Chapter Five

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|Michael Kingston|

Have you ever met someone so adorable, that you just wanna wrap your arms around them, and never let them go?

Well, November is an example of that. She's adorable, funny, and fun to tease.

Too bad she's annoying as hell.

I can understand why the guys would want her, I mean, she's got all of the perfect features that a girl should have. Except for the bothersome side of her. It's like she would just attack you with questions; like she needed to know everything.


I pushed aside my thoughts, stepping out of the shower and grabbing a towel. I quickly dried myself off, and wrapped the towel around my waist. I stepped out of the bathroom, and into my room.


After getting dressed in my pajamas -- which consisted of sweatpants and white v-neck -- I flopped onto my bed, rubbing my eyes in the process. I quickly fell asleep, holding a pillow to my chest.


"Michael," she rested her hand onto my chest, stroking it lightly.

"Hmm?" I hoped she never stopped, I wished that I could stay like this forever.

She brought her lipstick-covered lips towards my ear, and whispered: "I love you."

I placed my uncertain hands on her waist, loving the fabric of her dress. Or maybe the fact that it was on her.

She was currently dressed in a red cocktail dress, that went to her mid-thighs and was strapless. It fit her body perfectly, only showing in the right places. There were two slits that went on her sides, and I noticed that when I rubbed my fingers lightly over the skin-exposed area. She shivered under my touch, eventually running her hands through my hair. She pulled my head closer, until her forehead rested against mine.

I wanted to kiss her so badly.

I hesitantly inched my lips closer to hers, silently asking her for permission.

She smiled, letting out a little laugh.

"Are you gonna kiss me or not?"

My eyes widened in surprise, before I grinned -- probably looking like a fool.

I pressed my lips against hers - enjoying every moment in our swift kiss. It only lasted about three seconds, before she came back for more. She eventually stopped kissing me, and pulled away. She ran her fingers over my face, tracing every curve and bump.

I longed to kiss her again.

I leaned forward, about to kiss the beautiful girl that stood in front of me, when my lips made contact with her palm.

"Nuh uh," she laughed, "not happening."

I pouted. "Please?"

"Nope." She smiled cheekily at me. "So-rry!"

"Well then I'll just have to make you." I grinned mischeviously at her.

She widened her eyes, looking confused for a moment, until she realized what I meant. She squealed, running towards the bed and standing on it. She grabbed a pillow, hitting me on the head with it repeatedly.

After about fifty hits to the face, I ended up in a laughing fit on the floor.

"Okay, okay. I won't tickle you anymore." I said, still laughing.

"Pinky promise?" She asked, getting on her hands and knees and crawling to peek over the end of the bed so that she could see me, lying on the floor. I smiled up at her as she stuck her pinky out, and brought it towards me. I interlocked her pinky with mine, kissing it for good measures.

Just kidding, I could just never get enough of this girl.

I stood up, causing her to scoot away and stare at me wide eyed. I raised our pinkies up. "Pinky promised."

She nodded, sighing as she laid down on the bed. She put herself under the covers, snuggling into the warm comforter.

I crawled onto the bed, getting under the covers with her. I scooted closer to her, wrapping my arms around her small frame. I pulled her against me, loosening my grip so that she could make herself comfortable. Her face was pressed up against my chest, one hand around me, and the other intertwined with mine.

I played with her hair, listening as she sighed, before speaking: "I love you, Michael."

I smiled. "I love you too, November."


I woke with a jump, shaking my head.

I never thought that I would have a dream like that.


A/N: *cues aws from the crowd* AWWWW

..wait where did that side of Michael come from?

*shrugs* idek

Song on the side is Are You Gonna Kiss Me or Not? by Thompson Square, because I listened to it while writing it lol

haha, well I hope you liked it! Please comment and vote ;)


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