Chapter 26: Weak

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Author's Note: Heya everyone! Ugh, it's been killing me! I haven't written in yonks so here is the next chapter. Can't believe Claudia kissed Thomas :O Enjoy!! :) I'm trying to make this book as long as possible because I DON'T want to STOP writing it!!

Chapter 26: Weak

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Indigo's POV

A horrible, dusty, dirty smell had been forced into my nose and was trapped, unable to get out. It could have been because there was nothing else to smell down here or because I was just use to it. On the other hand it could be doing it to me on purpose, just to make me feel worse.

I was just laying there. My eyes were fluttering slowly. I was dirty and I smelt. I had these clothes on for ages. I was. . . thinking back to the night when I was so close to getting out but. . .I was. . caught. Why? Why am. . . I, here? Why couldn't it be someone else? Everything seemed like it wasn't going to get better. The strange thing is, I had never really thought about death. I just thought of bring trapped in here for a while. I was really just wondering what everyone else in the world was doing at the moment. Where did Thomas think I was? What about my parents?

There was nothing I could do except lay here, either icy cold, starving and weak. I couldn't even go into the house anymore, I needed to get out.

I managed to get up, although my body groaned with tiredness. I searched around the room and felt the large stone rocks that's made up the walls. What was the point of this? If there was an exit, Archeron wouldn't have placed me in here.

I sighed and sat back on my filthy mattress. I heard footsteps up in the house above me. It must be Archeron coming down ti give me my so called 'meal'. He didnt want his servants giving it to me, he wanted to do it personally ,just so he could see me suffer.

Then, an idea spilled into my head. I grabbed the knife I had gotten from the kitchen. When unlocked that door, I would charge, stick the knife in and run past. This was my chance to get free. It made me feel sick. Tears ran down my cheek. I had to do it, I couldn't be afraid, Thomas would do it.

My breathing increased as I heard his footsteps down the stone steps. All was quiet until the jingle of keys forced me to look at the key hole. I took a step closer. I was ready. The key was turned at the door unlocked, it creaked slowly, opening.

But I was frozen. I managed to walk slowly across to him and I tried to force myself closer. I ran but then I know I was on the ground. I had tripped. I cried. Archeron picked up the knife. I managed to stand up and I backed away.

He turned the knife around and around, the pointy end was on the index finger of his opposite hand. He looked at me, shaking is head.

"You've done it now," he spat.

He moved closer, the knife ready in his hand. I backed away, but I was stopped by the wall. I let out a blood curdling scream, as everything fell silent around me and he locked the door, and moved closer once again, my screams and cries still filling the air, but louder. . . .

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Indigos POVs are always short, to leave you wondering.

Hope you enjoyed!!


Thanks for the reads!!

Tori98 <3

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