Chapter 14: Gone

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Chapter 14: Gone
Note: This chapter is done in a narrator's and some of Indie's POV :)

Recap: (Previous Chapter)

The sky was a beautiful velvet blue with shades of purple. Many twinkling, silver stars were painted across the sky and the moon smiled down at me. Ah, full moon. Does that mean the wolves are going to come out too? I should probably get going home soon. But, just for a few minutes I'd look at the stars a little longer. . . . 
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Chapter 14: Gone

Indigo's POV

And then I was gone . . .

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Narrator's POV 

Indigo was gone. Gone from sight. If anyone had come out from their homes. They wouldn't have suspected anything. They would have just seen the star lit sky and heard the wind whistle through the trees. 

Back at home, Mrs. Denning's was a little anxious. She wasn't as anxious and she should be or will be soon. She expected Indigo to be home any minute now. They were precisely the words that echoed through her mind. 'Any minute now, any minute now.' But she did not know that it wouldn't be any minute now. It may be any minute she went out to look for her. 

"Where's Indigo darl?" Mr. Denning's asked, an frown on his face. 

"Oh dear, she should have been home a few minutes ago," she replied, her breathing speeding up. 

"What do you mean Julia? 'What are you talking about!" He asked. 

"Well, 'Mrs. Denning's started, 'I told her about the. . . er, Bennett's and she didn't take it too. .well. 'She got upset and she left.' Mrs. Denning's sighed. 'She said she was only going for a walk but I saw her go over to Thomas'."


"She's either coming back, taking a longer walk or . . . " But she was cut off. 

"Ran away," Mr. Denning's said. 

Mrs. Denning's shook her head. 

"She wouldn't. 'She said she would never. 'I know Indigo, she wouldn't leave because of her family and of course, Thomas!" She replied. 

Skylar had heard the yelling and came down. 

"What's the matter?" She asked, unsure. 

Mrs. Denning's immediately looked down. 

"Uh, sweetheart, Indigo hasn't come home yet. 'Do you know where she might be?"

Skylar looked shocked and worried at the same time but she managed she shake her head. 

"Come on Julia, grab the keys!" Mr. Denning's said, rushing out the door. 

"Mum? 'Dad?" Skylar whispered through tears. 

She was in that state of shock. You know those ones in movies when people have just realised what's happening or what's going to happen and end up having a panic attack while crying? Well she wasn't having a panic attack but she was trying to hold back the tears. 

"Stay here, Skylar," Mrs. Denning's said. 

And she left, following her husband out the door. 

Skylar ran and locked the door. She ran back to the stairs where she collapsed and her fingers jiggled round her phone as she tried calling her sister. No answer, which made Skylar feel much worse. She sent her so many text message and tried ringing more again but still no answer. Skylar rang a friend to keep her comfort before her parents got home. 

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