90. Imagine EXO

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If one day you'll leave.. what would EXO say to you?

What would Tao say to you:

"I crave for blissful moments with you.. even now while walking alone, bearing the sorrow your departure left behind... the blue hour makes me realise how much I needed to cry..

I get down on my knees, playing with the warm sand... the sea moans silently and I can hear your laugh fading away as the waves are dying slowly before reaching the shore...

Can you hear my heart beat? It's calling you back... please let it be free so that the painful ache will finally end.. I am here.. still here... and I will be... forever..."

    What would Sehun say to you:

"You are now there... far away from me... enjoying the peaceful moment... you close your eyes, smiling as the wind gently touches your face... little you know that the wind is actually my own scent... slowly engraving itself on your skin... waiting for you to recognise it... to accept it.. to make it your own.. while I am standing here.. waiting for you... to come back to me..."

    What would Kris say to you:

"I can hear the city waking up... yet nothing seems to be real... I might still be flying inside a fantasy... looking for you... I can see your foot steps leading to an unknown place... where all could begin.. or end... either I will regain my breath, when seeing your smile or lose myself forever... when arriving there to only find a memory..."

    What would Lay say to you:

"Just like the pale milky moon resting on the clear night sky looks down at the sleeping earth, I keep looking at our memories, counting each second that passes taking your scent away with it...

I might not have the power of healing your fear... but I will always be there to guide you in life... if only you will realise that by leaving you're not taking just a luggage... but also my breath.. I won't lose my faith cause there's still time...

I hope dawn will find you in my arms.. but for now.. I raise my head and let the moonlight shine inside my heart... maybe that will help you to find the way back to me.."

    What would Luhan say to you:

"I walk slowly to nowhere, barely touching the tree trunks with my fingers as if I'm trying to keep alive a sick hope.. My eyes are scanning the surroundings for a sign.. no matter how small it might be... a sign that you're still here.. that everything is just a dream... that your laugh will wake me up even today..

Can you still feel the touch of the once pure love that today seems to be just ashes resting on the ground?

Can you see? This is not the morning dew... but cold painful tears that my heart let fall on small green leaves dancing in the arms of a quiet breeze..

I'll follow you anywhere.. no matter if I get lost in time... no matter if I'll disappear along with this sad reality.. at least I'll get to see your smiling eyes one more time... if only... you'll turn a bit.. give me a chance to fulfill this one last wish..."

    What would Suho say to you:

"Since the first day I saw your smile, my heart kept beating mesmerized by the illusion of a pure and strong love... now that this dream seems to fade like the stars at dawn, my heart knows no more what calmness is.. you're taking away my faith while stepping outside into a reality that I will also face.. but alone... and I can't hide the fear that I might not be able to survive the unwanted future reflected in the cold sunlight.. a future... without you.."

    What would Chen say to you:

"Just when the story seemed too perfect, my fear once again transcended the thin line, becoming reality... the last time we've seen each other's smiles it's a blurry memory that I struggle to not let it leave me heartbroken like you did...

I can hear the evil laugh of destiny that finally trolled me... finding me completely unprepared to walk alone on the path that once led us both to a peaceful and bright future which now is a page about to be turned.. leaving the story unfinished.."

    What would D.O say to you:

"I can't even hear myself... although I am still calling out your name desperately.. even my voice faded slowly like your perfume that once filled the surroundings and warmed my heart... how will I be able to make you return when I can't even cry out loud my sorrow?

Time is passing and there is nothing I can do to rewrite the lyrics of our love... if only you would help me.. if only you would think just one last time at those bright days that once found you in my arms... maybe you will see in them the hope that we need to carry on with our story..."

    What would Xiumin say to you:

"The touch of your soft hand is the most precious memory that helps me now, when our house regained the painful feeling of loneliness that your laugh and bright spirit once erased it...

A new dawn founds the old me again, leaving behind a weak self who felt the will to fight when you held me, trying to help me face my own destiny...

Without you by my side, how will I defend myself now? Was I even part of your last thoughts that gave shape to your decision to leave? Did you try to hold back the fear that there will be no future for us?

Have you ever trusted this feeling that once made you run towards me, seeking my protection? Did you even believe in this feeling called love?

Then why aren't you here yet? Why do you keep torturing me? Why am I seeing the blue sky without you? When will I feel the warmth of your body again? When will you back hug me again, like you once loved to do?"

    What would Chanyeol say to you:

"Ever since I saw your shadow fading away in the cold moonlight, there was not a single day to not open the door and welcome your memory, forgetting what time is...

Your embrace that once made my entire body tremble of joy, is now lost inside my heart... What is smile now... a painful art of this strange hope that you will appear in any moment, calling out my name.. the once happy virus is now a lonely soul, hanging on the canvas of our colorful yet unfinished love story..

There is no way I can continue the painting myself, when you're holding the brush... if you would come back, we could erase those dark lines and give a new feeling to this picture of our own universe..."

    What would Kai say to you:

"The pale moon rests dead on a black quiet sky... its light freezes even the last hope my heart holds with a weak willingness to not let it fade..

I stand here, surrounded by darkness, not able to move my body, trapped in a bittersweet memory... looking for you... your fresh innocent scent still fills the thin air, making me feel dizzy..

I wish I could run to stop you.. but I can only let my pain melt slowly into tiny water drops that are dancing their way down my face while your image disappears in a dreadful white fog.."

    What would Baekhyun say to you:

"I always wanted to keep the light inside my heart... letting it warm me gently day by day.. never to fade away... then I decided to let it go... because you needed it more than I did... but destiny played its cards again...

I became your light.. and you the warmth my heart was missing... I am asking you to never let the light fade in the darkness.. so please don't leave.. otherwise my heart will lose everything, resting blinded inside a weak body..

There is still time to protect our love.. one chance and the light will once again gain its power, leaving behind the fear.. just one word from you and we'll once again see the happiness colouring our future.."


  Hope you guys liked it. Thanks for reading! Please continue to love and support EXO. God bless you all!

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