Chapter 25: Mistake

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Author's Note: Honestly, I'm so scared to write because I don't want to finish this book! SHOULD I WRITE A SEQUAL?! :) 

Chapter 25: Mistake 

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"That was a great game," Tristan said as we waited in the line for dinner. 

We had our trays ready. 

I nodded. 

"Because of your shooting," Antonio added. 

I gave his comment a smile. 

'NEXT!" The lunch lady grunted. 

The line shuffled up and Lucas was being served. She tipped in this brown, murky liquid and slammed an apple and bottle of water on his tray. 

"MOVE ALONG," she slurred. 

I watched as she served Antonio. He chubby cheeks were red and sweaty and hair curly hair was saturated with grease. I shivered in disgust at the thought of her sweat dripping in my food. 

"It's happened," Tristan said, like he read my mind. 

"What?" I questioned. 

He turned and looked at me. 

"Her sweat has actually dripped into kids food before!" he whispered. 

I screwed up my face. 

"Your's?" I asked. 

But he shook his head. 

"Lucas," he replied. 

I laughed as Tristan moved up to get served. She repeated the same thing again and he moved to join the boys. I moved up and stared at my tray and the boiling, murky liquid was poured into my bowl. This green crap floated to the top. 

She waved her hand in front of me, telling me to move. I shrugged and joined the boys. 

"Is this mould?" I asked, sliding into the chair. 

Tristan shook his head. 

I shrugged again and placed my spoon into the bowl, dreading what I was about to eat. 

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

We were heading up to our rooms, well, cells, no rooms, no, cell rooms. 

We walked through the hallway, laughing at Lucas for some joke he told when someone yelled out. 


I swerved around. It was a guard. 

"Your mothers' on the phone," he said dully. 

He gestured for to follow and I did. The boys went back to the room. 

He showed me into a room that was like an office but it had multiple phones. 

"That one there," the guard said, pointing to the only phone that was off the hook. 

I nodded and walked over to the chair and sat down, picking up the phone and pressing it up against my ear. 

"Hello?" I said.

"THOMAS!" I heard my mum call down the phone. 

I smiled at the sound of her voice but she started to cry. 

"I've missed you so much sweetheart!" She cried. 

I laughed. 

"Mum, it hasn't even been a day yet!" I replied. 

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