: “Ha ha.. what???”

Luhan: “Well.. he can’t stay with us.. he’ll feel lonely.. so.. ”

Me: “Oh my God.. where do you get those ideas from??”

I kept laughing while looking at the snowman.. I suddenly felt cold.. A little sneeze came out.. I almost choked.. Luhan turned and looked at me, worried..

Luhan: “Are you ok??”

Me: “Yeah.. don’t worry..”

Luhan: “Let’s get in.”

I was sitting on the sofa, looking at the snowman outside the window.. Luhan came in with 2 mugs.. Hm.. that meant one thing: hot choco.. my fav winter drink.. I sipped it, smiling like a child, making Luhan chuckle..

Me: “What’s so funny??”

He put his mug on the table, then lean towards me, kissing me.. Then he licked his lips, making a sweet noise..

Luhan: “Tasty…”

Me: “Yah..”

Luhan: “You looked so sweet with that mustache.. I just had to..”

I smiled.. I wasn’t really feeling the calming effect of the drink.. My headache was getting worse.. I got up to look for a pill, when I just felt the floor moving.. Luhan grabbed me, while I tried to get rid of the dizziness. He looked at me and checked my forehead..

Luhan: “Yah.. you’re having a fever..”

Me: “Don’t worry.. maybe I caught a cold.. you know how easily it happens to me..”

Luhan: “Tell me about that.. ”

Me: “I’ll just take a pill and..”

Luhan: “No way… you need to rest..”

He lifted me up and went to our bedroom.. He let me down on the bed, and covered me with the blanket.. He told me to rest a bit.. After some minutes he came back with some medicine.. Now this cold was really something.. I felt worse.. I couldn’t keep my eyes opened.. Luhan kept patting my hand, changing from time to time the wet towel on my forehead..

I don’t know when the night passed.. When I woke up the next morning, I saw Luhan sleeping near the bed, holding my hand.. Why was he so cute?? He took care of me the whole night?? I got up slowly, not wanting to wake him up, although it broke my heart to see him sleeping like that..

I went outside to make a tasty breakfast for him.. Hm.. His favourite one.. I smiled.. Indeed.. Guess it was a good way to thank him for last night… I was taking care of the tea, when Luhan got inside, looking worried at me..

Luhan: “What happened?”

Me: “Nothing..”

I pulled him closer, kissed him good morning and told him to seat.. I took out two cups, poured the tea and brought the breakfast, putting it on the table.. He looked at me with his innocent smiling eyes.. I got near him and hugged him: “I love you, my heaven’s deer!”


Hope you guys like it! Please continue to love and support EXO! Thank you for reading! God bless you all!

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