Chapter 31: Running

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Author's Note: So sorry for not uploading for a while but here is a new chapter :) 

Chapter 31: Running 

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Mum was shaking me softly. 

"Thomas, time to get up."

I squirmed under the light. Ugh it was so early in the morning, but I had twenties rep trials for like, what? Four or more hours. 

I had to be there by nine. 

"What's the time?" I groaned, under my pillow. 

"Seven," was all she said. 

I pulled the blankets down, taking my time to slide out of bed. . . onto the floor. 

I stood up yawning, and made my way downstairs. 

Brendan was already up and sitting at the bench eating his breakfast. I slid in next to him. Mum got be some breakfast. I felt like a 5-year-old again. 

"Make sure you get ready soon Thomas," she said. 

I nodded, stuffing my face with breakfast. 

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I made my way back up the stairs, hoping today that my leg wouldn't ache from no where, hoping that I'd still be able to play with this cast on, just because I had to punch that stupid wall, hoping that the cut on my arm wouldn't rip open again, just because of that fence, hoping that my ribs wouldn't shatter because I dive for the ball. So many things could go wrong. Though, I didn't care about those happening. All I cared for was being able to play with this lip piercing. I sighed, reaching my room. I pull off my clothes and get dressed into my soccer shorts, shirt, and put my shin pads socks and . . well I have to wait to get outside till I can put my boots on. 

I pull my bag down the stairs with me. I couldn't be bothered to do my hair. Nothing to look good for. 

"Officer Smith was going to come and talk to you today," mum said as I reached the bottom. 

I looked at her, taking my time to meet her gaze. 

"I'll ask about tomorrow,' she added, 'I told her you had tryouts."

I nodded, silent. 

"Alright,' she continued, 'let's go."

Mum and I got into the car, leaving Brendan behind to look after Manny. We reversed and headed to the fields. 

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"Good luck sweetheart,' mum called, leaning out the window, 'I'll pick you up later."

I nodded and kissed her on the cheek. I turned around to see Josh. 

"Hey man," he called. 

I sent him a smile. He looked at me in confusion. 

"You not excited?" He asked. 

I shook my head, dismissingly. 

"Nah, I am. . . ."

He shrugged and we headed toward where I could see Jonzies and Skinzy. They spotted us we walked faster. 

During the time, we warmed up and did several push ups, sit ups. Uh, it was tiring, but no harm in getting bigger muscles and a tan in the sun. I had sweat showering from my hair by the time it was trying out. 

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