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After we had been crowned Luna and Alpha the pack exploded in happiness.

" Come on, dance with me . " I pulled Stone on the dance floor . I wasn't nervous anymore .

The music suddenly changed to pop. It played " I'm an Albratroaz . "

I love this song !

We danced wildly to the music , letting everything go. After the song ended I saw Stone's eyes light up.

Stone's POV

Levi. My brother . He came !

He yelled something crazy and hugged me .

" You didn't think I would miss your ceremony did you? " I pulled back and smiled .

I am so happy to see him. He'd been away for a couple months  , training to be a warrior.

" It's so glad to see you."
" You too. Oh and nice to meet you Lilac . I'm Stone's
brother . "
She seemed flabbergasted . " You have a brother and  you  didn't tell me ? "

What? I didn't tell her? I thought I did .

" Sorry my flower , I guess I forgot to mention it . "
I said , not knowing what to say. She gave me that look that said we-will-talk-about-this-later.

"Well , I'm glad to meet you...."
" Levi. "
" Nice to meet you Levi. "
She put her hands out , I'm guessing to shake hands but he engulfed her in a tight hug.

He better get his hands off my mate right now before I break every limb he has .

I held back a viscous growl .

When the pulled back , I was relived . " BROTTTHEERRR !! " I heard my sister scream and tackle Levi to the ground . " Jess! "

It was no secret that she loved Levi more than me .Levi has always been the fun one , I've been the strict . I guess he gave her more love than I ever did .

The party lasted maybe 3 hours and then it was time for everyone to go . I was glad because just wanted to be with Lilac.


" I can't believe I'm Alpha . Finally . " I sat down on the couch in my room.

" Do you feel any stronger ? " she asked me .
" Yeah, I feel twice as strong as I did before . "
There was an awkward silence .
" Screw it . " I just went for it . Pushing her against the wall and kissing her roughly .

God, she felt good .

She kissed me back with same intensity and I groaned . I trailed kissed down her shoulder to her neck , to the mark . She moaned loudly when my lips hit her mark . Turned on, I put her hands above her head and kept them their with one of my hands , the other on her thigh. " Your mine . " I growled .
" Say it " When she didn't respond I began sucking on her neck .She put her head against the wall, her eyes rolling back in pleasure . " I...I'm all yours . " The words were like music to my ears .
Suddenly the door opened, and Levi bursts. " Hey w.... oh didn't know y'all were uh busy..." he looked around the room.

This is awkward.

Lilac had a red tint to her cheeks, it made her look even cuter." I'll just go." He spun around and left.

Realizing that I had a ... problem I said , " You know ...I'm just going to go take a shower. "


When I got dressed and out of the shower my precious mate was already asleep on my bed . Her steady hearts beats soothed me .
I put the covers over her body , deciding not to change her because that would freak her out .

I gave her one last glance before I went to go see my father .

' Go watch Lilac while I'm gone . ' I minded linked one of the guards.He replied with a ' Yes Alpha'.

The meeting with my father was important . Levi and Jake were there as well. " Congrats brother " he patted me on the back .

" I can't tell you what to do for now on son. Your alpha and I think you'll be a great one, but everything changes now . I can't believe I'm saying this but your in charge. This is your pack , not mine anymore ."

My pack .

The words seemed right .

" But don't get too excited . It comes with a lot of responsibility and work.Be prepared for anything ."

" Dad with all do respect. I'm going to be a great Alpha . Being a good leader doesn't mean you have to take time away from your family or your mate . I can do this on my own . No help needed. "


I'm so sorry I haven't been posting recently but to be honest IM SCARED TO DEATH! So they're are clowns running around my friends' neighborhood and my state . They have knives and they are luring kids in the woods . So yeah I'm scared to death. They are also doing blackouts in schools , sending texts to the kids , chasing people around with machetes. Sorry if this chapter is so horrible but I can't even think right now .

Im sorry :( I'll try to update longer and more .


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