Chapter 13: Family

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Chapter 13: Family 

A few hours passed before I had to go back home for dinner. Thomas and I talked a bit about vampires after I had found out his secret and to be honest, I wasn't angry that he didn't tell me. I understand if he was afraid of me not believing him or freaking out. Vampires being real seemed odd like my imagination was being played with. I tried to tell myself vampires in the real world are hardly anything like vampires in books or movies. I knew I could accept Thomas' awesome gift. I especially loved those fangs, which he had the power to show them or hide them if he wanted too. 

As I walked onto my lawn and reached my hand for the handle, I wasn't expecting anything unusal. I was expecting to walk in my house. To see the stairs and the kitchen, and the lounge room. But as I twisted the knob and pushed open the door I walked in to find my mother standing directly in front of me near the stairs. She had her hand on her hips and a serious expression flooded her face. 

I was shocked by this sudden greet. I stepped back, my mouth opened. Did I do something wrong? Had something happened in the family?

"He told you didn't he?" My mother said and she let out a deep breath.

I was gobsmacked about what my mother had just said. Was she talking about what I think she was talking about? The Bennett's? Vampires? Transylvania!

I opened my mouth to speak but hardly anything came out. 

"W-what?" I stuttered, trying to think of something to say so I could work this out. 

Mum sighed. 

"Come and sit at the table sweetheart," she said, pulling a chair out for me then sitting in one herself. 

I did as she said. I walked over, still shocked from her words. I managed to finally get out a proper sentence. 

"Tell me mum," I said. 

"Thomas told you about him and his family, didn't he?" She asked, solemn filled her voice. 

I nodded slightly. 

"H-how did y-you know?" I stuttered. 

She let out a sad sigh, like she was ashamed of herself. 

"I've known....I've known for a long time Indigo."

"What, since they moved?" I replied. 

She gave a slight, motherly chuckle. 

"No darling, not since they moved. 'I mean for quite a long time. 'You see, Marry and I actually knew each other. 'We were best friend's since childhood."

I tried to process the information she had been keeping from me. 

"S-so meeting her was all a set up, I mean, the note and apology and introducing the family and everything else?" I asked. 

She hesitated.

"Sort of. 'I couldn't tell you about it when you were younger, I wanted to tell you when you were mature."

"Mum!' I yelled angrily. 'I'm sixteen and you couldn't tell me? 'Not even now!"

She gave another long sigh.

"I know sweetheart, I'm sorry."

I calmed down to let her finish the story. 

"Actually,' she started, 'I've been to Transylvania myself, 'we have family there.' I've been to Transylvania a few times. When I was younger and with Marry Bennett too." 

All this new information was coming through like paper through a shredder. And as the pieces were put together, I realised something I was hoping wasn't true. 

"Y-your a vampire, aren't you?" I asked with curiousity. 

Mum swallowed. I could tell she felt bad for not telling me before.  

"Yes,' she said, 'I am."

The words hit me like shattered glass. I was still stunned. 

"I didn't think you would believe," she said. 

The more I thought about it, the more stupid it sounded. I was angry. 

''You should've told me and Sky when we were young! I shouted. 'Then we would have been brought up with it, knowing it was normal for us! 'Knowing that we couldn't tell normals!"

''But sweetheart, 'she started, 'you are normal.''

These words came crashing down on me too. My mum had a gift and I was just me. 

''And Skylar is normal?'' I asked, hoping she would say yes.''

''Yes darling, only I am different. 'But I'm still your mother! 'I still love you dearly,'' she cried. 

I nodded. I didn't want to be mad at her but I was. She should have told me. 

''I'm uh, gonna take a walk I said,'' shoving my chair under the table.

I slammed the door behind me. I loved my mum but at the moment, I was annoyed with her. . . . . 

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

Thomas answered the door after I had knocked on it loudly several times, as fast as I could which was rathe annoying. 

''Indie?'' He said.

I didn't bother saying hello.

''Did you know about everything?'' I asked angrily but still trying to keep calm. 

He scratched the back of his neck. 

''Great!'' I said, throwing my hands in the air. 

I folded them and looked at the ground, trying to keep back the tears. 

''I'm sorry,' he whispered, 'if I told you, you would have never liked me, loved me! 'We wouldn't be together now.''

I knew it wasn't his fault and I wouldn't have expected him to tell me anyway. He's a good kid. ;)

''I'm sorry,'' he said again. I could hear the sadness in his voice. 

I let out a sigh. 

''It's not your fault,' I said, 'I know that and don't forget, I love you.''

He gave me a warm smile. 

''Sorry for the knocks,'' I said. 

He laughed. 

''That's alright,'' he replied. 

There was a moment of silence. 

'Well, I'm, uh, gonna take a walk,'' I said, turning around to leave. 

Thomas knew not to ask to come, he knew I wanted to be alone for a while which wasn't like me. I would do anything to have Thomas around. But at the moment, I just wanted a walk and to enjoy my surrounding's. 

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I realised I was out for hours of course. It was starting to get dark but I didn't feel like going home. I couldn't go to Thomas' because I'd be faced with his family, a family I should have known about already, a family that shouldn't be kept a secret. I collapsed on the cool grass, laying down so I could look up at the night sky. Mum was probably worried.

The sky was a beautiful velvet blue with shades of purple. Many twinkling, silver stars were painted across the sky and the moon smiled down at me. Ah, full moon. Does that mean the wolves are going to come out too? I should probably get going home soon. But, just for a few minutes I'd look at the stars a little longer. . . . 

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