Chapter 29: Cut

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Author's Note: Heya, so here's another chapter in Indigo's POV. I know there isn't much of Indigo but that's how it goes :) Enjoyzies!! :] 


Chapter 29: Cut 

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I lay there, trying hard to breathe. Actually, I couldn't try too hard, otherwise that would be painful too. 

My head throbbed because I had been crying for several reasons. To be honest, I don't know how I could actually be laying here thinking of those things when I was here, in pain and it was so much pain too. 

After Archeron had shut the door, and my screams had filled the room, and the wall had stopped me from going anywhere, I was pierced, sharply. Well, maybe not pierced. . nor was I stabbed. The blade had honestly. . . collided with my skin, nicely. Skin and knife. . .they were a perfect match. To put it in more simpler terms, I was slit and cut into, which stung like hell. 

I was screaming even louder when he slashed his knife carefully onto my skin. I wouldn't even use 'slash', again it was more of a slit, or a slice. Any form, it was still painful, because my open wounds lay there, for dust, and air to slip into it and sting like crazy.  

It had only lasted for several seconds, but my body was like a waterfall of blood. Everything was doubled and I couldn't see properly. I swear I could hear my blood pouring out and dropping loudly onto the floor with great clashes. 

I had ripped a bit of clothes up and wrapped them around my large cuts so that it may heal a little instead of becoming infected. 

I counted. I had nine. Five on one arm, four on the other. But they were long a deep, and not to mention, sore.

I had one on my leg as well. He must have bent down and slashed there. I was close to having one on my face but just put my hand up, so I had one on my palm. 

I sighed. Why was this happening? Had I done something so wrong?

The small and cracked light bulb above me flickered on and off. I wondered if anyone else had ever been kept down here by Archeron. Poor people if they had. I wished no one ever had to after me. Once I'd escape, they would have Archeron. . put into jail.

"Yep, s-someone's going to c-come and look for me. Yep, yep, yep, y-yep. . ." 

But it didn't work. I burst into tears. I was so damn annoyed. HAD ANYONE NOTICED I'D GONE! WAS THERE POLICE LOOKING FOR ME AT ALL?!

I wiped my face, which hurt to when I moved my arms. 

In a matter of seconds, I heard echoing footsteps down the stone stairs.

The door crackled as it was being unlocked and it was swung open.

I looked up to see Archeron.

"Here's your meal,' he grunted, 'and take these."

He placed a piece of bread and a cup of water on the floor. Then he placed a couple of bandages next to them.  

I frowned. Grr, he was so frustrating. I grabbed the plate and threw it at the wall. It fell with a clang. 

"SHUT UP!" He yelled. 

I cried again. 

"I could have done worse!" he spat. 

"WELL WHY DIDN'T YOU! 'YOU, YOU JERK!" I yelled back. 

His eyes and face fumed with fury and anger. I think I had really done it this time. 


He pointed to the stale piece of bread. 

I looked at him and scoffed, my eyes feeling puffy. 

"Are you serious?" I sobbed, buring my head into my knees. 

"Oh and by the way,' he continued, 'I hear Claudia is making great progress. 'Thomas and her are going out all the time."

He grinned a wicked one. 

"I HATE YOU!" I yelled. 

He chuckled. 

"You don't scare me."

I stood up, muscles aching. 

When I reached his face, I spat in it.

He looked shocked, but still angry. 

He swore at me and pushed me to the ground. 


"Death?" I questioned. 

He shook his head violently. 


I whinced and he pulled me up my arms, his nails digging into my cuts.

He slammed me against the wall. 

"NO, PLEASE, NO!" I yelled, more tears flooding to my eyes. 

They rolled down my cheeks without any problem. 

"Your fault, not mine. . " He whispered evily. 

I tried to hit and kick but he was to strong. 

And with that, his right hand push my head roughly to the side. He turned his neck and hissed as he opened his mouth, razor fangs revealed.

I squeezed my eyes shut, more tears rolling down, getting prepared for pain. 

I felt his hot breath on my neck. I felt something on my skin. Then I felt the deep, juicy and painful pierce as his fangs punctured my skin, causing the skin to fold in for bite marks and blood to pour out. 

I screamed, but all I could do was deal with the pain and listen to the slurping of Archeron on my neck, thirsty for my blood. 

He did this for several seconds. I was beginning to feel dizzy and drained of energy. I was ready to be sick from listening to the sickly sound of my blood being sucked up. 

Soon, he pulled his fangs out, leaving me with my bite marks. He licked the remaing blood of my skin and his own fingers. He licked once over the bite marks, causing them to be a little cleaner. 

He let go of me and I collapsed to the floor. 

He left, slamming the door. 

My breathing was fast as I shook. I lifted my fingers towards my neck, still shaking. I felt over where he had bitten me. The two marks were clearly there and they hurt like hell if my fingers even brushed over them. This was going to bruise.

"AH, OW," I would whimper. 

I would suck in air as it would randomly sting. If I did any sudden movements of my neck, I had this feeling my neck wounds would rip open again and blood was pour. The smell of blood would feel Archeron's nose and he would end up coming back for more. 

I took a sip of my water. Half of it went onto my lap because I was still so shaky. I lay down and cried. I cried the non stop cry where I couldn't control myself and I would make strange sounds. I did this until I fell asleep. 

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Yah, I know, SHORT :)
Anyways, hope you enjoyed.
Please CoMmEnT, VoTe and FaN!! 
Thanks for the reads!!

Tori98 :) 

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