Chapter Eight

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A/N: so it's currently after eleven o'clock on Christmas Eve, and I'm tired as shit (sorry for language). But I already opened my presents since I'm at a hotel -.- I hope you all have a great Christmas, though, and this is my present to you! So, Merry Christmas!

*typed on my phone so please excuse mistakes, like I said, I'm at a hotel...*

|Michael Kingston|

I still can't believe that my parents are going through with this whole marriage thing. I mean, I'm glad, but only because they picked a decent girl, and I'll - and every other guy in our school would - admit it, November is gorgeous.

She just doesn't give herself enough credit.

And damn, it's annoying.

I'm just waiting for the moment that I walk in to school on Monday, only to see guys flirting with her, just so that I can tell them off and claim her as mine and mine only.

Maybe I will. Maybe.

But, right now, she's annoying the hell out of me.

"Hey, Michael?" November peered up at me, her big brown eyes watching me carefully.

"Hmm?" I responded, typing on my laptop.

"You don't actually think," she started, playing with the sleeve of my shirt. "You're not actually going to that party tonight, are you?"

Ahh, the party. It was currently Friday night, and earlier that day, November had overheard me getting invited to a party.

I sighed, my gaze flicking towards her, before returning to the screen of my laptop.

"Well, it may just be my last one, since I have responsibilities now," I flicked her forehead, causing her to glare at me. I shrugged, "So, I think I will go. I mean, I don't see a reason why I shouldn't.."

"Well.." she mumbled, backing away and sitting on the other end of the couch. "I don't want you to.."

A frustrate sigh left my lips as I slammed my laptop shut and placed it on the coffee table in front of me. "Well, November, I hate to break it to you, but you don't own me. So, I can do whatever I want, whenever I want."

My face softened for a millisecond, before going back when I saw her eyes water. "I never said I did.." she blinked rapidly, "I just..I wanted to get to know you a little better, you know? We are getting married in two days, after all."

"Well, then come with me! I don't care! just stop bugging me so much, you're getting on my fucking nerves!"

"I..." She looked at the floor, her chin quivering.

Don't feel bad, Michael.

But, she has a point..

"Hey," I spoke softly, placing a hand on her shoulder, causing her to flinch.

"What?" Her anger at me was clear in her voice.

"Please, come with me." Before she could protest, I kissed her forehead. "Please?"

She sighed, "Fine."

• • •

"I don't know what to tell you," I sighed, leaning back onto Nova's bed.

"Well, I would think you would," she snapped. "You've been to enough parties to know what girls wear there." She paused for a moment, "Or are you too busy taking their clothes off as quickly as you can, to the point where you can even tell what the whore is wearing?"


"November, you don't need to dress like a damn whore." I ran a hand through my hair.

"Why not?" She gave me an innocent look, "Those are the type you're into, aren't they?"

I can't believe I have to marry her.

I stood up from her bed, standing in front of her small frame. I placed a hand on her cheek, rubbing my thumb across her cold skin. I pulled her towards me, wrapping my arms around her shoulders. After a moment, I felt her arms wrap around my torso.

"Nova?" I sighed, placing my chin on the top of her head.

"Hmm?" She tightened her hold on me, fisting the back of my shirt into her hands.

"I'm sure you'll look great no matter how you dress."

And with that, I released my hold on her, and exited the room, leaving her dumbfounded.

• • •

|November Smith|

Have you ever been so frustrated at something, you just wish that it would I away, but at the same time, it's such a good feeling you never want to let go?

Yeah, me neither.

Well, that was before I met Michael and was forced to marry him.

Before, I would never go to a party, and now? I just finished getting ready for one.

I ended up in a pair of denim skinny jeans, a maroon blouse, and black flats. I left my straight hair down, my bangs pinned back.

The whole time I was getting ready, I had Michaels words floating through my mind.

I'm sure you'll look great no matter how you dress.



Their relationship is so confusing, even I can't keep up with it hahahahahahahahahahahahahah

I'm sorry for the sort-of-wait. oh, and thank you for getting me over 300 reads and 14 votes on this story! :) it may not seem like a lot to you, but it is to me, and it means a lot, so thanks.

You probably are confused about the authors note in the beginning of this chapter. well, if you haven't realized, Christmas is, and has been, over for a few days. I wrote the first half during Christmas, so yeah.

Sorry for the filler chapter!

To everyone reading this ridiculously long authors note: thank you for taking your time to read my ridiculous shit xD
If you read this, comment 'wedding'

PS - this was typed on my phone and not proofread, so sorry for mistakes but I'm too tired to go back and read it.

Love you all :)

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