Little Talks

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Stones POV

I'm in heaven .

My precious mate is curled up to my side sound asleep. I couldn't help but notice how everything about her was perfect . She had flaws but they were perfect . She is perfect .

I stroked her hair , pushing it away from her face . She sighed .

" Hey dude -" My beta ,Jake , stopped dead in his tracks and looked at my mate .

Shut up , she's sleeping .

Lilac squirmed around and put her head against my chest. I saw the amusement coat Jake's face.

Your so whipped.

No , I'm madly in love with her .

Shut up about it and what do you want ?

Your father wants to see you .

I couldn't disobey his words . I groaned in annoyance as I lifted my mate up carefully ,  carrying her bridal style up the stairs and setting  her down slowly on the bed . I pulled the covers over her and gave her a kiss to the cheek. " I'll be right back , my little flower . "

When I approached my fathers office I could feel power coming off from him, like mine . " Take a seat . " I did. " So what's this about ? You interrupted time with my mate . " I glared at him. " Sorry about that . Speaking of Lilac . I wanted to talk to you about her . You know that soon you'll be handed the Alpha title soon and you need a Luna. "
Oh no.
" I know, but she's not ready. She doesn't know anything and I don't want to pressure her . " I stated .
" I get it but if she's not ready you have to prepare her . It's not going to be easy  but if you want her to be your Luna , you have to . "
I couldn't believe it . He was an Alpha before mom was Luna ; well I guess it's fair because he was an Alpha before he ever found his mate .
" Come on father , please . " I had never begged my dad like this before in my life.
" You know the rules . I don't want this either but I can't let you fall. I think that she can be Luna , she just needs a little push . "

So that was it . I either don't have a Luna at all or a have to get Lilac ready in the next months .

Lilacs POV

I woke up to a bright light blinding me . I groaned and rolled over into the soft sheets . I sat up quickly . This isn't my room. IVE BEEN KIDNAPPED !
The events of last night replayed in my head .
Oh , just kidding .

Where did Stone go?
I tiptoed through the house to find Jess . " Oh hey Jess..." She looked confused . " I'm looking for Stone . Do you know where he is ?" "

" Um.. yeah he's down the hall ,first door to the right ."I muttered a " thank you" . Once I found the door I excepted it to be a bedroom but nope it was a lounge . A freaking lounge . Instantly I spotted  him . He was accompanied by Jake . "Can I talk to you for a sec ?" I asked him and he told Jake to leave ,who grumbled but left .

I just meant for him to come to me but okay.

I sat on the couch across from him." Thanks for last night - you didn't have to do that. " I thanked him.
" Of course I did . I need to ask you something too. How do you feel about being a Luna ? "

A Luna ? The alpha female of the pack ? No way.

" Well I think that I would be a horrible Luna and a horrible leader . " I said honestly . " Lilac .. don't say that. I know you'll be a great one . And besides , we really don't have a choice right now . I need you to be my Luna . " He moved to sit with me and held my hand .
He needs me to be his Luna? I can't do that. I can't .

" What are you talking about ? "

" Okay so there are these rules . If I have my Alpha ceremony before I find my mate , she has to be my Luna . I'm not asking you right now  but in a month . "

I had bittersweet feelings . I wanted to be with a pack , I wants someone to love me , I wanted to be done with foster care , I wanted that. I did .But being a Luna scared the heck out of me . I had only met him a few weeks ago for crying out loud !

I rubbed my temples ." This is crazy. "
" I know it is . I'm so sorry but I don't want to loose you. I never want to leave your side . " His words were simple but they melted my heart . " I don't want to leave either . " I rested my head on his shoulder , liking the warmth it gave me . " Does that mean your going to be my Luna?" He smiled brightly . I nodded .
I didn't know why I nodded . Maybe it was because of his smile or maybe I did want to .


I know I said that I wasn't going to update this weekend but turns out I do have time so yeah.

Was this chapter okay?

It was more like a filler chapter so I'm sorry for that BUT OMG !

I have so many reads and I'm barley have any chapters written ! I can't thank y'all enough !


Anyways so does anyone know about a lot  about zodiac signs ( or if your an Aries)  ? If so will you PLEASE message me !
Thanks :)


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