Chapter 9: The Date

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Chapter 9: The Date

The next morning, I got up extra early so I could be ready on time to go the movies with Thomas who I am proud to say, is my boyfriend!

I was in the middle of having breakfast when I got a text, which was from Thomas. So I was leaving at lunch time to go and see some action movie, I was excited!

Before we had to leave for the movies, I watched some TV before I went upstairs to get ready which I made sure I had a good hour to get ready, to look perfect.

Soon, I decided to go up and get ready. After I had my shower I picked out a floral dress that came just above my knees with a brown belt to go with it, that I put on high about my stomach. With that I put on a bright red caridigan and a pair of my 'dressy' Vans. I let my hair out to and slightly curled it at the front as well as putting on my make-up, doing my eyeliner and mascara carefully.

I was walking downstairs with my bag, packing everything in when there was a knock at the door. Mum turned around from where she was drinking her coffee in the lounge room. I opened the door to see Thomas. I can only say the same thing so as he his everytime I see him, he was gorgeous and had his hair the way I loved it. He had his, ah, black jeans on once again with another white V-neck shirt, his silver chain revealing itself in an obvious way. AND you guessed it, his Vans. He had those hand-made bracelets on too, which I loved on the muscles on his arm, from his wrist all the way to his shoulder. He grinned that gorgeous grin at me, his sharp tooth being revealed, the grin I'd always be looking forward to when I got to see him.

Without saying anything first I walked into him, my lips meeting with his as I kissed him ever so softly, my arms wrapping around his neck. We parted and all my happiness, that was from the kiss disappeared and the happiness of seeing Thomas filled me right up once again.

"Bye!" I called out to mum, closing the door and taking Thomas' hand.

I closed the door behind me and Thomas and I walked across the road to his house.

"Emily's gonna take us," he said, opening the door of his house.

"That's fine," I replied, nodding.

We stood in the kitchen as Thomas called out to his sister. Emily was quite pretty, she had long dark hair and hazel eyes, like Thomas.

She came out with her bag and keys.

"Hey Indie!" She exclaimed, giving me a hug.

She was nice too.

We went outside and got into her car.

"Where's the rest of your family?" I asked Thomas as we hopped in the back.

"Inside," Thomas replied, happiness in his voice.

I felt really slack for not seeing them and saying hello but I supposed I could later.

After about ten minutes in the car, Emily finally reached the shopping centre where she dropped us off in the carpark near the door. We got out and she drove off, calling goodbye as she did.

Thomas took my hand as we walked in the door and up the stairs where we came to the shops. We headed in the direction of the cinema. Once there, we ordered the tickets and moved over to the food bar where we started ordering.

"What should we get?" He asked, smiling.

"How about that combo thing?" I suggested, pointing to the picture.

He nodded.

"Just that combo thanks," Thomas said to the worker."

The guy behind the bar nodded and got us our order. I felt really bad, Thomas payed for everything and he wouldn't even let me give a dollar!

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