Come Again?

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I woke up to a major headache . I didn't feel good at all. Maybe it was because my foster parents had screamed at me repeatedly for staying out too late and not telling them or it was allergy season. Both probably . Ugh!
I got up eventually and put on jeans and a hoodie. I put my hair in a bun , not bothering to brush it.
I looked horrible but at this point I didn't care .

My so called parents gave me a glare as I went to my car . Another day of school . It wasn't so bad because I actually had friends this time . And a mate .

I smiled to myself as I walked in the building . I got to my locker and put my binders away. And like always , Stone is there." Hey" I squealed . " Hi"
He ran his lips along the side of my neck to my ear .
" I missed you. " he whispered , sending shivers down my spine .I scooted back from him , people were staring." I saw you yesterday Silly."
" I know but I still miss you. "
I rolled my eyes , even when I feel horrible he can still make me grin.
" People are staring at us. " He smirked.
"Good.Let them stare. Now they know your mine ." He growled lowly .
Why does he keep saying that?

" Why do you keep saying that? " I echoed my thoughts . " Because I want you and everyone to know it .  " I sensed power in his voice.He has a weird look in his eye. Like I was his prey.
It was half freaking me out , half turning me on.
" Um .. so we should probably get to class before the bell rings." I said .
He snapped out of it and he's eye turned a shade lighter . He held my hand as we went up the halls.
One question still lingered in my mind .
" Are we a thing ? You know- " he cut me off . " of course we are . We're mates aren't we ? "

By lunch time I was tired and I felt worse . Stone had asked me if I was okay a couple of times but I said I felt fine. I sat down by Jess at the lunch table full of boys .An arm was wrapped around my waist. I knew it was Stone by the electric shocks.I lied my head on the table , despite his grip. " What's wrong Lilac ?" Jess asked . I lifted my head up, " huh? Oh . Nothing ." I lied. Stone gave me a sad look.
" Something is wrong . Are you sick , love ? "
Did he just call me love ?
" I don't know honestly . "

" Come on , I'm taking you to the nurse ." When I said no he carried me . Yes . Carried me .
Everyone was staring at us . " Put me down " I said weakly . " Not until we get to the nurse . "
I shut my mouth, knowing that he was not going to let me go. In the halls,people were giving us awkward stares . I could see some jealously going on with most of the girls . What's there to be jealous of ?

Like he said , when we got to the nurse he put me down. " Alpha . " The sectarian bowed . He took me in the rooms and found the nurse . " Alpha , so glad to see you. " She have a friendly smile and a bow . " I'm not in the mood to chat. She's sick ." He growled lightly . " I'm sorry about him .He's being very rude . " She looked scared for me . " Well, I'm guessing you found your new mate and yes Alpha. "

She checked my forehead , " Your burning up! " She went back to her desk thing and got some supplies .
" Anything hurt Luna? " Luna?
" It's Lilac and yeah a little . My head hurts the worst but the others are minor. "

" Well Luna , I think that it's just some symptoms of meeting your mate . Have you marked her yet? " She looked at Stone .
I told her my name was Lilac! Old people..
" No. I'm waiting . " he said . What does she mean by mark?
Is this some sort of werewolf thing ?
" Oh my! Her symptoms will fade by the day but they will come back Alpha and it will be much much worse next time . Maybe you should reconsider."
The nurse gave me a worried look. " What's going on? I'm so confused right now and my brain is on fire already so please explain . " I rubbed my temples. I felt hands on my shoulders and my upper arms , he caressed them in a soothing motion but I shrugged him off.
" I'll talk to you later about it." I tried to argue . " No I want to know now ." I glared at him.
" Stop arguing with me , it's pointless. I said I'll talk to you about it later . "

I huffed in defeat.

" You should go home and rest. Here's an aspirin .It will make you feel a lot better." She gave me a glass of water and a pill." Thanks "

Stone had offered to take me home more like demanded . In 30 minutes the medicine had started to kick in and I was feeling much better but not cured . " Wait... let's not go to my house . I don't want to deal with my so called parents . Can I go to yours ?" I asked him. He gave me a bright smile that made me weak at the knees. " Of course you can. Your welcome anytime ."

We got to his place , it still amazes me of how big it is and it seemed like no one was there .
" Can we talk now ? " he nodded and told me to sit beside him. I sat beside him but on the far end of the couch . He growled lightly and pulled me close to him.
He sometimes annoys the crap out of me .
" So let me just start by saying . I'm the Alpha if you haven't noticed . The alpha is the packs leader , I haven't been handed the rank officially because I'm still learning from my father . He's the actual Alpha right now .Well your my Luna or Alpha female , the Alpha's mate. "
That's why the girl was calling me Luna... wait . Alpha? He's the alpha ? I knew the term .

" What does this have to do with the mark? "

" I'm getting there . So when an Alpha meets his mate , it's normal for them to mark their mates at first sight. A mark is is placed right here.." He put his finger where my neck and my shoulder meet.I shivered at his touch . " I sink my canines into your neck . "
WHAT?! That just escalated so quick .
" Come again? " I swallowed hard . " I said - " I cut him off . " I know what you said but.. that's crazy! Doesn't it hurt ? " My eyes were wide with surprise.
" Only for a second and then it feels good . Wanna test that theory out? " he smirked . " No , not really . "

" One bite? " he grinned playfully and I couldn't help but grin too.

After that odd discussion we decided to play truth or dare . " Truth or Dare ? " I asked him.
"Dare. "

That smirk was up to no good .


Hey guys! Sorry it took me longer than usual to update ! I don't know why I couldn't get it .

If you guys have any suggestions please don't be afraid to tell me ! I would love that!
Also, if you'd like to see something happen between Stone and Lilac or other character please tell me ! It will be greatly appreciated.
Anyways , thank y'all for reading !


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