Chapter Seventeen

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|November Smith|

Since I had asked my best friend, Tiana, to be my maid of honor, I was currently in the car with her as we drove to pick up her bridesmaid dress. I wanted her to be my only bridesmaid, but I forgot about Michael's side of the family; therefore, I now have eight bridesmaids. Tiana, Michael's three cousins - Rocky, Sasha and Alaina -, also his two sisters (which I didn't even know that he had) - Meredith and Michelle - and his two nieces - Rachel and Katie.

The boutique that we're getting the dresses from is far; almost an hour away. And I'm not one for long car rides - the small moving space, the people surrounding you, the thought of getting into an accident - oh, and the singing. Definitely the singing.

Tiana better be glad that she's a good singer because she just so happens to know every song that comes on the radio and the lyrics that are in them. It pisses me off, but at the same time I don't mind - I mean, she is my best friend, and she is a really good singer.

After being in the car for a few minutes, a new song came on that Tiana just happened to love, for she squealed out in joy and turned the radio up loud, singing along to Talk Dirty to Me by Jason Derulo and 2 Chainz.

As she drove, she danced, and I couldn't help but panic.

"Tiana! Keep your hands on the wheel! No - I don't want to dance with you!" I swatted her hand away as she tried grabbing mine. She laughed, turning the volume down and placing both of her hands securely on the wheel. Taking a quick glance at the clock, I groaned at the time.


There was still an entire four hours until the wedding took place, and I wasn't ready.

"So, tell me," Tiana began, "why are you marrying Michael Kingston?"

My mom wanted money, so she's forcing me to marry him, even though she still acts like she loves me which is weird because I'm starting to think that she does not love me since she's making me do this. "Money," I simplified, shrugging.

"Ah, smart. Marry the rich boy, take the rich boy's money, then leave his poor heart broken." Tiana grinned cheekily at me, nudging me on the elbow.

I snorted, "Yeah, right."

I looked out my window, seeing the raindrops flying off of it. The rain had slowed down, I'm assuming that it's because we're out of town, but I was silently happy because Tiana loved to sing and dance while she was driving, and it's been the cause of a couple of car accidents before.

"I'm kidding," she assured me. "I know you're too good for that."

I scoffed. "Like you're not!"

"Are you kidding me? Have you seen that boy? I would nail and bail with this one. Wait, scratch that - I would nail him, take his money, then bail him." She grinned as if she had just come up with the most genius plan ever.

I rolled my eyes, letting out a short laugh and not bothering to respond.


"I saw your video," Tiana randomly blurted out.

"What?" I asked, turning to look at her. What video?

"The video that was posted of you and Michael on Youtube, duh."

There's a video of Michael and I on Youtube?

Noticing my confused face, Tiana rolled her eyes, groaning. "I swear, sometimes I think that you're naturally blonde - ow!" She rubbed her arm, also the one that I just hit. "I'm talking about the one of you and Michael singing that song from that one movie...What was it? Oh! I know! It was from Grease! You were singing to each other, and yeah."

How did he post that so quickly?

"It's a new Youtube hit, people say it's one of the cutest duets that they've ever seen." She continued, taking the exit off of the highway and into the city that the dress boutique was in.

Instead of responding, I simply stared off into space, not taking notice when Tiana began getting out of the car once we reached the boutique. She knocked on my window, snapping me out of my daze. I blinked, slowly unbuckling my seatbelt and getting out of the car. We stepped into the shop, immediately smelling some kind of flowery scent.

A lady walked up to us, greeting us politely. I told her my name and what we're there for, so she took us to get the dress. I examined her, taking notice in just how young she looked. She was very nice looking, with her blonde hair down and in big curls, and her brown eyes lined with a decent amount of eye liner and mascara. He face was perfectly shaped, and she really was gorgeous. She had thick black rimmed glasses, too.

"Ma'am?" She looked at me confused. Resting a hand on my arm, she asked "Are you alright?"

"Uhm, yes. Yes, of course." I responded.

"Oh okay then. So, as I was saying, not all of your bridesmaids have come to get their dresses yet, so I was wondering if you'd just like to take their dresses with you and give them to the bridesmaids yourself?" She bit her lip, her gaze flickering towards the floor. "Just to uhm, just to save you the trouble?"

Oh, I get it. She thinks that I'm all high-class.

After not responding, she nervously looked at me, shrugging. "It was just a suggestion," she let out a deep breath, "I shouldn't have even suggested it, I'm sorry."

"Are you kidding me?" I spoke, causing her to flinch. I broke out into a grin, "That's a fantastic idea! Tiana, help me get the dresses, yeah?"

Tiana nodded, "Yeah, of course, babe."




Okay, first off, I've made a new story and it's a Werewolf story called Human. If you want me to make you a character in it, just read it and comment what you want your character to be like c:

Second, if you would like to see the bridesmaids dresses, here's the link:

Also posting link in the comments

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