Blood and Guts

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Recap :
" I don't know how...but I can feel him. He's there and he wants her..."

Anger fumed inside me and I let out a loud growl, letting go of her neck.

He's got Lilac! Levi! Where are you?!
Oh no. I'm at the northern border now heading to the pack house .

I ran as fast as I could, mind linking anyone I could that was close to the pack house .
My blood was boiling from my anger and I used all of that to get me to the pack house . My heart sped a little faster when I felt she was here .

Wait Stone .. don't -

It was too late. I was already sprinting in the house , frantically trying to catch a scent of Lilac , my beautiful mate. No one could tell me to not get my mate and no one is going to have her but me. An uncontrollable growl escaped my lips as I smelled her. She was so close. And then there I saw her. Alpha Kane had his arm around her waist and a knife in the other hand, touching her side.

 " Ah! Alpha Grayson ! Just who I wanted to see. So I'm taking your mate. " , he stroked her hair and I let out a growl as I began to launch at him. " Wait wait. Move another inch I dare you. It would be a shame if I had to let this pretty little thing go to waste, he smiled evilly. 

" Don't you dare touch my mate. She's mine"

Levi, I need you to come in south of the house. Alpha Kane has got her. Go behind him , but let me kill him

"Hmmm, like this?" I gave Lilac a look when Alpha Kane stroked her cheek, and looked at her mark. " Don't worry darling, I know a witch who can remove that mark" Stacy's grandmother...

" You bast...ahhh!" he pushed the knife into her side more. " Be a good girl to your Alpha" My face was hot with anger as I growled. 

Levi, where are you , get here now! 

I'm almost there... stall a little longer

Lilac whimpered and my heart lurched. " Why do you want her? ", I said trying to control my fury. " She's beautiful, she is great Luna quality. I believe it was a mistake that the moon goddess did not pair me with her." Alpha Kane was in his mid twenties and he looked plain evil.

" The moon goddess made her MY mate for a reason. Not yours. She is mine. Where is your mate anyways? ", I gave him a hard look. "You killed her. That is why I must take yours because you took mine away from me! But no! I'll let you suffer without a mate. No, No. I will not kill you. I'll let you die slowly from pain, mental pain like you did to me!"

I could feel Levi's presence.  Now!

 He grabbed Alpha Kane by the neck, putting his hands behind his back. I ran to Lilac and she collapsed against me, crying as I rubbed her back. " Close your eyes love" I kissed her forehead and walked slowly towards Kan who was struggling from Levi's grip. " You are sick. Lilac is mine and will always be mine. Do you know what happens to people when they try to take MY MATE AWAY FROM ME?! DO YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENS?!" I could see the fear in his eyes now. " Just kill me already! You've already caused enough pain to me! "I punched him square in the jaw and I heard a crack mixed in with his groans. " Not enough for my liking" I punched him again and again and every time I heard his satisfying groan of pain. 

" Stop it Stone ! He's had enough!" Lilac said. Kane spit the blood out of his mouth "listen too the pretty one" I punched his stomach harder than before and his shut his eyes in pain.  I kept doing this until my knuckles were bloody.  Lilac screamed at me to stop and I finally did. Then I took his neck and snapped it. He fell out of Levi's grip, with a thud to the ground. Blood began to pool around him. Lilac gasped and shook in fear. I tried getting closer to her but she backed away.

"Lilac? I won't her you" She looked up at me and ran into my arms, sighing in relief. " I was so scared..." She whispered as I rocked her back and forth." Shhh baby I know..."



Hello! I know it's been a while since I've updated but I really wanted to because of all of your support! I cannot believe this story has gotten as far as it did. It's so amazing and I will thank you everyday for that if I could.

So first I wanna say GO READ " ALPHA GRAYSON" I'm spending more time on that and I'd really appreciate it if you just checked it out. 

Second, this story is unfortunately coming to an end. There's just not much left to do so I want your opinion on it. Feel free to message me or comment.

You are beautiful and prefect just the way you are! 

- Victoria

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