96. Special imagine - your bias

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Your bias and you (it's up to you which one is speaking)

Is it the softness of your voice that made my heart ache... or maybe that subtle yet heartbreaking sadness that sparkled in your eyes as you waved me goodbye?

Little frozen drops rest in my hand as I look up at the white sky, thinking of that one soul that is so far away, but still in my heart...

There is no way I can stop the pen of destiny that keeps writing an incomplete story... A whispered prayer fades slowly in the cold air, leaving my hope attached to a blurry memory of once a powerful love that united us...

Are you still looking for my smile in forgotten pictures of the past? Do you still hear my laugh flying away with the quiet wind?

I will always be here, waiting for that one moment when your heart will meet mine once again.. can you hear my sorrow?

My teary eyes look for you in the crowd... it's winter time.. couples pass me by, spreading the warmth of a holiday that means nothing more to me...

Here I am once again, lost in my memories as the snow falls lazily over a bustling city, unaware of the pain my heart bears.. I can't see you... but you're still here... in my heart..


Thank you my eyeliner butterfly, for inspiring me to write this.

Hope you guys liked it. Thank you for reading. Please continue to love and support EXO. God bless you all!

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