My " parents " are what?!

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I woke up to someone shaking me .

" Lilac... " I groaned and rolled over , ignoring the husky voice in my ear .

Wait ... Stone?

I sat upright and my eyes went wide . " Stone! What are you doing here ?! How did you even get in my house? " I whisper/ yelled ." That window." he pointed.

I put my hand over his mouth, " shhh , don't wake my parents up. "
He shrugged his shoulders and said , " I don't care " . It came or muffled . " Yeah well I do. "

" Your going to have to introduce me to them you know ? Actually you have to tell them that your moving in with me . "

Is he absolutely crazy? They will NEVER let me do that and it's like custody laws or something .

" Oh don't worry, they know me . "

" I'm listening "

" Well you see, they're werewolves . "

What?! My foster parents are werewolves?!

Oh yeah. Is that what I smelled ? Fi...

" How - what?Then why aren't they on your pack ?  " I couldn't get the words out . " Because their rouges. .Like to live on their own . Some just want to blend as humans and some are for the violence. .Most of them actually  ."

I thought about it for a second . " You know what? I have to get to school and you do too. " I hopped off the bed , realizing that I probably looked horrible .
"I'm taking you to school . Oh and look at your mark."

I rushed to the mirror and found myself in a daze .
There were 2 canine marks in my neck and right beside it was the initials S.L .

I loved it .

It looked so cool and like a tattoo but it wasn't. If you think about it in a certain way , it was kinda insane , but if you think about it in the other way , it's meaningful.

I'm going insane .

A guy bites me and then his initials engrave in my skin and I think it's normal.

It's official .

I'm losing it .


That day at school I got weird looks . Nasty looks. Happy looks .Pity . And jealous looks.

Almost everyone ( the werewolves) stared at me.

I hated it .
I didn't like the jealously or sympathy. I don't like the attention.

" What's wrong ? " Jess frowned . " I'm just ... a little shy about being stared at all day. "

I couldn't help but notice how I sounded like a sissy. " Don't worry , they'll get over it."

But I only felt relaxed when Stone rubbed my shoulders .

" You ready to go home ? " I nodded .

When we arrived at my house I saw my "parents" outside talking .

Oh crap.

" I'll go talk to them . " I grabbed his arm . " No you can't . They'll take me away from here . I don't want to leave here." There was pleading in my voice." Don't worry my flower . No one can take you away from me . Ever . "

I gave a small smile and he got out , eventually with a sigh I did. Their heads snapped toward us . Fear coated their face instantly and I know they weren't afraid of me . "Alpha Stone " their eyes went wide and a plastic smile appeared on their face .

" Hi,if you didn't know already my Lilac over here is my mate . So she will be moving in with me and my pack to become Luna . " Wow. He couldn't have been any more straight forward , seriously .

Wait ... moving in? He just told my foster parents I was moving in with him... this is going to turn out great . Note my sarcasm.

They didn't say anything for a second then the witch spoke up , " Of course . Uh... anything you want Alpha. " she bowed her head.

" Good . Now you are to be respectful and kind to her until she moves in with me . Understood ? "
I was completely shocked by his powerful voice . It was demanding and very alpha like . With me he was completely different.
That's a good thing .

" Yes Alpha . "

They weren't even apart of the pack and they were still calling him alpha . I'm so confused .

" Stone , can I speak with you for a second . " I said through my teeth . " Leaving him no choice , I pulled him over to the side of the house .

" How ? What ? Moving in? "

" Yes ,to be Luna and apart of my pack you have to live with me . Remember ? " He said . " I know but it seems so crazy .Okay so I met you, what... 2-3 months ago? We are already moving in with each other soon? That's crazy . I just.. ugh. " I put my head on his chest because it gave me comfort. " 2 weeks ! " I could practically feel him grinning .

"This is serious. "

He held me tighter against and only think I could think of is the Video Games - Lana Del Rey lyrics .

He hold me in his big arms . Drunk and I am seeing stars .

" What are you giggling about? "

" Oh nothing .... "


I know this chapter is horrible just bare with me .

I'm running out of ideas guys .... if you have a conflict or whatever please inbox me or comment ! It would mean a lot to me.

But OMG the reads are going up so quick as well as my happiness! Thank you guys so much for voting , commenting , and reading !!!!!

I'm feel better than last week but I'm busy a lot this week soo.....

Ughh , wish me luck !

- Victoria

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