Kill the Alpha

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The war was here . There was no more delay . Stone had made his decision and he was the alpha .

I was gathering up children and elders to the basement.
On the outside I was the Luna , the protecter , but on the inside I was so worried about Stone. At the back of my mind , I knew there was a chance that he couldn't be hurt .. or killed . The thought made me sick .

" Luna , are you okay?" An elder woman asked me. "yes, sorry. " I snapped out of it and returned to my duties . Some children were crying and the others held a brace face .

I wanted to fight with the pack warriors and Stone but when I asked Stone he almost had a stroke . There was no getting around it. I felt helpless although I know I was doing something for the pack .

One little girl around 6 or 7 was sobbing with a teddy bear pressed against her chest. I stroked her hair lightly and bend down so that I was eye level with her. " Why are you crying ? " I asked her . " M...My daddy... I'm scared he won't make it back. "

My heart lurched every time her voice cracked . "Your daddy will be just fine . You know how I know ?" Her eyes widened .
" Because . A little fairy with bright pink wings told me that he will be just fine and made sure I told you."
She gasped and her crying stopped .
" A fairy?! "
" Yes . Just for you! " I smiled at her and she jumped in my arms.Her tiny arms wrapped around me .
" Your the best luna in the world! "

I'm the best Luna in the world?

" Thank you ! What is your name ? "
" Maria Clane"
" That's a beautiful name ! "

And that's how my night went . One kid after another even elders , calming them down. I felt pride in myself and I didn't feel helpless anymore ... I felt good . I tried to take my mind off Stone but I couldn't help but worry.
Where was he?

It had been maybe four or five hours and I just wanted him . I know , it's selfish.

More waiting .

More waiting .

An hour or so later I had asked one of the pack warriors that were guarding the basement if there was any update on how the fight was going .

" The rouges are loosing like we suspected but the alpha is no where to be found. What alpha doesn't show us to his own war ? "
No alpha ? That's odd.
" Hmm , what about Stone? Is he okay? "
" Luna , Alpha is going to be just fine . He's built out of stone . "
I forced out a laugh.

When the smell hit me I turned around quickly, looking around .
I spotted him at the door so I ran as fast as I could and put my arms around him tightly ." Stone ! Are you alright ? What happened ? "

He pulled me back slightly " yes I'm just fine . We won. The rouges were easy to take down . "
" Just like that? "
He nodded . It seemed too easy.
I embraced him tightly and he grunted in pain. I pulled back instantly and said , " What's wrong ? Did I hurt you? " He shook his head. " I'm just a little sore . You didn't hurt me . "

I lifted his shirt up and gasped . A huge purple and blue bruise covered his lower chest." little sore ?! Stone ..."
He just shrugged his shoulders . " It's not that bad and besides it will in an hour or so. "
He kissed me softly and I pulled back .
" Its very bad. Let me help you. "
" Lilac, I'm perfectly fine . Stop worrying about me when you should be worrying about yourself . This war isn't over . The alpha is no where to be found and if the alpha isn't killed then the pack isn't safe . You aren't safe . Don't you see ? "

" I don't care about my safety . All I care about is the you." I confessed , putting my head against his chest.

What if he never came back?
I whined at the thought and my heart lurched .
He stroked my hair lightly and whispered in my ear. " it's going to be alright . I'm going to find the alpha and I'm going to kill him. "

Alpha StoneWhere stories live. Discover now