Chapter Thirteen

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-typed on phone, sorry if there are autocorrect mistakes-

|November Smith|

I decided that I needed to leave once six o'clock rolled around, seeing as I had to go to dinner with our moms. In all honesty, I really wasn't looking forward to it. I didn't make my vows, I had an hour to get ready, and I still have no idea what to wear. I need to make Julienne impressed, not think that she chose a girl who was just as equally important as the gum on the bottom of her shoe. Not that there would be gum on the bottom of her shoes.

I pushed clothing piece, after clothing piece away from me, struggling to find the perfect outfit.

"Mom!" I called. I sat on my bed, staring at my closet longingly, waiting for the moment when the perfect outfit will magically appear in front of me.

That was all gone when I heard the sound of my bedroom door opening. My mom stepped in, shutting the door behind her. She walked over to where I was sitting, and she stood in front of me.

"You called?" Cocking her head to the side, my mom spoke in a curious tone.

"Yeah, I really don't know what to wear tonight," I groaned, "and it's bothering me."

A relieved look covered her face. "Oh, thank goodness. I thought I was the only one of us who didn't know what to wear." I gave we a weird look. "I'll make a deal with you. I'll help you pick out your outfit, only if you help me pick out mine afterwards."

"Okay, deal." Was my immediate response.

She nodded once, before spinning around and stepping into my closet. after a few minutes, she came out holding a piece of clothing and a pair of shoes.

"Go try this on." She shoved the items into my arms and pushed me into my bathroom, closing the door behind me.

I held up the dress that she gave me. It was a coppery-tan color, with black lace covering it. The dress had sleeves, and it went down to my mid-thigh. The shoes were just plain black pumps, but they were classy enough to be impressed by.

I changed, and ended up staying in that outfit since I loved it so much, then I went to go help my mom. She ended up in a one-shoulder red dress that goes down to her knees, with red pumps.

I curled my hair and put little makeup on, while she did a dark smokey-eye look wit her hair up in a fancy bun, a few strands down and framing her face perfectly.


At approximately seven o'clock, a sleek, black limo pulled up out front of our house. We got, in seeing Julienne already in it, holding a glass of champagne and looking as classy as ever.

"Hello, November, Rosie." She spoke, addressing my mother and I, before taking a small sip of her champagne. "You both look great!"

"Thanks," I mutter, playing with my fingers. If you haven't noticed -- I only do that when I'm nervous.

"You do too, Julienne," Mom complimented her, shooting me a weird look.

"Thank you," Michael's mom was beaming at this point.

"So," My mother began to speak.

"Where are we going?" I piped up, cutting her off. She sent me a glare, turning her attention back to Julienne after.

"Only the best restaurant in town, trust me you'll love it," she gushed, going on and on about what great food and service they have, naming things that I've never even heard of.


About fifteen minutes later, we arrived I front if a small restaurant. From the outside, it looked like a small two-story white house, with vines traveling up and down the sides and corners of the building. There was a little light-up sign with an Italian name on it.

"Oh, I just love this place!" Julienne grinned. "Have you ever been?"

My mom shook her head, "Oh, no. We could never afford something like this."

"Well after our babies are together," Julienne placed a hand on my mothers' bare knee, "You can afford anything."

She nodded numbly, glancing back and forth between Julienne and I.

We entered the restaurant, and followed the hostess as she took us to a table. After we were seated and we ordered, we sat in silence. Mom squirmed in her seat, Julienne sipped her water every five seconds as she peered curiously at us, while I sat there probably out of it.

"So, November," Julienne started, clearing her throat.

"Nova. Please -- just call Nova." I blurted.

She blinked, a look of surprise appearing on her face. "Oh. Alright then, dear." She smiled warmly at me. "Nova, do you have your vows prepared?"

A lump formed in my throat, my hands sweating effectively as I stuttered out a response. "No -- I mean, yes, but no? I was just thinking that we could do the original vows instead of making them, because -- well, just because we haven't ha the chance to get to know each other, and I kinda need that kind of information to be able to actually write them and know what I'm talking about --"

"-- Nova --"

"-- but since I don know, then --"

"November Rayne Smith. Stop talking, take a deep breath, and listen. Okay?" Mom cut in.

"Uh -- yeah, o-okay. Sounds cool.." I mumbled.

"As I was trying to say," Julienne unfolded her napkin and laid it onto her lap. "If you want I could just postpone the wedding until further notice. Give you two some time to get to know each other."

"No." I replied. She raised an eyebrow. "I mean, I don't want to put you through all Of that trouble, since you've spent so much time and money on it already."

"Oh, but it's really no problem at all, dear." She assured me.

"No, no. It's fine. I'll write my vows tonight, and I'll show them to you tomorrow and you can edit them or do whatever, just please. I don't want to put you, and all of the guests, through that. Okay?" I babbled on.

"Okay then. It's settled."

See, I don't get that. Earlier today, she flipped at the idea if changing the wedding date. And now? Now it's like she'll do anything to make the bride and groom happy.

Our food came shortly after. We are in silence, up until Julienne broke it once again.

"I'm surprised, really. I mean, even Michael already wrote his vows." She swallowed her food before she spoke, wiping the corners of her mouth with a napkin.

I almost choked on my food.

"Really?" I asked, disbelief seeping out of my tone.

"Yeah. I won't let you read them, so that it'll be a surprise tomorrow, but he wrote them. And they are just the sweetest things that I have just about ever read."



Wedding coming soon ;}

Be exciteeeeeeed


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