Alternative Epilogue

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Author's Note: I wanted something different, so I made that they didn't end up together. . .it's killing me though, so. . . I've decided to create another ending, so an alternative epilogue. The other one will still be kept :) 

Alternative Epilogue 

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If, I may say, I belive that maybe Thomas and I were mean't to find each other. We were such a good couple and nothing ever went wrong. I'm glad he decided to make some moves. I moved out of home, and we bought a house together last year. I'm twenty three now, turning twenty four. It's good to have private make out sessions with no one else in the house. :)

I'm sitting on the lounge, flicking through a. . .magazine, and waiting for Thomas to come home from work. The light reflects on something, and it shines in my eyes. I turn back to the cover page, to check a page number I wanted. "Latest lace gowns, pg 45." I grin. That's right! I peer at the thing that was glistening into my eyes. A diamond ring. Thomas proposed to me last month. He took me on a romantic boat dinner and proposed to me there. I was over excited for it, and he would have to hug me tightly so I'd keep it in. I was glad it all worked out though. 

Finally I turn back to the page that I wanted. Then, I hear the door unlocking and Thomas comes in. He's wearing black jeans, a v-neck shirt and of course, his vans. I smile as I check him out. 

"Done?" He jokes, grinning, and coming over to me. 

I shake my head and follow his gaze as he comes closer. He pulls the magazine from my hands and sits on the coffee table, cupping my face in his, before going in for a deep kiss. I wrap my arms around his neck as I hug him.

"How was your day?" I ask, playing with my ring as he heads over to the fridge. 

"Alright, how was yours?"

I shrug and hold up the magazine for him to see. He laughs and nods. I continue looking through it. Thomas goes over to the bench to cut something up but I hear Thomas drop the knife. He seems out of breath. 

"Wanna make out?" He asks, hopeful. 

I grin. 

"Alright," I say. 

He grins back and walks over, taking me by the hand. 

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The soft music fills the hallway that I wait in. My father summons me. He looks lovely in his suit.   

"You look beautiful Indigo," he says.   

"Thanks dad," I reply.   

We kiss each other's cheeks. 

"Ready?" He says.


We loop our arms in each other's and enter. My cream dress flows behind me and my vail hangs down my back. I try not to cry. I don't want to smudge my make-up. We walk to the beat. I spot everyone looking at me. The flowergirl, ringboy and my bridesmaids walk in front too the beat too. Of course, Skyler is one of my bridesmaids. She looks beautiful in her lilac dress. 

I spot my mother crying and I think my father is getting teary too. His arm in mine grows closer. Then I  lock eyes with the boy standing at the front. Thomas. He is grinning at me. I feel my cheeks blush. 'Beautiful,' I see him mime. I blush even harder and peer down at the ground quickly before looking back at him.

I hold my boquet in my other hand. Flowers of butter yellow, apricot and violet. 

Before I know it, my trip has finished. The bridesmaids, flower girl and ringboy are standing off to the side. Behind Thomas' groomsman wait behind him. We are both grinning at each other. This is the day. It's almost over!

My father kisses me on the cheek again and walks over to take a seat and I'm left here with Thomas and the priest. We look each other in the eye. . .

We recite our promising vowels, promising to stay together and always look after each other. Of course, that's what we'd do. I hear Thomas' words. I do.  

Here comes the moment. 'You may now, kiss, the bride.' With that, Thomas cups my face and I wrap my arms around his neck. We go in for a long, passionate kiss. "I love you," he whispers. "I love you too," I say. 

All the single girls are waiting behind me. I count to three and throw my flowers. I hear them all scream, laugh and rush. I turn around to see a grinning Skylar. Everyone is laughing cheerfully.

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Ocassionally, I still have nightmares of that dreadful time with Archeron. But, Thomas will always be there to save me. He'll always be there to hold me tightly if I'm calling out for help in my sleep. Then I'll wake up, cuddling close to him. He will shooshing me gently, and telling me it's just a bad dream. Though, I could never repay him. He already saved my life. Without him coming that day, I would be dead. That's how dedicated he was. 

We're are laying down, just drifting off to sleep. We are holding each other tightly. 

"Thank you Thomas, for saving my life."  

"You're welcome,' he whispers. 'It was worth it."

Then we both drift off to good dreams, together. So, I suppose this is my story being best friends with a vampire. Well, more than a friend now and forever. . .   


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Tori98 :)


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