Sneaky War

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" I want guards  on every freaking border there is . Women and children must stay on ground level until this is over. This is the plan, we make a circle around the area, and the others will make a smaller circle around the pack house . Something comes , we kill. Do you understand ? We aren't fighting for drinks or money, this is our families we are talking . Our mates and our children. " , I touched Stone's shoulder lightly .

Everyone was staring at him , at me , but this time I didn't care . I felt nervous and scared but at the same time I'd caught a grip of power , just maybe for a second . And maybe the pack did also, when I looked at them they have faith in Stone and I did too.  I never realized the great impact he had on the pack members. None of them looked like they were about to go into war .

Stone suddenly turned to me and put both his hands on my face . He caressed and kissed me softly . My face turned blood red cause everyone was watching us . " what are you doing ? " I whispered . He ignored me and kissed me again, then he pulled me to his side . " Your Luna is special and she deserves the best . If anyone disrespects her so help me ... "
I elbowed him and he clears his throat. " anyways , I want guards, at least 3, by her side at all times. You do not touch her, but protect her from any danger. I swear, if there is one scratch on her body I will kill you myself" 

My eyes widened. " He's just kidding..." Stone interrupted me "I'm not.." I put my hand over his mouth . " He's just kidding" I repeated. It would be funny if I didn't know many pack member were going to be killed today-because of me. And the worst part is, I couldn't turn myself in because I knew Stone would go crazy and as much as I loved his pack, I loved him more.

I know this is very cruel, but I wanted Alpha Kane dead. Not just dead, I want him to suffer greatly and I wanted to kill him myself.

The pack cleared out after Stone was finished talking, going to either the borders or the basement. The war was about to began. I turned to Stone who had a fierce look in his eye, and me over here scared to death. 

"Stone I'm scared...this is dangerous for you", I said.

" How hard can it be to kill one Alpha?"

"Very hard apparently!", I yelled. " Shhh it's okay. We are all going to be fine. No need to be frightened. I'm trusting these very well trained guards," he looked behind me at the guards, a silent threat "to take care of you".

I ran my hands through my hair in frustration." I'm not worried about me! Can't you just stay here and not go?" He gave me a look that said you-are-crazy, and walked in the pack house with me trailing after him.

Stone's POV

I knew she was scared, I'd be weird if she wasn't . My mom had the same look in her eye whenever my Dad left, I remembered that.  I wanted to stay here forever and keep her safe, but until I killed Alpha Kane nothing would be at peace. 

She sped her walking to catch up with me, and I grabbed her hand. " You know I would love to stay, but I have to go." The pack warriors were behind me, their impatience rolling off in waves. Some of them were kissing their mates and saying their goodbyes to their families, every one of them scared they would never come back.

I turned to Lilac and placed my hand on her cheek, and kissing her lips softly. It was like I forced myself to pull away. " I'll be back tonight or tomorrow. Don't worry about me, okay? "

" That's impossible. Just...please be safe. Please."   It pained my heart to hear her like that, and I was close to caving. " Of course I will. Like I said, don't leave these guards sight. And Lilac?

 " Yes Stone?", the way she said my name made my wolf howl. " Don't try to blame this on you. It's not your fault. And do not try to turn yourself into Alpha Kane, you are smarter than that."

Lilac looked at me with a second. " I'm not going to do that, I love you too much."  I gave a small smile and kissed her again.


I lied. Lilac thinks its just one Alpha, the alpha of the rouges, but some packs wanted revenge on ours. Never would I had thought, a pack would team with rouges. Who knew how many there was. For the first time, I was not completely confident. 

Are the borders covered?, I mind linked Lynn, one of my pack warriors.

Yes Alpha. 

Jake was beside me, fighting off a grey wolf.  I growled and went for the wolf, full force. The impact knocked him on his side while I went in for his neck, biting down harshly. The satisfying limp of his body let me know he was dead. I felt a painful scratch on my back of claws, Jake tackled him, and then I was fighting another wolf, and another...and another... By the time things had calmed down, I was tired and sore. I killed one Alpha already and Jake had killed one too. A heard a cough was heard behind me and I turned around. A wolf had shifted and she was  rouge. Shifting quickly , I Walked over to her, and  grabbed her throat and slammed her against a tree. 

" WHERE IS THE ALPHA?!" I demanded. Her legs shook. " I'm sorry.. please do not kill me. I have children please. " Lowering my voice I said, " Tell me where the alpha is and you are welcome to join my pack" This was me being nice. " Yes..yes thank you. Alpha Kane.. he's scary... I wouldn't..." , she stuttered. " Just tell me where he is!", I pushed on her neck harder and she gasped. " H..he is at your pack house... about now. " I let her go, shocked. " What do you mean he is at my pack house?! There is borders everywhere!"

" I don't know how...but I can feel him. He's there and he wants her..."


 Hey! I'm finally back with a new update. It's been a while, I know. I'm not sure when I will update next. Encouragement helps. Thank yall so much for reading!!

- V 

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