Werewolves ?

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I set my stuff down beside Jess right in time for the bell . " What happened to you?You disappeared on me . " She whispered .The door slung open and it's like everyone stopped what they are doing to look at him. The guy that kissed me in the closet. I was right .Very right.

I knew he was hot and he was .
He had black hair ,  blue eyes , and you could see his abs through his white shirt .
It seemed as if he was looking directly at me . It made my insides feel like they are melting .
" Stop checking my brother out .That's gross ."
Did she just... brother ? Checking out ?
Oh no.
I coughed really hard and I felt something go down my throat. " I think I just swallowed my gum...Your brother ?! " I said a little too loud. Everyone looked at me including you-know had a smirk on his face .
" Yes my brother . Why are you so shocked ? "
Oh jeez.
" Okay class , get out a sheet of notebook paper ."
I got my binder from the floor and got two pieces of paper . I wrote on it,

Your brother just took me in a closet ,kissed me, and told me that I was his .

I handed the notebook paper to her .

As she read it her eyes widened.
A heard a thump next to me ." Hello mate. Sis."
This is not happening .
Is he crazy? Why is he calling me mate again?
" She's your mate ? " He nodded." I feel bad for you" she whispered to me .
Thanks .That makes me feel so much better and what does that even mean?!

The class went by quick . I ignored the insanely hot hot guy next to me and did my work well... that's not entirely true . I was thinking about him the whole class period . That was my first kiss .He just stole my first kiss . It was supposed to be special .

The bell rang and the class scrambled out ." Wait " The hottie called out.I walked faster .I felt a hand clasp my wrist and stop me . Those electric shocks came back .I looked up at his eyes . They were beautiful . Like the ocean , you can easily get yourself lost in them.

I felt as if I were a magnet and I was being pulled to him
I pulled my hand back and said " what now ? " I asked , gulping in attempt for me to stop gawking at him. " Why are you running away from me ? Your my mate . Can't you feel that? " His face twisted in hurt.
There's the word again. I don't understand what he's talking about . " Your a werewolf - " my eyes widened.
He knows? He knows about me being a werewolf ? How ?
" I don't know what your talking about ." I lied . "Stop doing that. I can feel your heartbeat when you lie . " He can too? Does that mean ... He's a werewolf too?There's more ?There's more! That means Jess is a werewolf also !

" I...I have to go. I'm going to be late for class . I quickly ran out . I ran to my locker , quickly put my Math binder up and got out my History notebook.
Room 902 .

Once I found it I picked an empty desk, I sat in it and rubbed my temples .
I just met another werewolf .
I should be nervous but I'm a little excited. Maybe I'm not meant to be a lone wolf age after all.
Out of all of the people in the world it had to be him.
The one that kissed me and every time I touch him electric sparks ignite.
Speaking of the devil ...
He smirks at me and sits his desk next to mine .A class with him again? Everyone was staring . He got a hold of my desk and pulled it to his .
What the heck?

I tried scooted back to my spot but he had strong grip. Does the teacher just not care ? I heard her yelling at some other kids so why isn't she yelling at him?
"Stop it . " I worked up my courage to say. " Stop what? " He raised his eyebrow at me .

" Bugging me . Stop bugging me . "I said . I could feel the people's eyes watching me intensely.

" Can't blame me .I'm just trying to get to know you."

Get to know me ? Yeah right .
What's there to learn ?

" There isn't much about me so your just wasting your time,  go flirt with another girl . " It hurt coming from mouth and I could see it hurt him too.
" I don't want to flirt with any other girls but you. " I just ignored him and continued with my work . Whispers were casts throughout the classroom.

He kept his desk against mine , so close that out bodies were almost touching and every time I tried to scoot away from him he pulled me back . To be honest , I didn't want him to let me .I know it's bad but I haven't had a lot of attention from guys growing up . I'm not pretty to say the least and I'm a wolf freak so it's a little difficult for me . By a little I mean a lot . I haven't had a boyfriend ever which is really weird for a 17 year old .
I didn't have much friends either which was a bummer because having no one to talk to got a little lonely sometimes.

Meeting a werewolf was so exciting . Maybe he was in a pack . I got so lost in my thought I didn't even hear the bell ringing until Mr.Hottie poked me .
" You still alive ? " I stood up from my desk ." Yeah I'm fine . Can I ask you some questions ? " I asked .He seemed caught off guard . " Yes ! of course . "
" Um in private . " He smirked at me . " That's not what I meant perv. " He laughed it off and a minute later we were in the janitors closet . Again.
" So.. Since your a werewolf . Are there more ? You know , in this school? Other than your sister?" I asked.
" Yep. My whole pack ." Pack ? Did he just say pack ?
There's a lot . I smiled brightly . " Thank you! " when I grabbed the door knob he pulled me back .
" You really don't know about werewolves do you? "
I shook my head .
" It's okay. My name's Stone . What's yours ? "


" That's a beautiful name . " I blushed . I thought my name was weird .
Stop blushing Lilac.

" Thank you ! So is yours . " Good going . I have such great social skills .
He laughed .
" Thanks ? Come on . We're going to miss lunch. "


Sorry I haven't updated . Some stuff have been really stressing me out . Anyways , what do you think of Lilac and stone ? Cute or no?

Thanks for reading ! Have a wonderful day!!!


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