Chapter 12: Revealed

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Chapter 12: Revealed 

I'd say the trip home was quiet since Sky and I had our heads back and mouths wide open, fast asleep. I wasn't sure if mum was but obviously dad wasn't. 

Skylar and I got out of the car, still half asleep when we got home. I wasn't bothered to get in my pyjamas so I flopped myself down on my bed and fell asleep within seconds, just thinking about sleep. 

My baggy eyes fluttered a few times before I managed to open them properly. The word 'morning' echoed in my head. Ugh, I was a complete mess. My hair was all fuzzy, I felt dirty and my make up was smudged across my face. I looked like someone working in the mines or something. Oh and not to mention I was still in my clothes from last night.

Straight away, like a sloth, I climbed out of bed and dragged myself to the shower which I was desperately in need for. Actually come to think of sloths, they move to slowly, algae can grow on them. Ugh, that was a random thought. I shook it off, shaking my head stupidly and crawled into the shower, letting the warm, soothing water rain over me which was nice and made my morning!

I got out, feeling very fresh and in need for some breakfast. I got dressed in some light but baggy clothes and put my hair up in a high bun so that I had my hair out of the way. 

I got down to the kitchen to see mum sitting at the bench drinking a cup of coffee and reading a magazine. She looked at me. 

"Good morning sweetheart, have a nice sleep?" She said. 

"Morning,' I replied, 'it was okay, I woke up a mess though." 

She gave a warm smile and went back to reading and drinking coffee. 

I went straight over to the fridge and stared at it. I felt like I was in the fridge, my whole face and neck was right in, trying to find something. I hate being in those situations of a morning. You just don't know what you feel like for breakfast.

I shrugged my shoulders and pulled out a bottle of milk. 

"A cup of this will do," I said to myself quietly, grabbing a cup and pouring it in. 

I was leaning against the bench, drinking my milk and thinking about whatever came into my head. Then I remembered Skylar. 

"Where's Skylar?" I asked mum, setting my cup down on the bench. 

"At Becky's," she said, not looking up from her magazine. 

I didn't answer, I was hopping Thomas would invite me over today. 

I finished my milk and looked at the time. 10:43. I woke up late today. I decided to go and check my phone to see if Thomas had sent me anything. I check my inbox. No new messages. I shrugged in disappointment. I decided to send him a message to ask him if he was doing anything today. 

A few minutes later, my phone went off. 

New Text Message:
Thomas Bennett

Hey, nah, nothing, I 
going to ask if you wanted to
come over now?? :) x

YES! He asked me over. I replied, saying 'cya soon,' and I ran straight to my wardrobe to get dressed. Just my maroon shorts, a blue shirt and my Vans.

I did my hair and my make-up and slid down the stairs on the railing.

"Where are you going?" My mum asked, smiling. She knew where I was going. 

"You know where," I smiled back. 

She just nodded, smiling to herself and I opened the door and ran across the road. 

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