Chapter 3: The Dream, The Stone House & Soup

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Chapter 3: Stone House 

Tonight I actually managed to get some sleep without staying up all night thinking about Thomas. But still, I couldn't wait to see him tomorrow. There were still soo many things I had to learn about him and if I wanted to find some more things out, I couldn't act stupid. I couldn't act jealous when asking him about his girlfriend 'Blondie.' But tonight I just wanted to relax, go to sleep and look forward to the next day. 

I woke up this morning with a start. I had a nightmare that I was with a boy who looked like Thomas but it wasn't him. I wasn't sure if we were friends or going out but we went out for a picnic on a sunny day. All of a sudden, while we were sitting down eating, the surroundings became wicked and dark as storm clouds arose, creating bright flashes of lightening and rain pounded down. His expression changed and said there was another girl and he left me. I sat there screaming and crying, I couldn't find my way home. That's when I woke up.

I hugged my pillow, thinking about the nightmare I had. Was it a warning? No, it couldn't. I don't have a boyfriend. It can't be warning me about Thomas, we're just friends. . . . . . . . . 

I tried to forget about my dream and thought I'd go and have some breakfast. I got to the kitchen and made my cereal. As I ate it at the bench, my dream had somehow gotten back into my mind. It's the first time I've had this dream, so why am I worrying about it? It just seems so intriguing. I shook myself out of it and threw the rest of my cereal out. 

The morning was quite quiet and the house was boring so I thought I'd go outside. I sat on the law, feeling the fresh mowed grass just as I had yesterday, eyeing the stone house but this time without a moving truck in front of it. I couldn't see any of the Bennett's over there but there car was there so I knew they were home. I couldn't see any movement but I did notice Mrs. Bennett must have put curtains up in the windows. I looked over at my own driveway and realised the car wasn't there, neither was Jayden's. They've all gone out but mum didn't leave a note. As I thought, I heard the phone ringing. I stood up and went inside to answer it. 


"Hi Indie!"

"Oh, hey mum."

"Look, I didn't want to wake you but we went out shopping today, I will home in a few hours."

"Yeah thats okay, Thomas said he was going to ask me to come over later anyway."

"Okay sweetheart, I will talk to you later, do you want anything while I'm here?"

"Nah mum, it's all good."

"Okay, bye!"


And I hung up. 

I walked upstairs. I was in the mood for music.

"Oo, crap!" I just remembered. 

If Thomas was coming over I needed to get ready. I turned on my music to Coldplay again and went over to my mirror and started putting on some eyeliner and mascara but I didn't carefully so it would be perfect and I did my hair. As I had finished getting ready, I heard a knock on the door and skipped downstairs to get it. 

I breathed in and grinning, I opened the door. There he stood. In really, really dark blue, skinny legged denim jeans. He had another V-neck white shirt with a W on it and he had black Vans on. He had his hair jelled the way he did when I first saw him and still had his beautiful diamond stud in his ear. 

"H-hey Thomas." I said, leaning against the frame of the door. 

His mouth curved up on one side as he grinned at me. 

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