•during• Chapter Four

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|Michael Kingston|

That little bitch! Who the hell does she think she is?

I groaned as I ran my hand across my face.

What does she mean by 'loved ones'?

Is she cheating on me!

I picked up my phone at the sound of it ringing. Without checking the caller ID, I answered.

"What?" I snapped.

"Ooh, someone's in a mood today," Kirstie squealed.

I let out an agonizing sigh. "What do you want, Kirstie?"

"Oh, one sec," I heard some rustling come from her end before a door slammed. "Listen up, Mikey. You better pay me for your last round of weed before I go ape shit on you! That stuff was expensive; I'm not supposed to be just giving it away like that!"

"Yeah, yeah," I grumbled. "I'll get it to you. When do you want it?"

"Tomorrow!" She shrieked.

"And why do I owe you money, again?" I asked, out of it.

"Lay back on the drugs, dick." She hissed before hanging up.

I stared at the phone, confused. I felt a pounding in my head, making me go and find some Ibuprofen. I quickly downed some pills and went out to my car.

I have to find Nova! My mom will never let me live this down! I have to make it up to her.


I looked up at the small salmon colored house, wondering why in the hell they would choose that color.

I guess since we live near the beach, and houses at the beach are usually colorful.

I shrugged it off before I knocked on the white front door. I heard a scream and it was only moments before a familiar brunette opened the door.

"Good afternoon, Mrs. Smith," I greeted, plastering a smile onto my lips. All I could worry about was if my teeth were yellow and if I'd smelt like alcohol.

"G'd afternoon, son. Can I help you with something?" She asked, leaning against the doorframe.

"Um, yes," I cleared my throat, "is November here by any chance?"

"Yes, she is." She nodded, her lips forming a thin, straight line.

"Can I speak to her by any chance?"

"Son, listen. I know you're married to my daughter, but you haven't been treating her the way she deserves to be treated. You're ignoring her and acting like she doesn't exist, and - you just don't get it, Michael!" Guilt flooded her eyes, "I'm sorry, but she's filling out the divorce files as we speak."

I nodded, my eyes staring straight ahead as I took in her words.

She's doing what?



Short chapter, sorry! I just wanted to give y'all something since I got my ten votes! *cheers* yaaaay! anywho, let's go to 12 votes and a comment for the next one! Not too difficult, right?

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