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" Son , are you - who's this? "

A built older man appeared in the doorway. A striking similarity was between the two of them , except his eyes . They even had the same presence , I sensed power and leadership from him, like Stone .
" Dad . This is my mate . " My face began to heat. I was embarrassed about what had just happened seconds ago when he had been kissing my neck . I should have pushed him away and told him to stop ... but I couldn't . My body had a different plan.

I saw his father's eyes lighten . " Your mate ?" Stone nodded . " Welcome to the family . " Before I knew it I was  being hugged by his father .Never in a million years would I have thought he was a hugger . He pulled back a gave me a small smile ." I'm Hunter, his father . "

" Hi. Um , I'm Lilac. " I said awkwardly , thank God Stone pulled me away from him. I felt overwhelmed .
He pulled me against his chest and wrapped his arm around my waist, nuzzling my neck.

My neck burned with heat and just as I thought it couldn't get worse . It did.
A pretty lady with a bright smile entered in the doorway." I just got your father's mind link ! Aw look honey that look so cute together !" His Mom seemed friendly and overly excited.His parents just stared at me .
" Mom and Dad stop! Your scaring her. " he held my waist tighter . I didn't push him away because I was too nervous . " Oops sorry! I just want to ask a few quest- " He let go of me and pushed them out the door . I sighed in relief.
" I'm sorry about that. That's why I didn't want them to meet you yet.I know they can be a little overwhelming . " I pushed my hair behind my ear .
" They seem nice. "

At least he's got parents .

"They are . "He patted to the couch that had a beautiful window view , after he sat down .I sat there just in my own little world ." Tell about your past . What happened to your parents ? " I snapped out of it . " My parents ? Well they died in a car accident when I was very young . "
I was just waiting .
He would say I'm so sorry. I hated when people pity me . I'd rather them hate my guts.
" What were they like ? " He didn't say I'm sorry. That's a shocker . Everyone said that . Not him.
" I don't remember very much but my mom she was real pretty and my dad was a protector . " I said , staring out the window . " Your just like your mom. "
Yeah right .

" Pretty? I'm not pretty. " It is true , I wasn't at least not compared to the gorgeous girls at school.
He just stared at me like I had three heads .
" Your absolutely beautiful . The fact that you don't know it makes you even more beautiful ." A blush crept to my cheeks .
He thinks I'm beautiful?
No one has ever told me that before .
In that moment I wanted to kiss him . Maybe he wasn't such the player I thought he was . I shouldn't assume things about people .
Whatever we were doing now was taking it too fast. Normal relationships shouldn't be like this but I guess we aren't normal.We're werewolves .

" Lilac ? " he brought me out of my thoughts .
" Hhmm?"
" You okay? "
" Yeah . Why?"
" You look like your having a deep conversation with your self . " I laughed softly." Sorry, I'm a bit absent-minded." I looked up at him. He was much taller than me." Just a little . " he grinned . I playfully smacked him on the chest. " Ow! I have bones to keep In place you know?" He held his hand to his chest dramatically , acting like it hurt .
I don't think anything could hurt his solid abs.

He gave me smirk and it's almost like you could see the evil glimmer in his eye .
Oh no..
I was being tackled down on the couch , him on top of me , and his hands on my waist.I laughed in between telling him to stop. He was tickling me . I wiggled and I tried to get away from him but he kept ticking me . I thought I was going to die of laughter . Finally he had stopped . I realized the intimate position we were in. My face heated.
He rolled off and laughed . " Now I know your weakness . " I wasn't sure if he was talking about him being on top of me or him tickling me .

After that day I had talked to Jess for a while.
It was 8:00 pm and I needed to go home .
" Bye Jess.See you at school tomorrow! Thanks for letting me come over ." I hugged Jess . ". No problem . Come any time you like. "

" What? No hugs for me ? " Stone smirked. I went over to him and embraced him. He put his arms around me and wouldn't let go. " Stone... you have to let me go. " I chuckled . " I don't have to . I can keep you here forever ." He let go when Jess said, " Okay you two lovebirds . "

With no hesitation , Stone kissed me in the corner of my mouth . I stood their shocked at his actions.
Met a guy a week ago?
Already kissed him twice .
What have I for myself into?


Hey! Sorry guys for not posting often . It's been a long day...
Anyways , so if you guys wanna check out my edits account on Instagram it's ...

Thank you and danke for reading !


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