Chapter 27: Skipped

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  • Dedicated to Brooks Brothers <3

Author's Note: Sorry for the late updates!! 

Chapter 27: Skipped 

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I didn't go back to my class. Actually, I had climbed over the fence, cutting my arm on the top of the fence, and I had fallen, sorta half climbed down and my leg and knuckles started aching again. Pictures of that moment an hour ago was glued to my mind.


"I missed you," she said, playing with my tie.

I looked down at her but she was staring at my tie, twirling it in her fingers.

"But, but I'm glad your back," she said, looking up.

I rolled my eyes.

"Aren't you glad?" She asked with her fake voice. 

I shrugged and she continued playing with my tie and then my collar.

"Not a lot," I admitted.

And with that, she leaned up and pressed her lips to mine. And then. . .my lip moved once, against with hers. . .


And now I was walking past the back of the school after climbing over the fence, leaving my crutches behind. 

I peered down at my arm, which had a slit in it. It had blood dripping from it and was starting to turn purple. I wiped it with my plastered hand. I had injuries everywhere. My leg was starting to hurt again.

I punched a tree next to me in anger. I felt so annoyed about it. If that blonde idiot hadn't followed me, she would never have kissed her. No, wait, I didn't kiss her, she kissed me. So what was there to feel bad about? I know my mouth moved once with hers, but that was an accident. 

I had walked a little away from my school. Not wanting to go back. I didn't care. If they really wanted me back to continue with the rest of my 'classes' for that day, then they can come and find me.

I had been walking for about twenty minutes when I reached the local shops. I had some money, and I was hungry.

I walked towards the take-away shop. A guy in about his twenties was behind the counter. He looked like a real idiot, someone who talked down to you. And as I walked I put my diamond stud in my ear. My shirt was untucked, my top button was undone and my tie was loosened.

"Can I get a small chips, please," I said, reaching for my wallet in my pocket.

He stared at me as he wrote the order down.

I looked around. I was the only one here. Did he have to write it down?

"Shouldn't you be in school?" He sneered.

"Nup," I replied, closing my wallet back up.

He rolled his eyes and I swore at him, I know I shouldn't have, but something wrong was happening to me. I suppose because I hadn't seen Indigo for so long.

I gave him the money and he handed me my chips. He mumbled something to himself and I think I mumbled something back. 

I made my way out and kept walking on the footpath and up to the soccer fields. Where else was I going to walk? I missed soccer. The season would be starting again soon.

I hacked into my chips and watched the under twenties train for reps. They were going to Italy to play. I played in sixteen's and eighteens, and in reps too.

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